Reply Wed 4 May, 2005 04:03 pm
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 09:19 am
"Pre-empting a tyrant consists of stopping him from hurting you more before he hurts you more. That is what we are attempting to do in Afghanistan and that is what we are attempting to do in Iraq

There are some, however, who think you must be seriously hurt or killed before you are allowed to protect yourself. The frightened wife must not get a restraining order against the man she knows will hurt or kill her until he actually does the deed. They are more concerned about the feelings of the young thug on the corner than they are about the fears of the driver who offends him when he locks the car door. The civil rights of the criminal are more important than the rights of innocent people to not be threatened by him. The rights of a terrorist to not be embarrassed or made uncomfortable are more important than the need of an innocent victim about to be beheaded. So, a pre-emptive strike against a country with a track record for terrorist acts and that is on the record as having intentions to hurt you must not be touched until they commit the act.

I bet people who think this way were taught never to throw the first punch in a fight too.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 09:24 am
Don't waster your time Steve, you are dealing with the clueless. Witness the snotty remarks of Fox, who thinks that she has a lock on wisdom, and retails the worn-out, simple-minded crap that the right is fond of using to describe the left--unpartriotic, cowards, wimps, etc.

It's not worth the effort, Boss.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 09:45 am
Setanta wrote:
Don't waster your time Steve, you are dealing with the clueless. Witness the snotty remarks of Fox, who thinks that she has a lock on wisdom, and retails the worn-out, simple-minded crap that the right is fond of using to describe the left--unpartriotic, cowards, wimps, etc. ...

"Don't waster your time Steve, you are dealing with the clueless. Witness the snotty remarks of Fox, who thinks that she has a lock on wisdom, and retails the worn-out, simple-minded crap that the right is fond of using to describe the left--unpartriotic, cowards, wimps, etc."
I say these remarks apply more to their author than they do to anyone else, especially: "who thinks that ...[he] has a lock on wisdom."
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 10:55 am
Just an observation - don't seem to me much actual thinkin' has been goin' on either way.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 01:31 pm
Another 50 or so people blown to pieces today.

Just look at that picture from RexRed. Then tell me it was a noble thing we did in invading that country.

I am willing to admit guilt, because I GODDAMMIT, supported the invasion.

But with hindsight it was WRONG and I was wrong.

I'm willing to hang my head in shame. Are you WARMONGERS?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 02:17 pm
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
Another 50 or so people blown to pieces today.
Just look at that picture from RexRed. Then tell me it was a noble thing we did in invading that country.
I am willing to admit guilt, because I GODDAMMIT, supported the invasion.
But with hindsight it was WRONG and I was wrong.
I'm willing to hang my head in shame. Are you WARMONGERS?

Who are the war mongers?

Yes, war is hell! Standing by and waiting to be murdered, then being murdered is hell too.

Al Qaeda was/is a self declared agressor against the US. The governments in whose countries al Qaeda was/is based are accomplices to this agressor. It is al Qaeda and the governments in whose countries al Qaeda was/is based that must be stopped in our own self-defense.

Nothing the Bush&Adm or the Blair&Adm intended or didn’t intend, said or didn’t say, conspired or didn't conspire, or otherwise did or didn’t do can change these facts. The truth of the existence or non-existence of ready-to-use "WMD" in Iraq, or of a "link" between Iraq and al Qaeda cannot change these facts.

Foxfyre wrote:
ican711nm wrote:
Pre-empting a tyrant consists of stopping him from hurting you more before he hurts you more. That is what we are attempting to do in Afghanistan and that is what we are attempting to do in Iraq

There are some, however, who think you must be seriously hurt or killed before you are allowed to protect yourself. The frightened wife must not get a restraining order against the man she knows will hurt or kill her until he actually does the deed. They are more concerned about the feelings of the young thug on the corner than they are about the fears of the driver who offends him when he locks the car door. The civil rights of the criminal are more important than the rights of innocent people to not be threatened by him. The rights of a terrorist to not be embarrassed or made uncomfortable are more important than the need of an innocent victim about to be beheaded. So, a pre-emptive strike against a country with a track record for terrorist acts and that is on the record as having intentions to hurt you must not be touched until they commit the act.

Suppose all but one of the reasons given by either Blair or Bush for invading Iraq was known by both to be the only actual valid reason. Would that one reason be sufficient for invading these two countries, if that one reason were:

The US invasion of Iraq and the US invasion of Afghanistan were both pre-emptive wars by both US and British govenment declarations, and by valid logic in order to prevent future murderers of US and British citizens. Al Qaeda declared war against Americans in four different fatwas in 1992, 1996, 1998, and 2004. These fatwas (except the 2004 fatwa) and the war they repeatedly declared were actually perpetrated against Americans prior to our invasions of Afghanistan in October 2001 and Iraq in March 2003.

The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States Report, i.e., The 9-11 Commission Report alleged, 8/21/2004 in CHAPTERS 1, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1: Before we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, al Qaeda et al perpetrated the following mass murders of Americans:
1. 2/1993 WTC in NYC--6 dead Americans;
2. 11/1995 Saudi National Guard Facility in Riyadh--5 dead Americans;
3. 6/1996 Khobar Towers in Dhahran--19 dead Americans;
4. 8/1998 American Embassy in Nairobi--12 dead Americans;
5. 12/2000 Destroyer Cole in Aden--17 dead Americans;
6. 9/11/2001 WTC in NYC, Pentagon, Pennsylvania Field--approximately 1500 dead Americans plus approximately 1500 dead non-Americans.

President Bush announced to the nation, Tuesday night, 9/11/2001, that our war was not only with the terrorists who have declared war on us, it is also with those governments that "harbor" terrorists. President Bush announced to the nation, to Congress and to the rest of the world, Thursday night, 9/20/2001, that our war was not only with the terrorists who have declared war on us, it is also with those governments that "support" terrorists.

The US subsequently attempted to pre-empt further attacks by al Qaeda and remove al Qaeda training bases and camps by invading and replacing the governments of Afghanistan and Iraq, because of the failures of the governments of Afghanistan and Iraq to remove al Qaeda training bases and camps from their respective countries.

The real objective (all the contrary political propaganda not withstanding) of the invasion of Afghanistan was removal of the al Qaeda training bases and camps in Afghanistan and the replacement of the Taliban regime with a government that would not allow al Qaeda bases and camps to be re-established in Afghanistan once the US left Afghanistan.

The real objective (all the contrary political propaganda not withstanding) of the invasion of Iraq was removal of the al Qaeda training bases and camps in Iraq and the replacement of the Saddam regime with a government that would not allow al Qaeda taining bases and camps to be re-established in Iraq once the US left Iraq.[/quote]

After both Bush and Blair voluntarily submit to public, satellite and cable, network-televised, one-hour spankings, would it be ok with eveyone, if we were to proceed to win in Iraq and Afghanistan by securing in those countries democracies of their people's own design?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 02:20 pm
No! Because OFFENSE ISN'T DEFENSE, and I don't care what you say about it, Ican, because spin won't make it so. We aren't on the defensive in Iraq. You need to realize that there are many, many other reasons that we are there besides AQ and Bin Laden (remember that fella?)

0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 02:21 pm
you are the warmonger ican

you and the people who say we did right and are doing right

you are guilty and have blood on your hands, the blood of the baby in that photograph

and so do I
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 02:41 pm
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
you are the warmonger ican
you and the people who say we did right and are doing right
you are guilty and have blood on your hands, the blood of the baby in that photograph
and so do I

I have the blood on my hands of those 3,000 who were murdered 9/11/2001, because I failed to at least attempt to persuade President Bush to attack both Afghanistan and Iraq ASAP (i.e., as soon as possible), after I learned of Clinton's failed efforts to stop al Qaeda training and al Qaeda murder. I too thought at the time, Clinton's efforts would succeed. I was a fool. "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me."

The blood of that baby is on neither of our hands. The blood of that baby is on the hands of those who murdered that baby with a car bomb. The BAQM (i.e., Baathist-al-Qaeda-Murderers) are the ones with that baby's blood on their hands.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 02:43 pm
All loss of life is tragic and all people of honor mourn the loss of every innocent. But for some perspective in justifiability, poke around at this site a bit:



And for some additional perspective:



Would a pre-emptive strike have been justified to have prevented this?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 02:51 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
No! Because OFFENSE ISN'T DEFENSE, and I don't care what you say about it, Ican, because spin won't make it so. We aren't on the defensive in Iraq. You need to realize that there are many, many other reasons that we are there besides AQ and Bin Laden (remember that fella?) Cycloptichorn


I favor being there for the same reasons Bush gave just after 9/11/2001. Any other reasons he or you or any one else gave after that are at best superfluous and at worst pure Bull Slop.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 02:52 pm
You are incorrect. The best defense is not an offense.

That's an empty platitude...

0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 03:11 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
You are incorrect. The best defense is not an offense. hat's an empty platitude... Cycloptichorn

What works works. What doesn't work doesn't work.

Talk to the French about their impregnable Maginot Line defense!
Talk to Chamberlain's ghost and the Czechovakian ghosts and the Jewish ghosts about "peace in our time."
Talk to Clinton about treating terrorism only as a crime and not even a just cause for extradition, much less a pre-emptive strike. Better yet read about Clinton's feelings on that topic as recorded by the 9/11 Commission.
Talk to the ghosts of those babies killed by the Taliban and Saddam regimes.

Alas, yes I know. You cannot talk to ghosts. How comforting to your conscience that must be. But I bet your subconscious knows as well as I do that your conscience can accurately deduce what those ghosts would say if you could talk to them.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 03:15 pm
Probably the same thing that the ghosts of mothers and daughters killed by American bombs and bullets in Iraq would say, don't you think?

You can't make a list of failed defenses and use that as a justification for the idea that defense doesn't work; not if you are interested in accuracy, anyways.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 03:31 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Probably the same thing that the ghosts of mothers and daughters killed by American bombs and bullets in Iraq would say, don't you think?

You can't make a list of failed defenses and use that as a justification for the idea that defense doesn't work; not if you are interested in accuracy, anyways. Cycloptichorn

The list is long and goes all the way back to so-called biblical times. (Does Jericho ring a bell?) I'd post them all, but I'z busier today than I thought I be. Rolling Eyes

Tell you what! Give me some examples where reliance on defense totally averted final defeat as opposed to merely postponed inevitable defeat. Oh yes, I already know. You'll get back to me in a minute.

Don't overlook what the much larger numbers of mothers and daughters killed by Saddam's and the BAQM bombs and bullets in Iraq would say. They'd rightfully rip us for not doing a much better more timely offensive job of removing Saddam and exterminating the BAQM.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 03:37 pm
No, they wouldn't. Dead is dead, no matter how you got there.

The instances you listed and the engagement that we are in are completely different; you are asking for evidence of how a defensive strategy totally averts final defeat, yet there is no evidence that this situation exists in the conflict we are fighting right now whatsoever. This isn't a classic war between armies. You are being dramatic and fudging the real situation in order to fit your preconcieved notion of offense/defense; we aren't at war with a traditional army, therefore, traditional examples mean nothing.

Offense isn't defense. The idea that it is, is ridiculous. If you feel it is neccessary that we engage in offensive action, that's one thing; but the two are the complete opposite of each other, definitionaly. Next you'll claim that Black, is, in Fact, White.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 11 May, 2005 04:00 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
... you are asking for evidence of how a defensive strategy totally averts final defeat, yet there is no evidence that this situation exists in the conflict we are fighting right now whatsoever.
you don't have any evidence of that
This isn't a classic war between armies.Where's your evidence that that is relevant to our survival? I asked you first! ... Cycloptichorn

Wow, that's great! Then we have zero cause to do anything about the BAQM that we think will work, since its a new situation and we have no evidence of what will work! And we had zero cause to do anything about 9/11, and the murders that preceeded (sic, not only that I'm fallible) it, that we thought would work, since that too was totally a new situation and we had no evidence of what would work there either! Ain't sophist semantics wonderful? Judgment??? Naaah!!!.......... Bah, humbug!

You are sounding like a centrist ...... err, like a helicopter. Laughing

I hope you make it to and through your next "annual inspection."
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 01:21 am
Killing innocents is never a good defense. That holds true for all humans; whether in a village or the world community. The police cannot go killing people on the basis that they are trying to kill a criminal, and it also holds true that one country's army cannot go to another country to kill it's innocent citizens because they have a Saddam or Osama in their midst.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 May, 2005 03:20 am
<Excuse the interruption ...>

Slimy & Slimier:


<Please carry on.>
0 Replies

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