@Robert Gentel,
when Dupont invented the prmacep process which is the basis for desal, the industry was forcing its customers to adopt unit diameter RO tube (they were from 6 to 8" in diameter) and they were very expensive to operate. The Israelis, ever th "fixers" took permacep off line and futzed with these tubes and just by screwing with the diameters (They increased the D's to 16 to 20 inches), they found that they could drop the energy costs so that it only costs about 1$ per thousand gal of finished water to produce from raw sea water.
Normal treated surface nd ground water in use in the eastern US is about 7$ a thousand gal (wholesale). Most customers pay aboput 12 to 15$ a thousand gallons
There is no longerany bullshit reason NOT to adopt desal for other desrtified areas of the world , like Australia, the horn of Africa or The San juaquin Valley.
Deserts can truly bloom is technology od boosted rather than stifled.
Theyev also come up ith new nno thick Osmotic membranes (a few atoms thick which further reduces energy costs. I dont think these are on line yet.
Israel was the Air Force that improved the F 11 Eagles by putting in a "rear view mirror" in the ples cock[it. (Or at least thats what was told by n Israeli Engineer)
They also kept the wings of F16's from falling off by putting in prforattions along the fuselage at the wing attachments points.