Its interesting how the reporting can make it sound like some nefarious plot. Its a CANADIAN compny tht took over about 4 mines in the US (one of which Im familar with). Weve pioneered mining with solutions instead of digging up the ground and so its a good clean operation. The mines produce about 15.M pounds a year and the Canadians were selling it all over in the world (Russias PROSATOM) made these bids for the Canadian company back in 2007 and the deals were underway in the Bush years.
Obama wanted to kind of "renoodge" cooling relations with Russia so we began officially to look favorably upon the entire US portion of the deal. (The Canadian mining outfit owned mines all over the orld, and only the few mines use the in-stu leaching (ISL) mining and only the US has discovered the Na bicarb/CO2 leach method.
So, like fracking, weve opened the ability to cleanly mine uranium next to NY city by merely adjusting the chemistry of the ground water with a little bicarb nd CO2.
The article doesnt understand that, by that method of mining, weve opened up huge, heretofore unrecognized reserves of U3O8. "ONE FIFTH" of our reserves is sorta correct by present UGM(underground mining) standards but, with IS leaching, weve expanded reserves at least 2 orders of magnitude.
Uranium aint rare its all over, Its whats responsible for everybody worrying about radon induced lung cancer. So, if we can leach it out, we can mine and clean up at the same time. Hell, if youlive in the NEw England to North Carolina strip, youre in a radon zone that could yield lotsa uranium for all kinds of ops.
As far as Bill getting a few million to speak. I think weve given the presidents the right to go on the chicken and peas circuit but then we bitch for them making some dough at it.
Weve got the entire powder river basin, Kaibab, Appalachian Front,Canadian Shield, Thrust belt, all with sizeable Uranium (unproven) reserves to futz with.
ISL is a tech of today for an industry of yesterday. Nuke is becoming a thing of the past