That was a frustrating Q&A for everyone watching; not just the reporters in attendance. It has reached a point where the spokespersons for government departments have become official dodgers, and stone-wallers.
Obviously Clinton still has strong and powerful connections within the Administration as a whole and the State Dept in particular.
Why did it take a court action for Judicial Watch to get these e-mail copies? If there was nothing fishy going on, why didn't the State Dept just release them when first requested? How do the supporters of this Administration square the fact that (despite Obama's promise of great transparency), it fights virtually every request made to it for documents, with their constant claims that nothing wrong is every going on? That some, if not most, of the people who are requesting these documents are political enemies shouldn't be a valid reason if the documents won't give them any ammo.
But the Clinton supporters will continue to claim with straight faces "What are you talking about? This is nothing. There's nothing untoward here!"
I might be able to better understand it if, like her henchmen, there was someway in which they might directly benefit from her corruption and rise to power, but that's highly unlikely to be the case. That's a small group of insiders and there aren't enough seats on her private jet. All the plum jobs available will have been already been promised to the relatives of big donors, and there's no way the Middle Class is not going to see increases in their taxes if she does all that she says she will.
It is stunning to think anyone can listen to her talk about how she's going to make the economy work for the little guy and put a stop to special deals for the rich, and not see the hypocrisy. She's spent all of the years since she and Bill left the White House carefully and systematically amassing a fortune and extravagant lifestyle (becoming one of the Rich) by cutting backroom deals and selling favors to the Rich.
they're with her! When she wins they will have a vicarious, yet utterly hollow, sense of victory. I guess that's, sadly, enough.