DrewDad wrote:
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Oooh take a look back. That post is now at zero.
You're seriously citing a post's popularity as a measure of its credibility?
No, what gave you that idea?
I merely pointed out that shortly after I posted the comment, regardless of it's credibility, it received three thumbs up. I predicted it would drop very shortly. It did. It's now at -3.
I suppose it has never dawned on you that conservative members and one or two liberal apostates, no matter what they post (It can be as innocuous as "I agree") are very quickly thumbed down.
It's just part of the way things are done here.
I made a sarcastic crack about it .
I didn't get irritated until someone felt the need to make a snarky comment about a joke that wasn't directed at anyone (unless, I suppose that person is among the few jerks).
Having said this, almost everyone has gotten irritated about the feature at one time or another, and more than one person has started topics about it.
Quote:You're approaching Lash-levels of stupidity, now. Save yourself, before it's too late.
I'd rather stand with Lash (despite her transformation to a bolshevik) than the vast majority of posters here.