The way I see it, you need to win over your daughter's trust again. Kids before one yr old tend to trust anybody. By two, they've learned to be worried of strangers. You want to not be a stanger, ie be with her on her own terms and build rapport.
Behave predictably (dates / time of visit / behaviour while a t her place). Tell her stories, read her books. Play the same stupid games over and over again. Make faces. Make her laugh at your expense. Will take time but you'll get there.
Maybe the breakup was a bit traumatic to her. Maybe she resents you for leaving. Maybe she's afraid you gona take her away. I'm not trying to accuse you, just trying to understand what motivates her refusal, beyond the "terrible two", which might be part of the answer but not all.
Why is it so important to get out of her house, after all?