blatham wrote:In our culture, there are Christian sects which read a particular passage in the bible literally (while quite ignoring a literal reading of other passages in the same book).
True, and I find a flaw in this behavior, beyond the selective adherence to this or that passage.
My admittedly limited understanding of the Christian faith teaches me that when Christ came along he in essence said, "forget the rules you had before, here are the new rules". By definition, Christians are supposed to look to the NEW TESTAMENT, the teachings of Christ, for how to be
Christ-like (which is what
Christian means, right?). Of course, there are plenty of useful parables and historical information in the Old Testament, but Christians aren't supposed to look there for the "how to" stuff. Right?
So, Christians pointing to passages in the Old Testament as a basis for their opinions or actions seems misguided to me.