Edit- The result won't be a surprise to anyone but HRC and her lapdog, Shultz. Revolt is the most sensible thing to do based on the ramrod way the process was controlled by one candidate and her money.
What we should do after pulling the rug from under the corrupt party in place is to begin working on the necessary changes.
Oust Wasserman-Shultz, put together a fair people's party, start grooming and supporting progressive candidates on the grassroots level, using the STRONG base of grassroots workers already in place nationwide to change the face of Washington in midterms and the next cycle...
Publicize blogs and vlog stations on youtube to get our local messages to other progressives - and use this platform to educate possible new members like Indies and sensible Republicans about what's really behind many Republican policies and objectives.
To be ready to roll in the midterms.