I'm a "Stern listener", and while the last few years have shown he's losing his edge, he's still way better than all the other crap on the air in the morning.
Now Stern rails against Bush at every opportunity, and he's transformed his website completely. The thing that makes Stern so good is that he DOESN'T just follow a party line on everything. The "All conservative" or "All liberal" people are asses, generally. Stern is conservative, liberal, or moderal depending on the topic.
People respect that. Considering many of Sterns supporters are undecided (and a good chunk are repubs), he's going to have a pretty big impact on the election. I'm sure.
Hearing Stern rag on the Bush admin for trying to downplay Kerry's military service was hilarious. "Kerry was killing VC while Bush was goofing off in Texas, and Bush is trying to make KERRY look bad? Are you kidding me?"
I just read Fox's post with the Stern quotes. People hype the sex stuff, and it does get a little racy sometimes, but thats only a fraction of the show. Most of it is not that. I'd suggest you listen for a bit, you'll get a kick out of it.