Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:First off, why would you ever invest the kind of money to swap a Taurus to a 5-speed? Why not put that money towards a true performance car?
for one thing, it costs a lot less to switch my taurus to manual than it would to buy a new OR even a used mustang. I was looking at a few used mustangs that peaked my interest, one which happened to be a 98 3.8L, that produced only 150hp, and had 70,000 miles on it (which is a little less than wut the taurus had on the old engine before the swap, now the odometer reads 79,000) and was priced at $5000... im pretty sure a tranny swap would cost AT LEAST 1/8 of that price. My approximation of all the mods i mentioned earlier, including the tranny swap, would be between $1500-2000, at the most $2300, much cheaper than buying, as you say, a "true performance car." Also, the taurus was given to me by my parents, so all i have been paying for is secondary-driver insurance (which is extremely over-priced) and find it easier to upgrade a car i got for free than to buy a "true performance car" and have to spend the same amount of money on upgrades, plus the added money i'd be paying for the car note every month, along with the additional insurance costs of being listed as a primary driver. If you would choose the "true performance car" over wut i have, i'd say you are greatly lacking intelligence, to put it politely.
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Maybe it's the feel, but I'm wondering why you think a Taurus with a Mustang V6 is quicker than a Mustang with the V6? It's a bigger car with front wheel drive.
My taurus is less than 9 inches longer than the '99-'04. It's at least 200 lbs. lighter than a '99-'04 V6 and is at least 300 lbs. lighter than '99-'04 GT. If you wanna know the exact dimension comparisons, they are as follows:
'99-'04 Mustang V6
Length: 183.2 inches
Width: 73.1 inches
Height: 53.2 inches
'95 Taurus
Length: 192.0 inches
Width: 71.2 inches
Height: 54.1 inches
As you can see, the dimensions are rather similar, and the fact that, in two out of three respects, the taurus is a slightly "bigger car" than the stang is hardly a valid argument, and shouldn't be used when comparing the two cars. The only valid argument you may have in favor of the mustang is rear-wheel drive. Even with rear-wheel drive, the V6 mustang (automatic, haven't found anyone yet to race wit a manual, but i'm pretty confident the outcome would be the same) is significantly disadvantaged by the added weight of the vehicle, and hasn't helped the people i've raced and beaten. Also, the V6 mustangs i have driven (all '98 or earlier) do not offer as smooth of a ride as my taurus on new orleans roads... now i dunno if you folks have been around these parts, but i can tell ya these are pretty bad roads, and the taurus handles them much better than the stangs. Sorry to prove you wrong, but when you get your facts straight and come up with a valid argument, please let me know so we can discuss it.