Some of us think the "Jerimiah Wright thing" objectified Jerimiah Wright into a tar brush to attach some sort of contact revolutionary smear on the President because people found about 20 minutes of sermon out of 20 years of pastoring 'questionable'.
We've all said intemperate and unadvised things in twenty years. I certainly have and some of here on a2k. But to reduce Jerimiah Wright to twenty minutes of angry speech ignores the fact he was pastor of one of the larger churches in Chicago and he was pretty much ignored by the national press for that pretty admirable accomplishment and his activism in his community which seems to have found resonance with his congregation, also one of the largest in Chicago.
I would hope no one would try to swiftboat Bernie over the size of the contribution of Cornell West has made to the US as an educator and writer alone.
I would really hate to think we'd ignore or cast aglance someone who's made inarguable contributions to the nation as Mr West has just to put some white voters at ease.
No accusations, just saying.