Making Fun of the Clown Car of Republican Candidates

Reply Wed 29 Jul, 2015 08:40 pm
So your point is what? You prefer hyperbole to facts? You are out of touch with reality?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Aug, 2015 04:19 pm
This guy is not a pres candidate, but he is worthy. Laughing

Republican state senator set up a GoFundMe account to solve Alabama's budget issues

Alabama state Senator Paul Sanford just made a name for himself. That name is Super Awesome At Economics Guy. Yes, that name is too long. Yes, it doesn't exactly roll off of the tongue. Yes, it seems like I could have put a little more thought into it. Unfortunately, state Sen. Sanford seems to have put in less time trying to figure out how to solve Alabama's financial shortfalls. Here's his GoFundMe page.
The State of Alabama is experiencing tight financial times and needs your help. Legislators are debating possible financial solutions but are finding that Raising Taxes are not wanted by the citizens of Alabama. Rather than have the Government come after your hard earned money you can now send an amount that fits your budget, even request where your money be used.
You can determine what functions of Government are a priority to you.

That's the mall government, bootstraps all over the place, kind of gumption and ****-kicking we all have come to expect from the previously unknown Sanford. So far, the big donors have asked for their money to go to the Education Trust Fund. Some choice comments:
Tiger Lily 1 day ago
I see a lot of GoFundMe and other crowdsourcing requests. They are usually for disabled children or adults to cover moving, transportation or medical expenses. Sometimes people will be asking for help with a funeral, a new invention, or a short film. The state of Alabama has already taken 30 years of taxes from my paychecks, including 10 years of an unconstitutional "occupational tax" ... therefore I will not be donating to them... after all, I will still probably be denied access to healthcare or Planned Parenthood as a low-income woman. Since the Legislature doesn't want to do their jobs, legalize cannabis and/or gambling, or find ANY other answer, they should design a logo that say "MY STATE IS BACKWARD" for a T-Spring campaign. That way the donors could at least say they got a lousy T-shirt.

Ouch, state Sen. Sanford. Ouch.
Katerra Martin 33 1 day ago
Don't like seeing your state government begging for money on a site created for people in real need? Next year, vote Democratic.

That is exactly true. But we are missing state Sen. Sanford's point:
Paul L. Sanford 11 1 day ago
I do appreciate the comments but please realize this was to prove a point that most people do not want to pay more taxes but are for taxes when the other guy is to be taxed. Also, even the few donations that have been received reflect our ability to budget State functions (earmarked for education a rate of 8 to 2 (education to other govt services). It is easy to get support for education but not so easy for he remaining rolls of Government.

I guess the other guy is the rich guy. Maybe Alabama could tamp down their racism enough to let the backbone of their economy back into the state?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Aug, 2015 08:37 pm
Trump may not be first to drop out.

DECISION 2016: Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry has stopped paying his 2016 presidential campaign's staff in the key early primary state of South Carolina, amid flagging poling numbers and sluggish fundraising. ‪#‎KPRC2‬
Do you think this is the beginning of the end of Perry's presidential campaign?
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 11 Aug, 2015 03:34 am
edgarblythe wrote:

Trump may not be first to drop out.

DECISION 2016: Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry has stopped paying his 2016 presidential campaign's staff in the key early primary state of South Carolina, amid flagging poling numbers and sluggish fundraising. ‪#‎KPRC2‬
Do you think this is the beginning of the end of Perry's presidential campaign?

In my opinion, the "beginning of the end" of the Perry campaign was when he announced he was going to run.
Reply Tue 11 Aug, 2015 03:57 am
@Frank Apisa,
Agreed....Perry was never going to get another look. He is one of the people who you have to wonder if they were too stupid to know that this is a lost cause, or are they in the race for some other reason than winning.
Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 11 Aug, 2015 04:05 am
He is not especially bright, Hawk, but I think you are correct that he may have other motives in mind.

Maybe looking for a bigger payday in the business world...or maybe just massaging a super ego.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Aug, 2015 05:28 am
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Reply Sun 16 Aug, 2015 10:56 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Aug, 2015 09:19 am
Kasich, who I once thought was one of the more sane candidates comes out today with a solution to help teachers and education. Do away with teachers' lounges.

“There’s a constant negative … They’re going to take your benefits. They’re going to take your pay,” Kasich told former CNN anchor Campbell Brown, whose advocacy news site “The 74 million” hosted the forum along with the American Federation for Children.

“If I were, not president, if I were king in America, I would abolish all teachers’ lounges where they sit together and worry about ‘woe is us’,” Kasich told Brown.

Yeah, force them to worry in solitude. Whatever you do, don't do something to address their concerns.
Reply Sun 23 Aug, 2015 09:27 pm
engineer wrote:

Kasich, who I once thought was one of the more sane candidates comes out today with a solution to help teachers and education. Do away with teachers' lounges.

“There’s a constant negative … They’re going to take your benefits. They’re going to take your pay,” Kasich told former CNN anchor Campbell Brown, whose advocacy news site “The 74 million” hosted the forum along with the American Federation for Children.

“If I were, not president, if I were king in America, I would abolish all teachers’ lounges where they sit together and worry about ‘woe is us’,” Kasich told Brown.

Yeah, force

them to worry in solitude. Whatever you do, don't do something to address their concerns.

You missed the meaning...."We pay these people good money, we give them often nice buildings and work environments with tons of support, and all these motherfuckers do is bitch that they dont get enough. Fine, lets give them less, hopefully with no lounge to push their liberal agenda in they will get back to their JOBS...which they pretty well suck at most of the time. "

Translation courtesy of HAWEYE10
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2015 06:17 am
I didn't miss the meaning, I just disagree. You describe teachers saying "they pretty well suck at most of the time." That is 180 out from my experience with the public school system. I find that most teachers are excellent with a few less than stellar examples. You say "we pay these people good money". Not around here. Teachers in NC were not given pay raises from 2009-2013. The starting salary for a teacher in NC coming out of school with a four year degree is $30,778. Given that the median household income in the US is $51,939, I really can't see a teacher thinking about graduating and starting a family. I Googled "Sanitation Worker Salary" and got a starting salary of $33,746. Heaven forbid teachers get together to complain that the people who educate our children are paid less than those who take out our trash.
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2015 06:30 am
my mother started teaching (in Canada) before you needed a university degree, not having a degree did affect her earnings, but she taught for 35 years, retired at 54 (almost 30 years ago now) and still makes about $3,000 more than the teacher you quote, if she'd waited about 5 more years to retire, she would have got a bump in her wages and hence pension as they decided to equalise the wages between the older non university and newer teachers, she was on a trip to the states a few years after she retired and got talking to a teacher from southern Ohio, this woman had been teaching for about twenty years and was making much less than my mothers pension, and worked a summer job to supplement her income
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Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2015 01:10 pm
engineer wrote:

I didn't miss the meaning, I just disagree. You describe teachers saying "they pretty well suck at most of the time." That is 180 out from my experience with the public school system. I find that most teachers are excellent with a few less than stellar examples. You say "we pay these people good money". Not around here. Teachers in NC were not given pay raises from 2009-2013. The starting salary for a teacher in NC coming out of school with a four year degree is $30,778. Given that the median household income in the US is $51,939, I really can't see a teacher thinking about graduating and starting a family. I Googled "Sanitation Worker Salary" and got a starting salary of $33,746. Heaven forbid teachers get together to complain that the people who educate our children are paid less than those who take out our trash.

You are right on the button, Engineer...but some people are tone deaf to the truth in matters like this. I think Hawk is such a person.
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2015 01:18 pm
@Frank Apisa,
I proved a couple of years ago that the average cost of employment per teacher is around $75,000. And the consensus is that our schools suck anyways. The Teachers are a ripe target for the GOP to go after, and they do.

I was not expressing a personal view, I was decoding Right Speak for the benefit of all of the Lefties here who continue to be flummoxed by the amount of support that the GOP gets from the people.
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2015 06:03 pm
I proved a couple of years ago that the average cost of employment per teacher is around $75,000

What does that prove? The average cost of an employee paid $7.50 is probably over $15. All we are seeing hawk, is you promoting a warped world view.

Compensation is hardly the same thing as cost. The average compensation isn't even close to $75K and only one state even has an average salary of $75K.


Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2015 09:52 pm
Compensation is hardly the same thing as cost.

as a taxpayer what I care about is getting value for my money, so the cost of each teacher is what I care about, not what they take home. And the teachers run the same scam as most government workers do, they take less of their compensation in pay than private workers and more in deferred income and benefits. It is a way of masking how much the taxpayers are paying for their services, and our politicians are complicit.
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2015 10:06 pm
If Trump promises to send you solid gold toilets, please vote for him, he can class up your abode. The rest of us are concerned about the quality of education, not the nutrition in fast food stores or how the 'ball gag' aficionados are spending there golden years.
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2015 10:24 pm
The rest of us are concerned about the quality of education,

We have been distressed about the quality of education for 50 fifty years, we have endless expensive reform programs, we spend way more on yearly operations than we used to, we have gobs of high priced employees and contractors running around, we medicate those ******* males to the gills to keep them sedate and obedient......and nothing ever improves.



1. Common Core: “End Common Core. Common Core is a disaster.” June 2015.

2. School choice: “Our public schools are capable of providing a more competitive product than they do today. Look at some of the high school tests from earlier in this century and you’ll wonder if they weren’t college-level tests. And we’ve got to bring on the competition—open the schoolhouse doors and let parents choose the best school for their children. Education reformers call this school choice, charter schools, vouchers, even opportunity scholarships. I call it competition—the American way....” 2000.

3. Local control of education: “Education has to be local.” June 2015.

4. The U.S. Department of Education: “You could cut that way, way, way down.” January 2015.

5. American education in an international context: “We're twenty-sixth in the world. Twenty-five countries are better than us at education. And some of them are like third world countries. But we're becoming a third world country.” June 2015.

6. Education spending: “People are tired...of spending more money on education than any nation in the world per capita.” June 2015.

7. Citizenship education: “Public education was never meant to only teach the three R’s, history, and science. It was also meant to teach citizenship. At the lower levels it should cover the basics, help students develop study habits, and prepare those who desire higher education for the tough road ahead. It’s a mandate the public schools have delivered on since their inception. Until now.” 2000.

8. Teachers’ unions and politics: “Our public schools have grown up in a competition-free zone, surrounded by a very high union wall. Why aren’t we shocked at the results? After all, teachers’ unions are motivated by the same desires that move the rest of us. With more than 85% of their soft-money donations going to Democrats, teachers’ unions know they can count on the politician they back to take a strong stand against school choice.” 2000.

9. Education and antitrust: “Defenders of the status quo insist that parental choice means the end of public schools. Let’s look at the facts. Right now, nine of ten children attend public schools. If you look at public education as a business—and with nearly $300 billion spent each year on K-through-twelve education, it’s a very big business indeed—it would set off every antitrust alarm bell at the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission. When teachers’ unions say even the most minuscule program allowing school choice is a mortal threat, they’re saying: If we aren’t allowed to keep 90% of the market, we can’t survive. When Bell Telephone had 90% of the market, a federal judge broke it up.” 2000.

10. School safety and school learning: “Our schools aren’t safe. On top of that, our kids aren’t learning. Too many are dropping out of school and into the street life—and too many of those who do graduate are getting diplomas that have been devalued into “certificates of attendance” by a dumbed-down curriculum that asks little of teachers and less of students. Schools are crime-ridden and they don’t teach.” 2000.

Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2015 10:38 pm
The thing you need to learn about me and Trump and a whole lot of other people is that we might be a smarter and better than you are even though we dont agree with you. It would be so nice if you could become as civilized as we are and sit down to talk, rather than this barbaric pathetic bullshit you do of launching into hostilities because your preconceived ideas are under attack. The messenger is not the cause of the message, LEAVE MESSENGERS THE **** ALONE!

When you are ready to behave like an adult you know where to find me, but right now Glitter you are a depressing **** to be around.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Aug, 2015 10:45 pm
Language, Math, History, Geography doesn't vary a lot. History and Geography may be altered as Counties change geographically, more history is discovered, but Math is solid, and you're an idiot who relies on Glenn Beck and other sensationalists like Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and other capitalists who only concern themselves with their personal checkbook. So you should enjoy your bisexuality, I'm comfortable with your choices, you're not my partner, Thank you Jesus.

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