Quote:Hightor's post was well receices. Annointed was thumbed down.
Grow up, FFS.
"Well received" – yeah,
two people (as I write this) were glad to see it posted and I suspect they are people who are interested in this information and can separate the necessary information from the hyperbole. "Annointed was thumbed down" – yes he was. By a total of
three people. And that's because he repeatedly posts scripture and is incapable of discussing anything which isn't derived from the christianist bible. His post added nothing to the discussion.
Quote:These two posts have the same message.
No they don't. One is about the human tendency to value short term gain over a strategic planning for the long term. The other is eschatology, concerned about a very different sort of "end times".
Hightor's jeremiad says that because of man's wickedness, humanity and life on earth will be destroyed.
First thing, it's not "my jeremiad", it's an article by Umair Haque, who writes about current events. He provides reasons for his arguments, reasons which can be adapted by readers to use in their conversations and communications about the consequences of climate change.
He does not mention anything about "wickedness". The two verses Annointed quotes are devoid of science and mention man's "wickedness" and a god's "fury".
Quote:To suggest the end of human civilization or life on earth is not science...
It's not meant to be read as a scientific study; it's an article which reflects the author's concerns for the future of life on this planet. Which is why I included it here. I never said that I would post scientific studies exclusively.