When will Hillary Clinton give up her candidacy ?

Sat 6 Aug, 2016 06:43 pm
Georgeob specified private sector jobs.
Sat 6 Aug, 2016 06:49 pm
There are thousands of jobs held by private sector companies doing contract work for DOD. The Fort Meade area is bursting at the seams with contract workers.
0 Replies
Sat 6 Aug, 2016 06:50 pm
But c.i., to whom Blatham was replying, didn't.
Sat 6 Aug, 2016 06:52 pm
I knew that.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Sat 6 Aug, 2016 07:18 pm
When we say government doesn't create jobs, we mean commercial jobs that pays taxes. Of coarse governments must maintain our infrastructure, provide for social services, the IRS, and protect our country. That take a huge amount of manpower.
0 Replies
Sat 6 Aug, 2016 07:25 pm
blatham wrote:

Government do not create jobs

That's really rather obviously false, ci. Government can and does create millions of jobs. Roads, bridges, dams, the space program, the vast military, etc etc. Examples are far too numerous to bother counting up at local, state and federal levels. Not quite sure how this idea got implanted in your noggin.

The government indeed does "create" jobs in the manner you describe. Indeed the fraction of total emloyed workers that involve state, local and Federal workers has never been higher than now. If this trend continues we will have to fund the government almost entirely out of the taxes paid by its own employees, and I suspect even Blatham knows that can't work. The fact is that the benefits to the economy of the effects of government employment have to be adjusted to accout for the money removed from the economy to pay for it. While workers in GM facories and Tech workers in Silicon Valley create products that themselves stimulate further economic activity in addition to their own purchasing of goods and services, that can't be said for government bureaucrats. Indees the large population of drones administering our growing regulatory regime have a mostly inhibiting effect on economic activity.

My company is among those working at Ft Meade, for us cleaning up the extensive groundwater contamination there. Compared to private sector cleanup work. this is mostly paperwork:driven by the voracious demands of the Federal bureaucracy. Equivalent private sector cleanups generally cost half as much. Roads and bridges are another matter - they often help other economic activity.
cicerone imposter
Sat 6 Aug, 2016 07:44 pm

Let me know what you learned about job creation. We're talking about private sector jobs.
0 Replies
Sat 6 Aug, 2016 08:02 pm
Georgeob specified private sector jobs.

Thanks. If the meaning then was that government doesn't create private sector jobs, wonderful. I love that claim. Let's talk about it.

First, even that is not true. Take the space program. Entirely a creation of government, along with the huge infrastructure to get a man on the moon, and all the hundreds of thousands of scientists, technicians, health people, etc etc that run the space programs for decades. Just one example of government creating jobs.

But what I love about the claim is that chosen verb - "create". Obama famously spoke to this four years ago when he talked about the infrastructure that allows businesses to be able to operate or develop sufficient markets. As simple as the highway system, or the railroads, or the internet, the postal system, etc. He said, "You didn't create that". (Then, as we all know, the right wing media and politicos following along said, "See! All you hard-working businessmen and women. Obama said it right there! He said you didn't create those businesses."
(Editors note: right wing media and politicos who said this said it because they are lying scum).

Government, effectively done, helps business to opportunity.

And when business gets anti-social and selfish - pumping mercury into the river knowing what it would do - then government is the only tool we have to kick these guys in the nuts until they stop.
cicerone imposter
Sat 6 Aug, 2016 08:09 pm
Aren't we asking about "private sector jobs?" We all understand that government creates many jobs that includes all forms of government jobs, the IRS, all the different government departments, military and defense related, prisons, infrastructure, TSA, and many others, but are they commercial enterprises?
Sat 6 Aug, 2016 08:16 pm
Hi george

You and I have such an interesting relationship. We seem to agree on everything except the things that are important.

I'm not going to get into the economics as I am seriously un-tutored in the subject and have nothing I might say that's worth anyone's time. However, I can harness the incredible power of that thing out there that Sarah Palin refers to as Common Sense (her capitalization).

The dilemma seems to be how much ought government to be doing. You have an answer for this - as little as possible (because it is, of its nature, parasitic). I don't think that's necessarily so and I'm more than a tad suspicious when I see the demands for this notion of government arising from the very persons and entities who stand to economically benefit if government is dis-empowered. Hi Charles and David.

Again, on a more personal note, I'm going to wager that you do not have a chandelier in your home. Do I win or lose?
Sat 6 Aug, 2016 08:17 pm
@cicerone imposter,
but are they commercial enterprises?

Why care about that?
0 Replies
Sat 6 Aug, 2016 08:39 pm
I have a great idea for a reality TV series produced by and starring Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. Maybe "The Boys of Moscow" or "Apocalypse in Onion Town". It begins about one year up the road and Putin calls an election. He announces that he will compete for the Presidency through democratic vote running against Donald Trump. "Who will you choose, fellow Russians?" Then they campaign against each other, Russian style - guys in sunglasses, gorgeous females, bare chested horse riding, bragging, etc. In one episode, Putin's butler, after too much vodka, speaks honestly and offends Trump's butler and they fight. Lots of locker room scenes (Trump always in a bathrobe). Putin usually naked, with a prosthesis. Good restaurants where both compete to be rudest to the waiter. Etc.

You can imagine the ads for the show. A boxing ring, clouds of smoke drifting, big fat announcer with greasy big hair, huge stadium audience and they're boisterous. Lots of cleavage. "And in the white corner, Vlad the bad Putinnnnnnnn. And in the other white corner, Donald does he wear hair extensions Trumpppppppp" Deafening din from the audience. That would be the teaser for the show.
0 Replies
Sat 6 Aug, 2016 08:58 pm
Quote georgeob1:
The government indeed does "create" jobs in the manner you describe. Indeed the fraction of total emloyed workers that involve state, local and Federal workers has never been higher than now. If this trend continues we will have to fund the government almost entirely out of the taxes paid by its own employees, and I suspect even Blatham knows that can't work.

George does it again. False statements at the start of his post, leading to ridiculous conclusions. And where does George get these ideas? The right wing media that he puts his faith in.

Here are official Bureau of Labor Statistics figures for July:
Employees, July 1970
Government.......................12.697 Million
Private Sector....................58.356 Million
Percentage Of Total Employees in Government: 17.9%

Employees July 2016
Government.....................22.176 Million
Private Sector.................122.272 Million
Percentage of Total Employees in Government: 15.4%

Government figures include Federal, state and local government employees.

The percentage of the total jobs that are government jobs has DECLINED since 1970. Yet the right wing keeps peddling the same old lies, and the people who can't bother themselves to actually check the facts absorb these lies then repeat them on message boards and other social media. It's a shame.
Sat 6 Aug, 2016 09:18 pm
Pleaase cite your source for the data. Your private sector data looks suspicious to me. Beyond that just what does your government data include? In 1970 we had a draft anf there were several more million men in the armed forces than than is the case now. Show me some dats after 1974 when the draft ended and for 1985 (31 years ago).
Sat 6 Aug, 2016 09:49 pm
The source of the data, as I stated previously, is the Bureau of Labor Statistics. It includes Federal, state and local government employees. People in the armed services do not count as government employees. If you want to check the figures, I suggest you go to www.bls.gov.

You made a statement, it was wrong, and I proved it. And yes, in July 1970 we had 58.356 Million employees in the private sector.

Although I have proven your statement wrong already, I will give you one of the further stats you asked for, the stat for 1974.

Employees, July 1974
Government........................14.288 Million
Private Sector.....................64.347 Million
Percentage of Total Employees in Government: 18.2%

It is not a good idea to take right wing news as your source of information.
cicerone imposter
Sat 6 Aug, 2016 10:00 pm
I'm glad you're around to keep us straight.
Sat 6 Aug, 2016 10:01 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Much appreciated, cicerone.
0 Replies
Sun 7 Aug, 2016 04:13 am
Assange is proving what we've known for decades; the Clintons have gutted America and sold it off in pieces to other Americans & to other countries.

She won't be elected: she'll be imprisoned.

Just the beginning. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3052220/Clinton-Foundation-accepted-millions-undeclared-donations-nuclear-company-tied-Russia-Hillary-signed-selling-one-fifth-s-uranium.html

Sun 7 Aug, 2016 05:57 am
You have been predicting her doom and an orange suit since before the primary started in earnest, it isn't happening.
Sun 7 Aug, 2016 06:13 am
Its interesting how the reporting can make it sound like some nefarious plot. Its a CANADIAN compny tht took over about 4 mines in the US (one of which Im familar with). Weve pioneered mining with solutions instead of digging up the ground and so its a good clean operation. The mines produce about 15.M pounds a year and the Canadians were selling it all over in the world (Russias PROSATOM) made these bids for the Canadian company back in 2007 and the deals were underway in the Bush years.

Obama wanted to kind of "renoodge" cooling relations with Russia so we began officially to look favorably upon the entire US portion of the deal. (The Canadian mining outfit owned mines all over the orld, and only the few mines use the in-stu leaching (ISL) mining and only the US has discovered the Na bicarb/CO2 leach method.

So, like fracking, weve opened the ability to cleanly mine uranium next to NY city by merely adjusting the chemistry of the ground water with a little bicarb nd CO2.
The article doesnt understand that, by that method of mining, weve opened up huge, heretofore unrecognized reserves of U3O8. "ONE FIFTH" of our reserves is sorta correct by present UGM(underground mining) standards but, with IS leaching, weve expanded reserves at least 2 orders of magnitude.

Uranium aint rare its all over, Its whats responsible for everybody worrying about radon induced lung cancer. So, if we can leach it out, we can mine and clean up at the same time. Hell, if youlive in the NEw England to North Carolina strip, youre in a radon zone that could yield lotsa uranium for all kinds of ops.

As far as Bill getting a few million to speak. I think weve given the presidents the right to go on the chicken and peas circuit but then we bitch for them making some dough at it.

Weve got the entire powder river basin, Kaibab, Appalachian Front,Canadian Shield, Thrust belt, all with sizeable Uranium (unproven) reserves to futz with.
ISL is a tech of today for an industry of yesterday. Nuke is becoming a thing of the past

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