engineer, it takes a lot of courage to change party lines. Actually, your entire view of the world will change when you switch and I think we should compliment Lash that she has acknowledged what the US needs - Democrats!
She not only acknowledged it, she embraced it and she's actively involved promoting her ideas.
She's more compassionate about it that some of you - she's a woman after all

However, to go back 10 years and re-roll and bury out all the old grudges, isn't exactly classy either.
I remember when I first came to a2k 11 years ago, I've fought with Lash bitterly. Her outlook in life was the complete opposite of mine, but guess what? Over the years I've learned what she was up against and what she has overcome and how she changed herself and her outlook in life. All I can do is be amazed at her change. Holding it against her is not only counter productive, it's also vicious.
I've seen many a2k people who have never changed their position, on the contrary, they deteriorated to a point where you can't read them anymore. If you look at it from this perspective, you have to give her credit, no?