Cycloptichorn wrote:Defending ourselves would consist of strengthening our borders (not done), strengthening our shipping (not done), strengthing our emergency response units (not done), strengthing our local and national guards (not done). Attacking a foreign country, killing thousands and thousands of people, potentially starting a civil war there, in order to remove a handful of terrorists from a base which may or may not have existed, is not defense.
It's amazing you can even twist things in your mind enough to see it that way. Cycloptichorn

Such self-delusion is mind blowing let alone mind twisting.
We lack the means and capability to do the things you cite, to prevent al Qaeda from murdering us. That kind of defense mentality has never worked for long. What has time and time again worked are offenses that disabled the murderers enough to prevent them from murdering again.
By the way, I bet that you in particular would not stand for the reductions in
your liberty that would be required to satisfactorily achieve adequate strengthening of our borders, adequate strengthening of our shipping, adequate strengthing of our emergency response units, adequate strengthing of our local and national guards, and adequate strengthening of our intelligence services.
Not only that I bet you would want someone else to pay your share of the
infinite increase in federal and state taxes necessary to pay for all that.
Let's see! What is one 300 millionth of an infinite number of dollars?