When will Hillary Clinton give up her candidacy ?

Sat 19 Sep, 2015 03:36 pm
What is a "money based attack" ?? Would you describe Hillary's campaign as a "money based attack on Republicans ?" It is certainly well funded and from the "war on women" to "colwn car" rhetoric that it involves, it certainly is an attack.

Certainly the establishment of the Republican party has more or less equivalent reasons for opposing Hillary as does the establishment of the Democrat party for supporting her. My impression is that the growing support for Sanders is as much reflective of a growing disenchantment with Hillary as it is enthusiasm for the rhetoric and person of the socialist senator from Verrmont. All of that appears to be a more or less spontaneous phenomenon among Democrat voters themselves. Lash is a good example.

I suspect we agree that most Republicans would prefer to see Hillary fail as a candidate, both because they believe their odds are better with her out of the way, and because of long standing opposition for what she and her husband stood for. Nothing new or original there. That certainly appears to be Frank Apisa's concern and in that I agree with him. Do you believe those motives necessasarily make their efforts illegitamite or "money based"?
0 Replies
Sat 19 Sep, 2015 03:55 pm
I've read articles - that, maddeningly, I can't find now - which report Iowa farmers (which specific ones? I don't know. A consortium? Maybe.) have withdrawn support from Hillary due to her alliance with Monsanto. If I find them, I'll bring them.
Sat 19 Sep, 2015 03:56 pm
I think I heard about this on NPR radio.
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bobsal u1553115
Tue 22 Sep, 2015 05:22 pm
Hillary Clinton on Keystone Pipeline: "I Oppose It"
Source: NBC News

NBC News

Hillary Clinton on Keystone Pipeline: 'I Oppose It'


Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton announces in Iowa that she does not support the Keystone pipeline.

Read more: http://www.nbcnews.com/video/hillary-clinton-on-keystone-pipeline-i-oppose-it-530326595631

Video at link of live announcement.
0 Replies
Tue 22 Sep, 2015 05:23 pm
Hillary Clinton faces “mounting health issues” — and she’s secretly worried that she’s too sick to run for president, according to a new book.
The 67-year-old Democratic front-runner has been “frequently plagued” by “blinding headaches” and a series of strokes over the course of the campaign which have left her second-guessing her chances of winning in 2016, says the upcoming book “Unlikeable — The Problem with Hillary.”


And Biden is a very bad bet physically as well. The elite cant even do the min due diligence when picking people for us to vote on.

"It her time"

BULLSHIT. No one is owed the office of President of the United States.
bobsal u1553115
Wed 23 Sep, 2015 07:26 am
What about that festering, gaping wound Trump has? He claims its his mouth.
0 Replies
Wed 23 Sep, 2015 10:48 am
Report: FBI pulls deleted emails from Hillary Clinton's server

Wed 23 Sep, 2015 11:49 am
Is it time yet for her to just go away?
bobsal u1553115
Wed 23 Sep, 2015 12:51 pm
Yes, and how!
Wed 23 Sep, 2015 12:58 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Based on what, exactly? In a complete sentence, is it possible that you tell me what it is that she's done that so disqualifies her?
Wed 23 Sep, 2015 01:50 pm
It was legal for her to have a private server and to date, there hasn't been any marked classified emails sent to her or by her that I can recall. She did delete some emails which the FBI has deemed work related rather than personal. In the end, much ado about nothing except it has been a distraction to her campaign. The whole thing will be used against her big time in the general if she doesn't drop out or if Biden don't overtake her if he decided to run regardless of guilt or lack thereof. Somehow they will tie it into Benghazi and make it seem like she had something to hide there whether there is any evidence there to back it up or not. I can just see the campaign season getting bogged down into new Benghazi hearings. So, yes, in my opinion, it is time and then some for her to back out even if it just legitimatizes the witch hunt. If we don't, we risk not having a democrat at all in the office.
bobsal u1553115
Wed 23 Sep, 2015 02:03 pm
IWR, TPP, prison privatization, capital punishment, mandatory minimum sentences, privatization of Social Security, three strike laws, fracking, support of pro Monsanto and GMO legislation, pro bankster and pro Wall Street stances ......

These are positions she holds that you disagree with at least 90% of.

From now on if you want to know why it is I don't want to see Hillary get the nomination, pull up any seven or eight of those randomly.

That said, of course I'm voting for her IF she gets the nod. I will do everything I can to turn out the vote. Congress is more important than which Democrat gets to be President.
Wed 23 Sep, 2015 02:04 pm
So, even if there has been nothing illegal or immoral done, because the **** they sling has stuck with the media-consuming public, you feel she should bow out. I'm just curious, does the thought of fighting back because you're right enter into this? Besides all that, I don't see any of the clowns on the other side as a serious threat to Clinton or Biden - but I think they could beat Sanders.
bobsal u1553115
Wed 23 Sep, 2015 02:05 pm
Hillary Clinton: Come Clean or Get Out

If the Demo­crat­ic Party cares to sal­vage a sliv­er of mor­al au­thor­ity, its lead­ers and early state voters need to send Hil­lary Rod­ham Clin­ton an ur­gent mes­sage: Come clean or get out. Stop ly­ing and de­flect­ing about how and why you stashed State De­part­ment email on a secret serv­er—or stop run­ning.

For Demo­crats, this is an op­por­tun­ity wasted. A crowded GOP field has been taken host­age by a celebrity bil­lion­aire with a his­tory of bank­ruptcies, sex­ist be­ha­vi­or, and ra­cially of­fens­ive state­ments. Lack­ing a firm grip on policy or the truth, Don­ald Trump is the GOP front-run­ner. His closest com­pet­i­tion, Dr. Ben Car­son, said Sunday he didn’t think a Muslim should be pres­id­ent, and his ef­forts to clean up the con­tro­versy have been as ham-handed as they are dis­hon­est.

Even if they’re right, the Clin­ton team has un­der­es­tim­ated the value that voters place on a can­did­ate’s char­ac­ter. One top Clin­ton ad­viser told me in the spring, “Trust doesn’t mat­ter.”


Note: DailyKos says National Journal is middle, not left or right.
0 Replies
Wed 23 Sep, 2015 02:11 pm
Hillary Clinton — believing leaks by President Barack Obama staff's triggered the federal probe of her private email account — ripped into the commander in chief, telling him, during a tense meeting, "What I want for you to do is call off your f–king dogs, Barack!"

The profane attack came during a tense meeting in the Oval Office that was called by Hillary, against the advice of her husband, former President Bill Clinton, according to bestselling author Ed Klein's new book, "Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary."

The explosive tome, published by Regnery, hits bookstores next week and was excerpted Wednesday in The New York Post.

During the private meeting, Clinton called the meeting because she felt she was "being persecuted for minor, meaningless violations," Klein writes.

But Hillary lost her temper and swore when Obama at first claimed he didn't know what she was talking about.

"He was almost being deliberately dense. It really angered her," a Clinton source told Klein.

After Clinton's tirade, Klein writes that Obama responded, "There is nothing I can do for you one way or another. Things have been set in motion, and I can't and won't interfere. Your problems are, frankly, of your own making. If you had been honest ..."

According to Klein, Clinton then interrupted, "There are always haters out there to get the Clintons."


Well, that sounds exactly like Hillary so maybe it is true.
0 Replies
Wed 23 Sep, 2015 02:14 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

IWR, TPP, prison privatization, capital punishment, mandatory minimum sentences, privatization of Social Security, three strike laws, fracking, support of pro Monsanto and GMO legislation, pro bankster and pro Wall Street stances ......

I don't think she has remained static on all these. In fact I'm sure her stance has changed on mandatory minimums and I don't know that I've ever seen her vouch for Social Security privatization. But you named these without sourcing anything, so I won't either.

These are positions she holds that you disagree with at least 90% of.

You know this, how?

From now on if you want to know why it is I don't want to see Hillary get the nomination, pull up any seven or eight of those randomly.

You didn't "pull them up" - you just named several issues and expected me to take your word that they are her present views without citation.

That said, of course I'm voting for her IF she gets the nod. I will do everything I can to turn out the vote. Congress is more important than which Democrat gets to be President.

It seems like a big gulf between wanting her to drop out on one hand and being willing to support her if she is the nominee. If she is so unreliable, how do you know her presidency wouldn't be more harmful than your choices of congresspeople would be helpful?

Look, I'm just wanting to be fair here. For every nebulous thing that people name to explain why they don't like either, I could things that she has done that were positive and supportive of a Democratic agenda. She has served for a long time and worked hard. I don't love her, but she is at least as qualified and worthy of a fair run at the office as anyone else.

bobsal u1553115
Wed 23 Sep, 2015 02:16 pm
Today, Bernie may well have made a significant step in attracting PoC to his campaign

That crowd of cheering striking government workers he addressed is almost entirely composed of black workers. And his support and advocacy for them, is nothing new. It isn't out of political calculation or expediency. It's born of conviction.


The white-haired Sanders is a well-known figure among some of the Capitol Hill workers in the audience on Tuesday, particularly those who work in the Dirksen Cafeteria, where he has his office. Sanders regularly makes the rounds with the cafeteria workers, talking inequality and unions and fair pay, and sometimes pausing for selfies in Dirksen’s halls. Most of them are more accustomed to serving senators coffee and cleaning up their hallways than protesting with them.

“He’s an awesome dude,” said Anthony Thomas, a cafeteria worker who recalled chatting with Sanders one-on-one outside during a work break. “This is the third time he’s taken his time out of his busy schedule to come support our strike.”




0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 23 Sep, 2015 02:32 pm
Re: bobsal u1553115 (Post 6034888)
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

IWR, TPP, prison privatization, capital punishment, mandatory minimum sentences, privatization of Social Security, three strike laws, fracking, support of pro Monsanto and GMO legislation, pro bankster and pro Wall Street stances ......

I don't think she has remained static on all these. In fact I'm sure her stance has changed on mandatory minimums and I don't know that I've ever seen her vouch for Social Security privatization. But you named these without sourcing anything, so I won't either.

Well, actually, she has. What one of those positions do you want to dispute? Regardinf SS, I 'll back track on that one, but please, pick another.

These are positions she holds that you disagree with at least 90% of.

You know this, how?

You support fracking? Hillory does:

How Hillary Clinton's State Department Sold Fracking To The World

I'd go through the list, but maybe you'd like to tell where YOU disagree, besides you've already busted me for too large of posts, so if you want to chose a reasonable list or every single one of them, I'll document for you.

From now on if you want to know why it is I don't want to see Hillary get the nomination, pull up any seven or eight of those randomly.

You didn't "pull them up" - you just named several issues and expected me to take your word that they are her present views without citation.

Choose a couple. Make me put up or shut up.

That said, of course I'm voting for her IF she gets the nod. I will do everything I can to turn out the vote. Congress is more important than which Democrat gets to be President.

It seems like a big gulf between wanting her to drop out on one hand and being willing to support her if she is the nominee. If she is so unreliable, how do you know her presidency wouldn't be more harmful than your choices of congresspeople would be helpful?

Because the clown car is so much worse?????? That's just one good reason right there. I want a large voter turnout, polls say a Clinton/Bush match up would suppress the vote.

Look, I'm just wanting to be fair here. For every nebulous thing that people name to explain why they don't like either, I could things that she has done that were positive and supportive of a Democratic agenda. She has served for a long time and worked hard. I don't love her, but she is at least as qualified and worthy of a fair run at the office as anyone else.

Those nebulous things are called issues that a lot of people have strong attitudes about , like the Iraq war:
The War in Iraq Is Still Hillary Clinton's Big Political Liability

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 23 Sep, 2015 02:42 pm
Hillary Clinton needs to address the racist undertones of her 2008 campaign

Black Lives Matter, the advocacy group for black interests, has gotten the attention of the Democratic presidential candidates, who are reportedly scrambling to reach out to the movement. Even heavy favorite Hillary Clinton is getting in on it, addressing the movement in a Q&A session on Facebook, where she checked most of the right boxes.

DeRay McKesson, one of the movement's leaders, wrote on Twitter that the post was "solid." But he also noted that she had two days to work on it, and did not attend the liberal forum Netroots Nation, unlike her challengers Bernie Sanders and Martin O'Malley, who flailed in front of activists from Black Lives Matter.

McKesson is right to be suspicious. Hillary Clinton's record on race is not great. If she wishes to earn some trust on issues of racial justice, a good place to start would be with the distinctly racist undertones of her 2008 campaign against Barack Obama.

As the first primaries got underway in 2008, and Obama began to slowly pull ahead, the Clinton camp resorted to increasingly blatant race- and Muslim-baiting. It started in February, when Louis Farrakhan, the head of the Nation of Islam, endorsed Obama in a sermon. In a debate a couple days later, moderator Tim Russert repeatedly pressed Obama on the issue, who responded with repeated reassurances that he did not ask for the endorsement, did not accept it, and in fact was not a deranged anti-Semite. That wasn't enough for Clinton, who demanded that Obama "denounce" Farrakhan, which he did.

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Wed 23 Sep, 2015 02:44 pm

Hillary Clinton on Crime
Democratic Jr Senator (NY); Secretary of State-Designee

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