@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:
Parse it any way you want.
1. I told you you my union card said "AFL/CIO" on it and I proved it did.
2. In Ohio if you join a union shop, you will either join the union after a three month period or you will not keep your employment. That is what makes it a de facto closed shop state.
Get over it.
Nice bit of backtracking, but you do realize that your previous posts are still on this site, right? As a reminder, here's what you wrote:
earlier in this thread, bobsal u1553115 wrote:I was forced to join unions that were against my interests. The Teamsters and the Steel Workers(USW) and the Auto Workers(UAW). And a very good one, the AFL of CIO.
You weren't forced to join the AFL-CIO, because nobody joins the AFL-CIO. And Ohio isn't a closed-shop state because closed-shop laws have been invalid since the passage of the Taft-Hartley Act. Ohio, in short, isn't a closed-shop state
de facto,
de jure, or in any other sense. Now, if you're describing your experiences prior to 1947, I'll concede that you might have been forced to join a union as a condition of employment, but if you're describing events that happened post-1947, then what you're describing is a fable, a mere invention of your imagination.
Face it, you're wrong, and your repeated attempts to dig yourself out of the hole that you've created for yourself only serve to embarrass you further.
Get over it.