You are making a very one sided (and short-sighted) argument.
1. There have been
some negative impacts of
some uses of
some artificial pesticides. We agree on this. If a pesticide is causing a harm that outweighs the benefit, then we should stop using it.
2. Modern human beings depend on articial pesticides. There are 7 billion of us, and we now think that famine is unacceptable. We need the security and productivity that modern technology gives us.
1000 years ago there were horrible famines. Some of them were caused by insect pests... and even those that weren't would have been helped by the higher yields provided by modern technology including artificial pesticides. When a famine struck, lots of people died with nothing that anyone could do about it.
For the first time in human history, we have the ability to ensure that no one dies of famine (and right now, the only people who are dying of famine are in a war zone. This is a different problem altogether).
The problem is that modern human beings don't accept people dying of famine. That is one reason we rely on modern technology.