Excellent article. It said, in part:
"It is human beings in general. Most of us simply cannot get our minds around an existential peril that is so enormous. Instead, we expend our angst and mental energy on transitory issues, like whether Donald Trump will be president again in a few months or a few years."
This is the human condition. When people were being decimated by cholera, tuberculosis, consumption, pneumonia, measles, etc., in the 19th Century, doctors, nurses and other hospital staff weren't washing their hands.
"During the course of one of his autopsies, Kolletschka's finger was nicked by a scalpel by a medical student, according to some accounts. Kolletschka soon developed signs of infection, then fever, delirium, sepsis; and soon after, he died. His colleague, a certain Dr. Semmelweis " instituted a new policy that forced doctors to wash their hands in a chlorine solution between their work at the morgue and obstetrics ward duties.
And this, says Obenchain, is where (his colleague) Semmelweis went beyond any other scientists trying to tackle this problem at the time: not only did he revolutionize thinking about childbed fever — correctly diagnosing the source of the infection and its mode of transmission — but he also came up with a solution that worked.
The meticulously recorded data and graphs are striking: after the washing step was implemented, the number of infections and deaths in Division 1 plummeted.
It's perhaps shocking to contemplate today, but in the mid-nineteenth century, doctors were routinely performing autopsies and then examining mothers or delivering babies — all without washing their hands."
This was written about mid-19th Century England, and it wasn't until 1912 that sanitation became accepted.
Same thing, different issue.
In short, I don't think humans have the mental bandwidth to confront change quickly or easily.
And here we have
another global pandemic where millions of people have died - in every corner of the planet, and there are anti-vaxxers, anti-maskers, anti-government, anti-everything people out there screaming, shouting and protesting that Bill Gates created the coronavirus, there's a chip in it that will control or kill you, and all kinds of other crazy conspiracy theories.
Why is humankind so stupid or blind and deaf?