Mon 16 Nov, 2015 02:28 pm - I have a landlord that just walks in on you WITHOUT 24 hour notice. Today she knocked a few times, I was in the bathroom, I had to ignore it, then she said she's coming in and opened the door,... (view)
Wed 29 Jul, 2015 02:18 pm - Hi,
Does anyone know the spell to bring someone to you, its a come to me spell.
You need a rose flower
If i remember right, you write the person name you want to come to you,then you... (view)
Wed 29 Jul, 2015 02:14 pm - Is it ok to cast a spell to make you find the one? As long as its just asking for someone in general and not a specific person. Would you have bad karma if you wanted this to last forever and lead... (view)
Wed 29 Jul, 2015 02:12 pm - Is there a limit on how often you should use them? I always notice when I first use a new oil it works at first and then wears off after a while. Would using them too much like everyday make the... (view)
Thu 11 Jun, 2015 10:10 am - my computer fan makes a loud noise for like a second or two, then stops. sometimes a little longer for like 15-30 seconds.