Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 03:38 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Offense isn't defense, and I don't care what you write, Ican, it never will be. Cycloptichorn

True! But let us not forget how many time the US has defended itself against tyrants by initiating an offense to conquer those tyrants in order to prevent them from subsequently tyrannizing us.

The French tried defense exclusively and it failed them in WWII (e.g., The Maginot Line). Clearly one doesn't drive off bullies without making it clear to the bullies via an offense that they will not survive to be bullies 'til another day.

Passive resistance worked for Ghandi because the British were not uncivilized enough to bully enough to murder the passive resistors enough.

Al Qaeda is uncivilized enough to bully enough to murder the passive resistors enough. So passive resistance ain't goin' ta work wid dat crowd.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 03:50 pm
You want to defeat terrorism? I got an idea: let's attack an innocent muslim country and take over their means of producing oil. That ought to do it.

Muslim terrorists the world over are sure to take notice of that.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 03:53 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Defending ourselves would consist of strengthening our borders (not done), strengthening our shipping (not done), strengthing our emergency response units (not done), strengthing our local and national guards (not done). Attacking a foreign country, killing thousands and thousands of people, potentially starting a civil war there, in order to remove a handful of terrorists from a base which may or may not have existed, is not defense.

It's amazing you can even twist things in your mind enough to see it that way. Cycloptichorn

Shocked Such self-delusion is mind blowing let alone mind twisting.

We lack the means and capability to do the things you cite, to prevent al Qaeda from murdering us. That kind of defense mentality has never worked for long. What has time and time again worked are offenses that disabled the murderers enough to prevent them from murdering again.

By the way, I bet that you in particular would not stand for the reductions in your liberty that would be required to satisfactorily achieve adequate strengthening of our borders, adequate strengthening of our shipping, adequate strengthing of our emergency response units, adequate strengthing of our local and national guards, and adequate strengthening of our intelligence services.

Not only that I bet you would want someone else to pay your share of the infinite increase in federal and state taxes necessary to pay for all that.

Let's see! What is one 300 millionth of an infinite number of dollars? Confused
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 03:54 pm
I swear, that boy just cracks me up . . . indeed, how many times has the United States lauched an offense to pre-empt a tyrant who threatened us? Well, let's see . . . there was, no, no, we started that one . . . well, there was . . . no, that doesn't count . . . uhm, maybe . . . no, that won't work either . . .

Damn, i'll have to get back to you on that one.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 04:00 pm
McTag wrote:
You want to defeat terrorism? I got an idea: let's attack an innocent muslim country and take over their means of producing oil. That ought to do it.

Muslim terrorists the world over are sure to take notice of that.

Iraq had invaded and annexed Kuwait, among other countries. It had promised in its surrender treaty in that war to furnish clear proof of destroying the WMD it had had (and intentionally used on civilians). If the WMD have been destroyed, as they appear to have been, Iraq could easily have supplied clear proof, but mysteriously never did. We had been trying to get them to abide by their surrender treaty for a dozen years. During the inspections, many incidents like this occurred:

13 Sep 1997 An Iraqi officer attacks an UNSCOM inspector on board an UNSCOM helicopter while the inspector was attempting to take photographs of unauthorized movement of Iraqi vehicles inside a site designated for inspection.


So, in what way were they innocent? All they had to do was show us a video of the WMD being destroyed and tell us where the remanants were, or any similar clear proof. This is what they had promised to do a dozen years before.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 04:03 pm
Setanta wrote:
I swear, that boy just cracks me up . . . indeed, how many times has the United States lauched an offense to pre-empt a tyrant who threatened us? Well, let's see . . . there was, no, no, we started that one . . . well, there was . . . no, that doesn't count . . . uhm, maybe . . . no, that won't work either . . . Damn, i'll have to get back to you on that one.

Well, young fella, let me help you out. Pre-empting a tyrant consists of stopping him from hurting you more before he hurts you more.

War of 1812. (Great Britain)
WWI. (Germany)
WWII. (Germany)
WWII. (Japan)

That's four and I didn't even mention the Barbary Pirates. OOPs! I just did, didn't I? Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 04:15 pm
Self-delusion knows no bounds does it . . . "Pre-empting a tyrant consists of stopping him from hurting you more before he hurts you more." Congratulations on your new promotion to Doyen of Words Mean Whatever I Say They Mean.

War of 1812, hmm, let's see. That would be George III, tyrrant? No, no, he was certifiable by then . . . must have been that bad old tyrrant, George, Prince Regent. Yeah, that's it, it was George, Prince Regent who did . . . exactly what do you contend old George was doing to us?

World War One, huh? Pre-emption two and a half years afte the war began? Kind of a stretch, ain't it? Ah well, at least we can easily identify the tyrrant who set upon us, Wilhelm, right? But wait, wasn't Franz Josef at fault there? But, then, he was dead by 1917. I guess we'll have to toss a coin and choose between ol' Willi and Karl.

World War II, huh? That sucker was a mess. Lessee, first the First Air Fleet attacked the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, and then ol' Adolf declared war on us. Hey, wait a minute . . . i don't think that last one counts.

Jeeze, you are the King of Making It Up as You Go Along . . .
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 04:53 pm
We lack the means and capability to do the things you cite, to prevent al Qaeda from murdering us.

= baseless assertion

= lack of understanding of the situation

0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 08:38 pm
False! I am not doing anything of the kind. I am trying to communicate the fact that whether or not Saddam possessed ready-to-use WMD and whether or not Blair and/or Bush lied about Saddam possessing ready-to-use WMD are allegations not relevant to my argument that we had a right to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. Whatever you choose to assume on those two subjects will have zero effect on the truth of my argument (which I have posted here repeatedly). Try me. Tell me what you would like me to assume about these two subjects. I'll comply.

ican, I was talking about pondering, discussing, debating. I heard a comment on Jim Lehrer's show tonight by someone who was lamenting the shouting heads on popular discussion shows, each side of which is "always right." He regretted that doubt is no longer seen, that "doubt used to be the province of the wise."

Whew. I wish I'd said that.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 09:02 pm
Setanta wrote:
Self-delusion knows no bounds does it . . . "Pre-empting a tyrant consists of stopping him from hurting you more before he hurts you more." Congratulations on your new promotion to Doyen of Words Mean Whatever I Say They Mean.

War of 1812, hmm, let's see. That would be George III, tyrrant? No, no, he was certifiable by then . . . must have been that bad old tyrrant, George, Prince Regent. Yeah, that's it, it was George, Prince Regent who did . . . exactly what do you contend old George was doing to us?

World War One, huh? Pre-emption two and a half years afte the war began? Kind of a stretch, ain't it? Ah well, at least we can easily identify the tyrrant who set upon us, Wilhelm, right? But wait, wasn't Franz Josef at fault there? But, then, he was dead by 1917. I guess we'll have to toss a coin and choose between ol' Willi and Karl.

World War II, huh? That sucker was a mess. Lessee, first the First Air Fleet attacked the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, and then ol' Adolf declared war on us. Hey, wait a minute . . . i don't think that last one counts.

Jeeze, you are the King of Making It Up as You Go Along . . .

Pre-empting a tyrant consists of stopping him from hurting you more before he hurts you more. That is what we are attempting to do in Afghanistan and that is what we are attempting to do in Iraq.

Also, that is what the US did in:
War of 1812;
WWI (Germany);
WWII (Japan);
WWII. (Germany).
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 09:21 pm
Kara wrote:
ican, I was talking about pondering, discussing, debating. I heard a comment on Jim Lehrer's show tonight by someone who was lamenting the shouting heads on popular discussion shows, each side of which is "always right." He regretted that doubt is no longer seen, that "doubt used to be the province of the wise."

Whew. I wish I'd said that.

In my signature in every one of my posts I say the equivalent of the samething:
I bet certainty is impossible and probability suffices to govern belief and action. One sees things from a much different perspective at an altitude of 45,000 feet.

I mean what I say and I say what I mean.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 2 May, 2005 11:32 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
McTag wrote:
You want to defeat terrorism? I got an idea: let's attack an innocent muslim country and take over their means of producing oil. That ought to do it.

Muslim terrorists the world over are sure to take notice of that.

Iraq had invaded and annexed Kuwait, among other countries. It had promised in its surrender treaty in that war to furnish clear proof of destroying the WMD it had had (and intentionally used on civilians). If the WMD have been destroyed, as they appear to have been, Iraq could easily have supplied clear proof, but mysteriously never did. We had been trying to get them to abide by their surrender treaty for a dozen years. During the inspections, many incidents like this occurred:

13 Sep 1997 An Iraqi officer attacks an UNSCOM inspector on board an UNSCOM helicopter while the inspector was attempting to take photographs of unauthorized movement of Iraqi vehicles inside a site designated for inspection.


So, in what way were they innocent? All they had to do was show us a video of the WMD being destroyed and tell us where the remanants were, or any similar clear proof. This is what they had promised to do a dozen years before.

A UNSCOM inspector was attacked by an Iraqi officer, you say? And then the US attacked Iraq? How is it that these events are linked by you?

Is the US somehow the executive arm of the UN? Of an organisation it has gone so far out of its way to denigrate and revile? I have a little problem with the cause and effect here.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 12:43 am
McTag wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
McTag wrote:
You want to defeat terrorism? I got an idea: let's attack an innocent muslim country and take over their means of producing oil. That ought to do it.

Muslim terrorists the world over are sure to take notice of that.

Iraq had invaded and annexed Kuwait, among other countries. It had promised in its surrender treaty in that war to furnish clear proof of destroying the WMD it had had (and intentionally used on civilians). If the WMD have been destroyed, as they appear to have been, Iraq could easily have supplied clear proof, but mysteriously never did. We had been trying to get them to abide by their surrender treaty for a dozen years. During the inspections, many incidents like this occurred:

13 Sep 1997 An Iraqi officer attacks an UNSCOM inspector on board an UNSCOM helicopter while the inspector was attempting to take photographs of unauthorized movement of Iraqi vehicles inside a site designated for inspection.


So, in what way were they innocent? All they had to do was show us a video of the WMD being destroyed and tell us where the remanants were, or any similar clear proof. This is what they had promised to do a dozen years before.

A UNSCOM inspector was attacked by an Iraqi officer, you say? And then the US attacked Iraq? How is it that these events are linked by you?

Is the US somehow the executive arm of the UN? Of an organisation it has gone so far out of its way to denigrate and revile? I have a little problem with the cause and effect here.

You have a little problem with following a single, linear train of thought too. My point is that the country we attacked was anything but innocent.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 01:28 am
You have a problem in credibly defending the indefensible.
Don't bother me with Ican-type bluster, buster.
The reasons given by Mr Bush and Mr Blair for the invasion were false, and the attack was a crime.

You seem to think you have a right to attack any country you deem not to be "innocent". Not so in law.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 05:22 am
McTag wrote:
ou seem to think you have a right to attack any country you deem not to be "innocent". Not so in law.

What law?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 05:28 am
You could start with the Old Testament, a very good place to start. Thou shalt not kill.

It is a basis for many a good legal system.

Tony Blair is sweating this week, because his bluff is being called.
Some of our generals may end up in the International Court to answer for their actions.
Alongside Milosevic and his minions.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 05:31 am
At over one thousand pages, this needs to be moved . . . so, while McT develops his rejoinder to O'George, everyone can move it over to this new thread . . .
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 05:41 am
McTag wrote:
You could start with the Old Testament, a very good place to start. Thou shalt not kill.

It is a basis for many a good legal system.

Tony Blair is sweating this week, because his bluff is being called.
Some of our generals may end up in the International Court to answer for their actions.
Alongside Milosevic and his minions.

The Old Testament isn't law.

You have provided a good encapsulation of why the International Criminal Court is a bad idea. and why the U.S. will continue to reject it and reject any attempt to apply it to our citizens.

Milsevic's trial before the U.N. court has so far been a farce. He is out of power only because the United States forced the reluctant Europeans to finally act to stop slaughter in their own neighborhood.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 05:45 am
Would you gentlemen be so good as to take it down the street, i've linked the new thread.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 3 May, 2005 07:41 am
Ican wrote:

"Pre-empting a tyrant consists of stopping him from hurting you more before he hurts you more. That is what we are attempting to do in Afghanistan and that is what we are attempting to do in Iraq.

Also, that is what the US did in:
War of 1812;
WWI (Germany);
WWII (Japan);
WWII. (Germany)."

Which explains a great deal.
0 Replies

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