Which whole house system should I buy?

Tue 24 May, 2011 02:40 am
Well, I'm glad I found this website, it stopped me from spending $8,350 on
a whole-house platinum RainSoft system (EC4 Water Conditioner system, Ultrefiner RO Filtration System
and Airmaster Ultra Air Purification system). I was going to buy it, but seeing a lot of
mixed reviews and comments made me think that I should do some research.

I felt a bit rushed into buying the system... I mean, I literally had no time to even think
much. Every good question I asked he would not answer, or pitch a fake answser... examples:

-He told me that if I go with his company's credit line I would pay around $167 a month... It
took me around four to five tries to find out what the interest rate was -- which was 17%...
INSANE! And he was like, "NO, IT'S GREAT!"

-I asked him why I should buy his system and not some other company's and he would bash other
companies, saying that they don't filter everything... however, when I asked what his sytem would
filter that other systems wouldn't, he would reference industrial zones and other areas, except
where I live. So I never got a straight answer. He clearly did not know what impurities I need
to get rid off, he just threw out all the ones he knew.

-I asked what is not covered by the warranty over a dozen times during the three hours... never
got an answer to that.

He was trying to pitch the free 5-year supply of house supplies, that somehow would save me over
$5,000.... I spend... what, maybe around $80 every 6 months on that stuff, if that.

I did like the demo and what the system did and I always wanted it, especially because I have heard
a lot from other people in the area that our water is one of the worst.

The salesman said that my water has 12 grains of "crap." The impurity level was .243 or something along
those lines (did not see the numbers clearly on his tester.)

But I just didn't want to make another rushed purchase in my life... I've already paid a sticker price
on my vehicle, got rushed into buying $5,000 set of pots and pans and got rushed into making a mistake
with becoming a DirectTV customer.... so, that's why I picked up my phone and did an interest serch.
Lucky for me I found this website.

Another thing that concerned me is that their website does not have pricing on their products.... makes
me think that they try to get what they can out of you and prices are flexible.

The sales person had actually the nerve to assume my financial situation. Saying that I'm doing well
and that I have an excellent credit history and that it will be a little thing for me that I can afford
like it's nothing. (Must've been by the way my home looked... but trust me, it took a lot of hard work
loss of sleep).

I actually signed most of the paperwork before he almost left and then I told him I needed more time to
research and I felt rushed... that pissed him off, I could tell, heh I just had time to think about it
when he had to go to his car to grab more paperwork.

Thanks to this website I've learned so far that:

-It's over-priced.
-Customer service is not that great after the purchase.
-Yes, it's a life time warranty... on parts, not labor.
-Some of the cheaper systems perform the same.

However, my questions are:

-What is a good price for a whole-house system.
-Taking the price into account, the maintnance costs and the warranty,
what are some of the good systems?
-I don't know much about whole-house water filtration, and after reading online,
it seems that my little water filters on faucets don't do much.
-Should I contact the local water utility company and ask them for a water test?

Point is... I do want a whole-house system, because the water is known to be heavy
in the area and I've read a lot of comments by people that these systems (whether expensive
or not) do make a difference. So, instead of just tossing over $8,000 on something
that might be "crap," what is a good system to spend money on? Something that will
last and will trully worth the money? I know there are a lot of posts; however, a lot of
them might be out-dated, so I'd like to get an updated outlook on things. I have a girl on the way and
I'd like to provide the best possible living conditions for her and my wife. On top of things I have
chronic dry skin problems which my current water only makes worse.

BTW, I live in San Bernardino County, CA.

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Tue 24 May, 2011 02:09 pm
So after a lot reading around it appears that a lot of these under-the-sink reverse osmosis systems don't get rid of the bacteria and on top of that don't get rid of the salt which is introduced by the water softener systems.

Another option is to go with a water distiller system. Does anyone know much about those? Seem to make more sense... I just don't know what companies are good and reputable out there.

Also, has anyone heard anything about the UV systems?
Wed 25 May, 2011 04:37 am
So, I get a call last night from the salesman. He told me that they got a commercial grade system, similar to the one he was talking about, with more media in it that was designed for a business that moved. He told me that I can have the whole system with the reverse osmosis and air for $6,999.... Let's see how many more times they're going to call me.
Wed 25 May, 2011 04:32 pm
Don't fall for the 'drop close', you can do better for less than the $7K quoted.
12 GPG is HARD water, but not terrible.
A metered 36K capacity softener will do the job and a 12 GPD distiller will make salt free bacteria
free drinking water, just run it through a Multi-Pure solid carbon block post filter for better taste.

I like softeners with Fleck 2510 SXT control valves.
Fri 27 May, 2011 01:10 pm
What does a control valve do exactly?

Also... so your recommendation is to have a salt-based softener at the point of entry with a multi-pure solid carbon block post filter after that and a distiller at the point of use? Or should the carbon block post filter be after the distiller?
Fri 27 May, 2011 03:35 pm
The valve automatically controls the flow of water for backwash, brine, fast rinse, brine make-up.

POE: Metered softener
POU: Distiller that pumps water through a Multi-Pure right before
it goes to the ice maker and dedicated drinking water faucet.

Sat 28 May, 2011 10:01 pm
Ohh Dolfyn, I've read a lot of good stuff about them.

What would you recommend for a metered softener and a multi-pure filter? Our water requirements are for 2 adults and 1 upcoming kid... eventually a total of 4 people in the coming years.

I noticed that those distillers use carbon post-filter cup, is that same at the multi-pure?
Sun 29 May, 2011 06:17 am
I omit the carbon cup and use and in-line Multi-Pure filter as my distillers post filter.
My system is about 20 years old and running 100%, your growing family will be protected for many years.

I put metered Fleck 2510 STX control valve on the softeners I install.
My softener has the older metered 2510 SE valve and it's also working 100%.
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Mon 4 Aug, 2014 09:58 pm
i paid around 5k for a dupure whole home system with the reverse osmosisvhe . I really have enjoyed my system . i shopped around and dupure was the best deal out there . I live in Dallas Tx
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Thu 21 Apr, 2016 10:41 pm
Our home was built in 1921 in the city of Grand Rapids, MI. We bought it and moved in in Jan 2003. One month later we received a call from Rainsoft asking if they could come out and speak to us about our water. I told my husband "they just want to sell us something." But he wanted to hear what they had to say so we scheduled an appt for the next Friday. At that time, we had a MultiPure solid carbon filter unit sitting on our counter hooked up to our faucet for our drinking water. I thought we were doing just fine.
Since we live in the city, I assumed we had soft water. My daughter lives in the country, same county, and had water so hard that her toilet bowls were Crayola orange everyday if she didn't scrub them. Ours never had even a hint of orange. She has a water softener in her home now and you can taste the salt in her drinking water. Plus my soap won't even lather at her house.
Friday came and so did the salesman. He said he was going to test our water to see how hard it was. He took out 3 empty vials from his kit. He filled the first one with water from our tap, added a drop of yellow dye so we would be able to see changes in the water, put a cap on it, shook it, and set it up in our kitchen window. He did the same thing with our Multi Pure water. Then he took out his mini Rainsoft hardwater purifier. He pushed it onto our faucet and filled the third vial through a little plastic tube connected to his RS purifier, repeating all the steps he did with the other two vials. Now there were three vials of yellow water sitting in our kitchen window.
He sat down in a kitchen chair with his back to the window. He began to talk about hard water and all the negative things that happen when you have it in your home. He talked about dry skin, the extra cost for laundry detergent, dishwasher detergent, cleansers for walls, floors, counters, the bathrooms, the stove and anything greasy. Now he had my attention. When we moved in, we discovered that the previous owners had left us a nasty mess all through the house. The worst was the kitchen stove. There wasn't one-half square inch from the top of the stove, across the burners, down the entire plastic front to the floor that wasn't covered in large hard drops of grease splatter. The 5 plastic knobs had been scrubbed, soaked, dishwashered, and still they were covered in grease after a month of trying to clean them. I was ready to throw them away and buy new ones.
The vials had my attention, too. I could see that some white lumpy things were forming in the first 2 vials placed on the window sill. The third vial was still just clear yellow water.
He asked if we liked to drink a hot beverage. We both said yes to instant coffee. Then he asked if we had a small saucepan he could use to heat water for our coffee. I gave him one. He said, "First I need to wash out your pan because it still has soap scum in it that doesn't get rinsed out when you have hard water. The same goes for anything that comes out of your dishwasher. It's still covered in soap scum." Yuk! His mini RS purifier was still hooked up to our faucet so he turned it on, let water run into the saucepan, and a foam began to form. It was from the soap scum. Then he washed out 3 cups and 3 spoons. He filled the clean saucepan with water through his RS purifier and heated it. We each made our own cup of coffee from the products we like to drink. He asked us to taste it and tell him what we thought. I said, "It doesn't feel like the bumps are being scraped off my tongue. I've never noticed that about a cup of coffee until just now. The coffee tastes very smooth and clean." I don't remember what my husband said. This was our saucepan, our cups, spoons, and coffee. But, it was his Rainsoft filtered water. That's why it felt different on my tongue and tasted clean. After the hot coffee, we each had a cup of cold water. It tasted great! I washed my hands with our usual bar of NO color and No fragrance soap that we order from a real soap company for our office and home. It actually lathered instantly. It never did that before.
By now the first 2 vials in the window were pretty full of white clumps. The third vial was still clear yellow water. Now I asked him, "Why?" He said, "The first 2 vials contain hard water." I said, "But the second one has water in it from our Multi Pure filter." He said, "Your Multi Pure filter does filter out microscopic water bugs, however, it does not filter out hard water!" Well, we could see it in the window with our own eyes and we had tasted the difference between soap-scum filled cups and clean cups filled with soft water. Plus our real soap lathered with Rainsoft water. My husband signed a contract for about $5700 and the next morning a young man arrived with new copper pipes, our new Rainsoft tanks, equipment for RO water at our kitchen sink, and plastic tubing to lead the bead cleaning water across the basement to our laundry soak sink so the salt used to clean the beads goes down the drain to the sewer. That's one of the differences between Rainsoft and other companies. Rainsoft uses the salt to clean the beads that filter the water, however, the salt NEVER enters the home's water system. It is directed straight to the drain. Our system has been programmed to clean the beads at 1:30A everyday because no one is using water at that time of the morning. In the summertime our entire backyard is transformed into an organic garden. I water my garden with Rainsoft water, too. Every water faucet in and out of our home emits Rainsoft water. How marvelous!!!
We thoroughly enjoyed the boxes of products they provided us with. Now we use our own choice. Actually, we use 1/4 of the detergent recommended for each load of laundry. Any more than that requires a second rinsing.
No fabric sheets or softener are ever needed. Everything comes out of the dryer plump and fluffy and soft because of the soft water.
Now, if there is grease on the stove, I can wipe it off with a damp piece of paper towel. No soap is even required. That's how great our water is!
I can clean anything in our home, walls, sinks, etc. with our bar of plain soap.
I'm a Chaz Dean Wen girl. I use just 3 pumps of cleansing conditioner to clean my short hair.
We just had a new tub/shower enclosure and fixtures installed. The new large and very large rainforest shower heads combined with our Rainsoft water make showering feel like a little bit of heaven.
We've never had to have anything repaired in 13 years of use.
Even now, after 13 years, I still occasionally thank my husband for the Rainsoft water and tell him it's the best investment we've ever made. I cannot say enough nice things about the Rainsoft water equipment and the people we dealt with. As far as we are concerned, Rainsoft is the best water conditioner company on the market. Stay away from water softener companies.
Sun 3 Dec, 2017 03:05 am
@Timmy and bkboggy
I rarely reply to website comments but your post deserves a reply. I bought my house 23 yrs ago and 2 month after moving in I bought a Rainsoft Q2, 30,000 grain water softener. I'm a mechanical engineer, I work with industrial water softeners, and I new the importance of having one in a city like mine, were 100% of the water is well water which is very hard. It's great drinking water, but horrible for washing. I paid around $3,600 back then for my system, and I bought the Rev Osmosis system just like you, and received all the perks as well, like detergents, soap etc. I hope the salesman who came to your house to do the presentation of the Rainsoft system, washed your dishes and windows, just like mine did, LOL. So you seem like a nice lady, and I'm glad you had a good experience with Rainsoft. However I'm very sorry to tell you, that I have been screwed by Rainsoft ROYALLY!!! Rainsoft has an excellent sales/SCAMING team of people who come to your house and convince ignorant fellows that it is a state of the art, God's gift to humanity system, and actually, as I found out soon enough it's nothing but a PIECE OF TRASH!!! I As I was saying in the beginning, I'm taking care of industrial systems, I have an engineering degree, I remodeled my house and built two additional bathrooms all by myself, and I'm a pretty handy and smart guy. Within a few years after constantly fixing and repairing and maintaining this piece of trash RainFART system, I finally gave up on it, and made peace using hard water. Back then by the way, when I bought mine, it was still Lifetime warranty, but when I needed replacements parts they charged me for them!! Go figure!!! So dkboggy I wish I had a wisdom you had of not giving in to the pressure, and be rushed to buy a Rainsoft. They kept telling me that 20% discount was only if I signed that day. So I ended up being SCREWED, BLUED AND TATTOOED! When you hear Rainsoft RUN!!!
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