When will Hillary Clinton give up her candidacy ?

Thu 18 Aug, 2016 07:26 pm
revelette2 wrote:

Well, weasel word or not, he did not say she violated a law or statute, he said potentially she may have, which is a long way from making a definitive statement of "she broke the law" which is what you and finn have been saying here for the last few pages.

He couldn't have said unequivocally that she broke the law and then gone on to acknowledged he made no recommendation for prosecution. In the first place he is a the head of the FBI, not a prosecutor or judge - such a judgment ius up to his superiors in the Justicew department. However I believe he did come as close to saying that as the situation would permit, perhaps to assuage his ethical sense, given that the fix was quite obviously already in from President to Attorney General. Indeed the President had already declared she did no wrong and broke no laws.

The Democrat mantra is 'we've heard all that before and don't care or wqant to hear more.' How convenient !

Even President Nixon's Attorney General (Eliott Richardson) resigned rater than supinely abrogate his duties as did AG Lynch.
Thu 18 Aug, 2016 07:34 pm
revelette2 wrote:

Well, weasel word or not, he did not say she violated a law or statute, he said potentially she may have, which is a long way from making a definitive statement of "she broke the law" which is what you and finn have been saying here for the last few pages.

You're defending an ineloquent spin job.

I think it's more than obvious that the only reason he even used the word potential was because at the time he was speaking he indicated that he did not want to have to charge her with the violation.

That's not an indication that she didn't violate the statue that's merely an indication that he was not going to charge her with violating the statute.

If he had felt that she never violated the statute it wouldn't have even been part of the conversation.
reasoning logic
Thu 18 Aug, 2016 07:36 pm
@cicerone imposter,
I just put him on IGNORE.
Doesn't this site have rules against SPAM?

Do you think you are all alone at being guilty of burying your head in the sand?
"We all do it at times when we do not understand the subjective reality being shared.

For all of you who can endure the inconvenient truth about reality I have this to share.

0 Replies
Thu 18 Aug, 2016 08:13 pm
Quote georgeob1:
However I believe he [Comey] did come as close to saying that as the situation would permit, perhaps to assuage his ethical sense,

And with this sentence, george makes it clear that there was no way possible that Comey could say anything at all that did not amount to a recommendation for prosecution that could please george.

Which Blatham asked him weeks ago, and never got an answer. Because george, perhaps to assuage his ethical sense, could not come out and say that Comey's decision had to be for prosecution or else george would spend page after page after page trying to de-legitimize it. Which is what george has done since. And which george will continue to do until the election, during the election, and beyond the election.
0 Replies
Thu 18 Aug, 2016 11:28 pm
It's been an interesting week. Manfort appears to have been moved away from the spotlight for the obvious PR reasons though that might not be the whole story or even the key factor.

The appointment of Bannon points to two possible strategies - Trump going full bore on the path that is killing him in a general or, as quite a few people suppose, Trump and Bannon and others setting up the groundwork for a media enterprise post election loss.

Bannon looks to be a true believer of the "alt-right", WND sort deeply into what Richard Hofstadter described in The Paranoid Style in American Politics http://bit.ly/HxVYJZ What this suggests is that the next two and a half months will be as ugly as anything we've seen in prior elections and that after Clinton wins, the GOP and conservatism in the US will face an internal disruption more severe than what happened in '64. That will be particularly acute if Trump, Bannon and others do intend to and manage to set up a media enterprise even further right than Murdoch's Fox. Ailes doesn't have to be part of this (though others like Hannity might move over) and I can't imagine Murdoch would have sent Ailes away with his $40 million while failing to have him sign a non-competition agreement.

It's not clear how successful such an enterprise would have to be or how quickly it would have to begin turning a profit because many such entities are money-losers initially or permanently but are kept operational through big money coming in from donors. But Trump's mode of operation is to harvest money for as long as he can before the scheme used crashes. And the conservative base he and Bannon would be targeting is well trained to give up their money to con men.

Bannon detests Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. If he can bring them down, he will. Trump has no allegiance outside of temporary necessity to them or to the existing GOP machine. The traditional alliance between the GOP and the Chamber of Commerce people will be - is being - damaged to some unknown degree. So what the party and coalition will look like up the road is unknown, but it looks likely to be vastly different than what has been.

If these guys are not intending to create a new third media structure, many of the same problems will still exist because of what the Trump candidacy has brought to the fore - a dynamic which totally rejects the GOP structure and any sort of ideological or political compromise. This is a trend that has been building for decades and is now at a point that is deeply disturbing to many on the right as well as those of us on the left. It is a dynamic that in many ways matches the far right parties in Europe.

Outside of an asteroid hitting the planet or some such, Hillary is going to win the election and likely by a very significant margin. But once she does, this new and much more extreme right is going to be as destructive to civic order and effective governance as we've seen over the last eight years. Or worse. Likely worse. To these people, a Democratic president, regardless of voter mandate, is axiomatically illegitimate. Or even evil. The only real hope I can see is if conservatives themselves, many more of them than presently, come to comprehend what has happened and work to remove the madness. Until that happens, the Dems are going to have to roll over top of the crazies.

I might have some of this wrong, of course. But it won't be far off. And this is the last post I'll write here until after the election. Good luck, everyone.
Thu 18 Aug, 2016 11:51 pm
At least it shows you dont live in the real world.
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 12:01 am
I am still not comfortable that Hillary is a shoe in. every time I think this way I run into a Lash type individual who screams at the top of her lungs that Hillary is the lying antichrist murdering bitch. She than as proof of what she was saying claimed she was a good christian woman. Having conversed with Lash I used my knowledge of Hillary haters and just kept my mouth shut knowing the futility of trying to reason with a Hillary hater. She is voting for Trump. Sad Sad Sad
0 Replies
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 03:52 am
RABEL222 wrote:

At least it shows you dont live in the real world.

Well that's one thing you got right...this is not the real world it's a2K
0 Replies
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 04:22 am
As a federal employee I am required every year to take a mandatory training class on ethics...

Is anyone surprised to learn that when Hillary became secretary of state that she and her aides, including Huma, failed to attend the mandatory training... Apparently it was felt that they were above such things... I submit it was because they are below such things.
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 04:44 am
if that training class is the same you are required to take.... yes, they are all above such things... after all, they, ve probably taken more than a lot of those classes over their career and been subjected to more exhaustive testa than any other average federal employee
If i were you, i would be more concerned about the fact that ethics standards in federal institutions were supposed to be solidly assured by a once a year training class
0 Replies
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 04:45 am
The Obama Administration now admits that the 400 million was a ransom paid for the release of hostages... Of course when Hillary was asked about it she claimed that it was old news and that the administration explained all this to us about this 7 or 8 months ago...Hillary... you remember the self-admitted architect who forced Iran to the negotiating table on the Iranian nuclear deal.

The 400 million has already been passed on to a terrorist organization... so now that the precedent has been set, Americans worldwide are in ever-increasing danger of being held for ransom...nice job liberals!!
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 04:54 am
That's nothing, last year the US gave $3.1Billion to the terrorist group run by Netanyahu.
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 04:59 am
Oh, I didn't know you're an anti-semite as well.
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 05:39 am
not supporting Benjamin Netanyahu is not being anti-semite..... as not supporting Obama´s political actions is not being anti-american
0 Replies
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 05:48 am
Wow that's original, a kneejerk cry of anti Semite whenever Israel is criticised. You have displayed hostility towards Black, Arab and Hispanic people, and there's no reason to expect that you'd behave any differently towards Jewish people.

You don't know what's happening in Israel, or anywhere else in the World for that matter, all your accusations are coloured by your own prejudices and ignorance.
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 05:56 am
nobody forced Iran to the negotiating table on the Iranian nuclear deal... They were offered a candy they could refuse...
about arming terrorists organizations: http://www.cheatsheet.com/business/the-worlds-10-largest-arms-exporters.html/?a=viewall
"the United States alone accounts for 31% of the world’s arms exports, and Russia accounts for 27%. Behind those two front-runners, China, Germany, and France all come in at 5%. Clearly, there’s quite the rift."

Don´t worry, man... that money is coming back home soon, almost in its totality. Did you think they were killing us with self produced guns? or communicate with Irani mobile phones? or driving Irani manufactured tanks and planes?

I dare to affirm that 90% of hostages freed where exchanged for guns, money or free card offers to the "kidnapper" goverment
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 05:57 am
he displayed hostility towards Hispanic people?!!! GRRRRRRRRR hahahaha
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 06:05 am
izzythepush wrote:

Wow that's original, a kneejerk cry of anti Semite whenever Israel is criticised. You have displayed hostility towards Black, Arab and Hispanic people, and there's no reason to expect that you'd behave any differently towards Jewish people.

You don't know what's happening in Israel, or anywhere else in the World for that matter, all your accusations are coloured by your own prejudices and ignorance.

Well I'm just trying to make you feel at home Izzy inasmuch as that's all you liberals seem to do is jerk your knee...among other things.

And yes Izzy the only thing I know about what's happening in the world is what I learned from you... I wait with bated breath for you to tell me what's going on in the world... Oh please Izzy pray tell tell me what's happening in the world
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 06:06 am
momoends wrote:

nobody forced Iran to the negotiating table on the Iranian nuclear deal... They were offered a candy they could refuse...
about arming terrorists organizations: http://www.cheatsheet.com/business/the-worlds-10-largest-arms-exporters.html/?a=viewall
"the United States alone accounts for 31% of the world’s arms exports, and Russia accounts for 27%. Behind those two front-runners, China, Germany, and France all come in at 5%. Clearly, there’s quite the rift."

Don´t worry, man... that money is coming back home soon, almost in its totality. Did you think they were killing us with self produced guns? or communicate with Irani mobile phones? or driving Irani manufactured tanks and planes?

I dare to affirm that 90% of hostages freed where exchanged for guns, money or free card offers to the "kidnapper" goverment

I'm just going by what Hillary said she said she's the one that forced Iran to the table.
0 Replies
Fri 19 Aug, 2016 06:07 am
momoends wrote:

he displayed hostility towards Hispanic people?!!! GRRRRRRRRR hahahaha

Truth be told the only one I've expressed hostility towards is Izzy

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