I started to appreciate baroque architecture quite late in my stay there, was an acquired taste...
Thanks for the pornocracy thing. You definitely piked my interest there...

But yes, 'so-called'. From what I just read, the leaders were not 'a bunch of popes'. These popes were only the puppets of the real masters, or rather, mistresses. And the tradition calling them "prostitutes" is i suspect marred with sexism, because if a man had done the same thing, nobody would speak of a "prostitute"... Theodora and Marozia seem to have been Roman noblewomen who just grabbed power when the could, or where they saw it dangling...
From wiki:
Quote:Marozia, born Maria and also known as Mariuccia or Mariozza (c. 890 – 937), was a Roman noblewoman who was the alleged mistress of Pope Sergius III and was given the unprecedented titles senatrix ("senatoress") and patricia of Rome by Pope John X.
Edward Gibbon wrote of her that the "influence of two sister prostitutes, Marozia and Theodora[1] was founded on their wealth and beauty, their political and amorous intrigues: the most strenuous of their lovers were rewarded with the Roman tiara, and their reign may have suggested to darker ages the fable of a female pope. The bastard son, two grandsons, two great grandsons, and one great great grandson of Marozia—a rare genealogy—were seated in the Chair of St. Peter." Pope John XIII was her nephew, the offspring of her younger sister Theodora. From this description, the term "pornocracy" has become associated with the effective rule in Rome of Theodora and her daughter Marozia through male surrogates.
Early life
Marozia was born about 890. She was the daughter of the Roman consul Theophylact, Count of Tusculum, and of Theodora, the real power in Rome, whom Liutprand of Cremona characterized as a "shameless whore... [who] exercised power on the Roman citizenry like a man."