Sat 7 Feb, 2015 02:04 pm
So i have this friend thats trans, (mtf) in general, I dont have a problem with gay or transgendered people. I've seen the pics of her before she transitioned and i thought she was good looking as a guy, and of course I would never want her to go back to living that way when i know she was miserable that way, (I wouldn't want her to be put back in her misery) But still, the fact that we get along so well and have so much in common; we can talk to each other for hours and make each other laugh. A part of me wishes she had no problem being a guy, cause i know for sure we would make a GREAT couple. Just all the characteristics she possess, is everything i wanted in a guy. Whenever i see a pic of her i see her as a friend, but when i see a pic of her before her transition, i see someone that i would wanna date. The weird thing is I still wanna be together, just cause she was born a guy, at the same time i feel kinda guilty cause it wouldn't be fair to her. At the same time, I KNOW I'm straight. I always feel awkward about the thought of kissing a girl. All the other trans people i leave alone and let them live there lives the way the would want to, but, just with her, i wish so bad she had no problem being a guy. Am i in denial?
No, but don't confuse matters, either. Don't allow your curiosity or perhaps give into your lack of trust of other men keep you from exploring other dating options. Continue being her 'regular' friend.
Remember that for many years she was in search of her 'true' gender identity - that makes her feel things would be the way she envisions for herself - she was born a male...but is no longer male. Allow her to find her own way in the dating world.