When will Hillary Clinton give up her candidacy ?

Fri 18 Dec, 2015 11:22 pm
You have binocular vision when it comes to your being insulted and when you insult others. You believe that opinion that differs from yours is insulting. Sorry but it is going to happen a lot as we get farther into the election year. The one thing that scares the me to death is a republican president and an even more republican Supreme Court. The bastards have already taken my one vote against a billionares billion votes and made it legal.
Fri 18 Dec, 2015 11:56 pm
You're projecting, Rabel.

I made an attempt to have a friendlier rapport with you, but based on what you said, you have no desire to do so. I won't bother with with that again.
Sat 19 Dec, 2015 12:14 am
All well and good about her getting money from the oil companies, but the way I look at it is that the Republicans are trying to get rid of Social Security and Medicare, and Hillary will stick up for them. That alone makes Hillary a far better choice than any Republican.
cicerone imposter
Sat 19 Dec, 2015 12:20 pm
The subject of the republicans working to get rid of social security and medicare is an interesting one. How many republicans depend on those programs to live?
Where are those people when their party leaders continue their rhetoric about destroying their life blood? Doesn't make any sense to this observer.
Sat 19 Dec, 2015 01:18 pm
@cicerone imposter,
It is one of the great ironies of politics that the generation which is either enjoying or about to enjoy the benefits of Social Security and Medicare are the greatest single bloc that votes for the candidates who have been trying to end the programs. If it wasn't for minority voters and the young, the Woodstock generation would be **** out of luck.
0 Replies
Sat 19 Dec, 2015 05:22 pm
Good. I have gotten used to your insulting posts.
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Sun 20 Dec, 2015 01:51 pm
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

One big advantage in politics is name recognition, and Clinton has it in spades.

Another is the inclination to lie and dexterity in doing it. The Clintons have that in spades too.
0 Replies
Sun 20 Dec, 2015 02:36 pm
Blickers wrote:

All well and good about her getting money from the oil companies, but the way I look at it is that the Republicans are trying to get rid of Social Security and Medicare, and Hillary will stick up for them. That alone makes Hillary a far better choice than any Republican.

The Republicans want to give it over into the hands of big business, but in the meantime, defund as much of it as possible. But, if you notice Democratic congressional votes and the Presidential pen, the Dems give a few inches every so often, because they haven't the backbone to defend us. SS and Medicare are weakening by the year and nobody stands up 100% for it.
bobsal u1553115
Sun 20 Dec, 2015 03:51 pm
0 Replies
Sun 20 Dec, 2015 04:16 pm
edgarblythe wrote:

Blickers wrote:

All well and good about her getting money from the oil companies, but the way I look at it is that the Republicans are trying to get rid of Social Security and Medicare, and Hillary will stick up for them. That alone makes Hillary a far better choice than any Republican.

The Republicans want to give it over into the hands of big business, but in the meantime, defund as much of it as possible. But, if you notice Democratic congressional votes and the Presidential pen, the Dems give a few inches every so often, because they haven't the backbone to defend us. SS and Medicare are weakening by the year and nobody stands up 100% for it.

Back during the Reagan years, I'd have some fiery arguments with my sister. I was sort of a ne'er do well
with a lot of "power to the people " patter about "divesting ", and "overthrowing apartheid by any means necessary ". My sister was at that same time a buyer for a major department store - well off - certainly by our family's standards. I used to accuse her of selling out, being a tom, and other sundry things. She used to ask me, "What do you want me to do, quit my job, grab a picket sign and march around the block chanting?" The arguments and hard feelings were out of proportion to either of our understandings of the politics, or our respective abilities to do anything.

I guess I just don't like all the dead end evangelism telling everyone who isn't for 'Bernie or bust' that they need to do something different and drastic, or else. There doesn't seem to me to be a lot of there, there - once you get through all the fire and brimstone about how we're doomed and this is our last chance. It kind of sounds like they want us to quit our jobs, pick up a picket sign, and march around the block.
Sun 20 Dec, 2015 04:28 pm
That's funny. I'm not asking you to do anything. Just telling you what I'm doing.

I hope you and your sister mended. That was a great story.
Sun 20 Dec, 2015 04:31 pm
Lash wrote:

That's funny. I'm not asking you to do anything. Just telling you what I'm doing.

I hope you and your sister mended. That was a great story.

We're closer than ever.
Sun 20 Dec, 2015 04:43 pm
That's so wonderful! May I ask which way she's leaning re the election?
Sun 20 Dec, 2015 07:04 pm
Lash wrote:

That's so wonderful! May I ask which way she's leaning re the election?

Sure. She's a hard core liberal, and I've done her the due respect of not trying to pin her down to any decisions, but if I guess from how she's talking she's about at the same place as me... Bernie in the primary but whichever Dem nominee in the general. She's much more motivated than I. She consistently takes active part in ALL the elections, local state and national. Her journey has been from someone who poo-pooed all politics to an avid politics junkie.
Sun 20 Dec, 2015 09:14 pm
Good point, as most of us here have journeyed. and some of us still are walking.
I tend to agree with you, snood, but that is my walk.
0 Replies
Sun 20 Dec, 2015 09:48 pm
I can only tell you what I see. That you equate it with violence and such is your misconception. It is my contention that Bernie wants to get us back to the general conditions of Roosevelt's New Deal, but updated. That only sounds radical, because people have been gradually brainwashed into thinking there is something wrong with a nation caring for the workers as much as the Wall Street interests. This is the biggest difference between Sanders and Clinton, no matter what other kind of rhetoric you read. She is a creation of Wall Street and will favor bills that increase their money and power, even as she throws a few sops to the base.
Sun 20 Dec, 2015 11:39 pm
What do you propose to do about the carnage the Republicans will be free to unleash if the win?
0 Replies
Sun 20 Dec, 2015 11:44 pm
What did I say about violence?
0 Replies
Mon 21 Dec, 2015 12:04 am
The Democrats give in a little each time because the House and frequently the Senate are Republican. And that's largely because Democrats don't vote in midterm elections, letting Republicans get these gains. But minorities and young don't vote Republican when they vote every four years, and every Presidential election the country gets a little less white and the Reagan generation gets smaller. If you don't support Hillary if Bernie doesn't get the nod, you will turn the country over to someone who wants to get rid of Social Security and Medicare. If you do vote for Hillary, you will be voting for someone who might give in a little, but will the programs relatively close to what they were. And it's only a matter of time before the country turns blue in midterm elections as well as Presidential elections.

Endeavor to keep those programs largely intact until that day comes, which will be soon.
Mon 21 Dec, 2015 09:30 am
Eminently reasonable
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