What Hightor is doing is interesting.
1. He is starting with an ideological point to make.
2. He is using Google (or some other way to find articles) to support his viewpoint.
3. He is either missing or ignoring any articles that contradict his opinion.
Science is useful precisely because
it has the ability to challenge your preexisting beliefs Science is objective, when facts from experiments or observation contradict your ideological narrative it is especially useful.
If all science does is reinforces or strengthens your ideological beliefs, you are doing it wrong. Some proportion of the time, you should find that the facts contradict your poltical narrative. If they don't then you have a problem in your thinking.
I did a quick search for "fish adapt climate change". The first article I found was a Scientific American article on how species of fish were, infact, evoloving to adapt to climate chante.
Of course both articles are valid. Reality is complex, real facts have a messy interaction that doesn't lend to easy narratives. A political ideology is simple and clean and doesn't require much thought... which is why many people prefer political ideology to actual science.