Suddenly A Plethora Of Threads Become NSFW

Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2015 09:14 pm
Why do you try to water board every poster who has a different opinion ?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2015 09:17 pm
If you are capable and interested in interacting on an educated adult level you know where to find me.
Hahahahahaaa Very Happy Funny one Hawk ! Fancytesticle is here to practice her psyche torture techniques .
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Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2015 09:18 pm
They don't want to discuss, they want to be told how clever and inciteful their current opinion is

This claptrap they picked up someplace. Finding people that have both a modicum of intellectual capacity AND a desire to know the truth aint easy. I think more than anything else this is what we have lost at A2K.....most of those now here either are only interested in ******* around, or they are here to get their ass kissed....to get lied to about how brilliant they are.
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2015 09:21 pm
I was stunned how they railroaded you . You expressed the opinion that the legal age of consent should be lowered to 14 . That is what it is in Japan and many other countries . Will they go off to Japan to protest ? Not likely, that would be racist so they sit at home and tell you that you want to molest pre-teenage boys and girls . Lets be clear about this, they are mentally ill and will only get a voice on the internet .
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2015 09:32 pm
Of course, of course, you must be important, you seem like a very plugged in person. Its getting late, I hoped you remembered to DVD the Duggar special.

what a crock
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2015 09:33 pm
I was stunned how they railroaded you

you came around a few years too late to see the best of it I thought, but ya. I said that the law should be followed but the law is wrong and should be changed. I said that same thing about the definition of sexual assault. I say that there is truth and that we should try to know what it is. I say that fidelity to reality is more important than our fidelity to keeping the warm fuzzy feelings going. I say that I am here to talk about truth and ideas not make friends. All of which makes me an evil bastard who needs to be driven away or banned. But Robert has not followed through, and I am a smart stubborn Son of a bitch. And here we are.

The craziest thing I have seen is a relentless effort to convince me and others that I am stupid....as if I am not a guy with over five decades in the real would of success, relationships with a broad spectrum of people, with a couple decades of intense spiritual quest and a relentless appetite for books. Somehow I am told I was supposed to get the idea that some people behind Avatars here know me better than I do, better than the real people in my life, I was supposed to put my tail between my legs and and skitter away. Wow, talk about high fantasy!
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2015 09:38 pm
People when walking treat others with respect (generally) but put them in a car and they see an object getting in their way . Put them on the internet, and you get the mental illness we see here . They would like nothing better then be told how right they are, yet they pretend to be here to discuss . Morons .
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2015 09:48 pm
what????? Are you engaged to a 14 year old girl, or do you just crave legal access to adolescents???? AND you think other people are mentally ill?

You win, you actually turned my stomach. I hope both of you perverts let your friends and neighbors know you find little girls possible intimate playthings. For Christs sake, give their parents fair warning. If you don't, you don't have a hair, and are complete hypocrites. We all know you won't do this, you value being thought of as normal.
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2015 10:00 pm
Oh the indignation ! Of course old battle axes don't want competition from young women . Most female strategies are about putting down young women whilst endulging themselves in getting face lifts, breast implants, denying testosterone treatment for men, anti-wrinkle cream, wigs, the list goes on....

How many times did you put on lace underwear and lap dance someone to get them to talk during interrogation ? You are a sex maniac who cant handle competition . Why do you hate the Japanese so much ? Is it because you are a racist or because you are a complete loon ? Fancytesticle needs to get back to lap dancing . She's frustrated . Don't try your interrogation crap on me you hypocritical low life . I know what you did .
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2015 10:24 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
Re that post: the sentiment "he is not the greatest guy but I would not wish his affliction on anyone" should not be considered negative or negated at all, the fact that it is points to a problem with the other folks at A2K, not with me.

Who's playing thought police now? Your readers are free to do their own thinking about your writing, and to express their own opinions about its quality. The freedom of speech, of which you claim to be such a staunch defender, goes both ways.
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2015 10:46 pm
Doesn't the web have porn forums where the chicken hawks find like minded bald men who are turned by 9 year old girls and boys. Im puzzled about your issue with Japan, and I don't know what you cooked up re interrogations.

You sound sad, lonely and frightened.
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2015 11:02 pm
Cant read huh ?
But is Britain unusual in maintaining the age of consent at 16, and how does we compare to the rest of the world?

In Europe, countries who have the age of consent set at 16 include Cyprus, Finland, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, and Switzerland.

For Austria, Germany, Portugal and Italy it is 14, and in France, the Czech Republic, Denmark, and Greece it is 15.

Spain did have one of the lowest ages of consent on the continent at just 13, but recently agreed to raise this to 16.

Throughout the rest of the world, there are big variations.

In Bahrain, it is set at 21 for women who want to marry without their father's consent, while in nearby Saudi Arabia, all sex outside of marriage is illegal but there are no laws limiting the age at which you can get married.

In China, the age of consent is 14, in Iraq it is 18, while in Japan it is five years lower at 13.

The likes of Brazil, Peru, Paraguay, Ecuador and Colombia all have it set at 14.

And in some countries - such as Chile - the minimum age of consent is 14, but there are legal restrictions on sexual activities up to the age of 18, and homosexual sex is illegal before that age.

Australia's age of consent varies between 16 and 17 depending on which territory you are in, and the same goes for America where it ranges from 16 to 18 between different states.

In Angola, the age of consent is just 12.
Whats that ? There are other countries apart from the USA ? Didnt they teach you that in the NSA ?

How you must rage at other races for not doing what you want . What about Angola where the age of consent is 12 ? You dont count dem niggers ? You hate them so much ! Or is it just myself and Hawkeye who you hated already ? All those filthy foreigners, not trying to recognise the rights of old battleaxes like you to get laid . Too much competition from young healthy women with an intact libido, thats the problem !

And you want us to believe you were in the NSA and dont know about or carried out any interrogations ? What did you do, drive cars for them ? Perhaps you meant NASA, you know the one with all the astronaut/brain surgeons/nuclear physicists like you .

Perhaps you can tell us the website you go to in order to look at pre-pubescent girls...you just like to imagine kissing their sweet young faces dont you, you fg child molester .
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2015 11:05 pm
Thomas wrote:

hawkeye10 wrote:
Re that post: the sentiment "he is not the greatest guy but I would not wish his affliction on anyone" should not be considered negative or negated at all, the fact that it is points to a problem with the other folks at A2K, not with me.

Who's playing thought police now? Your readers are free to do their own thinking about your writing, and to express their own opinions about its quality. The freedom of speech, of which you claim to be such a staunch defender, goes both ways.

Likewise people are free to shout down speakers from the stage because they dont think that the speakers views should be heard. Where did you come up with the idea that people are never free to do the wrong thing? I never indicated that people should be prevented from voting down that post, I said that it was wrong to vote down that post, and it points to how cheap A2K has become. We used to have more intelligence and class. Yes I got attacked here for my ideas not long after arriving, both the mob attacking me and few people saying it was wrong happened, but we had a lot of good conversations going. I am looking at guys like you, who I know to be relatively open and smart playing A2K mostly for shits and grins now. What gives, are you pissed still that Robert did not make this place into Facebook 2.0? Are you having more fun on the Facebook A2K group and decided to work to kill this place off for spite?

I dont know what is going on in that pretty head of yours, but your actions are depressing and curious .
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2015 11:12 pm
You might have noticed that I dont argue for changing the AOC laws much anymore. I still believe that doing so would be the right thing, but I am less sure given how many brain dead and unmotivated young people I have seen these last years, most related to my business. And my kids report back to me that going off to university taught them how much differently they have been raised, and how much more smarts and work ethic they have than most of the Americans they meet at university (though the non citizen asians are a lot like them). Changing the AOC might have to wait till after we fix education and parenting ( or is the lack of spiritual schooling and linking back to previous generations the problem....cause baby that would suck!). I am thinking and reading for now, reconsidering the question. I would like to say that I am exploring the question with some of my fellow A2K members, but we are not up to the task.
Reply Thu 4 Jun, 2015 11:48 pm
Fancytesticle has no idea . Romeo was in his 20's and Juliet was 13 but to fancytesticle it is a story of filth and horror . It should be banned for promoting disgusting horrible painful sex between heterosexuals ! What is the world coming to ! The english speaking world's greatest love story and it is a degrading child molestation to our puritan torturer . It is easy to torture when you are hung up sexually, isnt it fancytesticle ? Still trying to convince everyone you werent involved in torture or knew about it or were trained in it ? I know you are lying if you try .

The main argument used by clowns like her is it will promote underage pregnancies . For the life of me, I cant see that argument going anywhere .
Reply Fri 5 Jun, 2015 12:06 am
The main argument used by clowns like her is it will promote underage pregnancies . For the life of me, I cant see that argument going anywhere .

The main argument I see is that they are not formed enough to be trusted, so the practice must be discouraged for as long as possible. I should add however that they tend to talk like they are in the Colin Powell school of life....dont go in till you are so ready that you could not be more ready. I reject that theory because life is never going to be risk free, nor would I want it to be. Those who try to make it so have no credibility with me because they are clearly delusional fucks.

However, I think the real reason is that they tend to think that young women/girls cant stand up to young males because males are superior, and so if we lowered the AOC females would be more likely to be abused than they are if they wait. I kinda doubt it, as the situation seems to be that the abuse runs 3/1 abuser being female in younger relationships.
Reply Fri 5 Jun, 2015 12:10 am
the abuse runs 3/1 abuser being female in younger relationships.
Shocked Oh I'm going to tell...you cant say anything bad about females or homosexuals ! They are a perfect being (s) ! It is those howwible nasti men ! Say the right things and this forum will love you .
Reply Fri 5 Jun, 2015 12:15 am
Saying the right thing is by definition claiming to have the right thoughts. A whole lot of totalitarian regimes would feel right at home in modern America, a fact that seems to escape almost all of my peers.
NSFW (view)
Reply Fri 5 Jun, 2015 01:00 am
Even more offensive than the fact that we have thought police is that they are constantly chasing fads, and that they rarely/never can argue that their dictates conform to the reality of the universe. They are after all chasing their utopias, trying to make the universe conform to their fantasies. And they are willing to dish out huge portions of pain and suffering in the attempt. After all of the grand failures at utopia building that we humans have suffered through these last 4 or 5 generations these jackboot assholes are still at it, trying to improve man by force because God failed to make us right.

Remember a few weeks ago when a Prof got in trouble for saying this

I am a professor at Duke University. Every Asian student has a very simple old American first name that symbolizes their desire for integration. Virtually every black has a strange new name that symbolizes their lack of desire for integration. The amount of Asian-white dating is enormous and so surely will be the intermarriage. Black-white dating is almost non-existent because of the ostracism by blacks of anyone who dates a white.

People fell all over themselves claiming that he should not have said it, and A lot said that he needs to be fired but almost no one said that what he said was wrong. Even professors at highly regarded schools cant speak truth if it violates the dictates of the thought police, that is where we are in America in 2015.

Asian Americans at Duke and nearby UNC Chapel Hill were quick to point out the myriad range of Asian-American experiences and to defy Hough’s attempt to set them up as “the Model Minority.” A public statement by 28 Asian-American faculty, staff and students called Hough’s characterizations “deeply misguided and fundamentally racist.” They rejected “Hough’s misuse of Asian-American experiences at large not only to berate African Americans and deny them racial justice but to uphold white supremacy.”

How a chaired professor with three Harvard degrees and 13 books to his credit can think such thoughts, let alone say them, is a mystery. Citizens from coast to coast have blasted Hough on Twitter and Facebook, and he’s been the subject of any number of indignation-feeding news stories. But among the things that have been overlooked are the number of Americans who quietly share his views and the necessity for taking them seriously. It may be that Hough, the ignorant college professor, still has something to teach us.


Here we are told the man said things that he should not have said, which makes him ignorant( Lets go over that again shall we: ignorance is not anymore the lack of understanding of reality, it is the lack of following the prescribed thoughts). We are however not illuminated on how what he said was wrong in fact , all that we are supposed to think about is that what he said was politically wrong and must be condemned. Gee, sounds a lot like Nazi Germany, Life under Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, North Korea and so on and so forth.

All Hough was saying is that Blacks dont act like they want America to be a melting pot, which seems pretty obvious. But he should not have pointed this out, in fact him doing so is SOOOOOO offensive that he should be fired. Drunk

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