Even more offensive than the fact that we have thought police is that they are constantly chasing fads, and that they rarely/never can argue that their dictates conform to the reality of the universe. They are after all chasing their utopias, trying to make the universe conform to their fantasies. And they are willing to dish out huge portions of pain and suffering in the attempt. After all of the grand failures at utopia building that we humans have suffered through these last 4 or 5 generations these jackboot assholes are still at it, trying to improve man by force because God failed to make us right.
Remember a few weeks ago when a Prof got in trouble for saying this
Quote:I am a professor at Duke University. Every Asian student has a very simple old American first name that symbolizes their desire for integration. Virtually every black has a strange new name that symbolizes their lack of desire for integration. The amount of Asian-white dating is enormous and so surely will be the intermarriage. Black-white dating is almost non-existent because of the ostracism by blacks of anyone who dates a white.
People fell all over themselves claiming that he should not have said it, and A lot said that he needs to be fired but almost no one said that what he said was wrong. Even professors at highly regarded schools cant speak truth if it violates the dictates of the thought police, that is where we are in America in 2015.
Quote:Asian Americans at Duke and nearby UNC Chapel Hill were quick to point out the myriad range of Asian-American experiences and to defy Hough’s attempt to set them up as “the Model Minority.” A public statement by 28 Asian-American faculty, staff and students called Hough’s characterizations “deeply misguided and fundamentally racist.” They rejected “Hough’s misuse of Asian-American experiences at large not only to berate African Americans and deny them racial justice but to uphold white supremacy.”
How a chaired professor with three Harvard degrees and 13 books to his credit can think such thoughts, let alone say them, is a mystery. Citizens from coast to coast have blasted Hough on Twitter and Facebook, and he’s been the subject of any number of indignation-feeding news stories. But among the things that have been overlooked are the number of Americans who quietly share his views and the necessity for taking them seriously. It may be that Hough, the ignorant college professor, still has something to teach us.
Here we are told the man said things that he should not have said, which makes him ignorant( Lets go over that again shall we: ignorance is not anymore the lack of understanding of reality, it is the lack of following the prescribed thoughts). We are however not illuminated on how what he said was wrong in fact , all that we are supposed to think about is that what he said was politically wrong and must be condemned. Gee, sounds a lot like Nazi Germany, Life under Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, North Korea and so on and so forth.
All Hough was saying is that Blacks dont act like they want America to be a melting pot, which seems pretty obvious. But he should not have pointed this out, in fact him doing so is SOOOOOO offensive that he should be fired.