Rush Limbaugh divorces his third wife

Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:18 am
BillW wrote:
doglover, if "they" get "their" way, then toliet flushing will be "the way" :sad: along with coat hangers and alleyways.....

Absolutely. This coming from people who proclaim to care so much about women. As for the 'babies' that will be brought into this world unwanted and unable to be cared for, these same 'compassionate' people will turn their backs on the mothers of these children and leave them to fend for themselves. Evil or Very Mad
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:22 am
It creates fodder for their slave forces doglover Exclamation
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:22 am
doglover wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
So Rush is Hitler?

If the shoe fits, wear it.

cav...IMO, Rush is a commentator/entertainer (albeit a very bad one) and Howard Stern is a morning radio DJ whose soul purpose is to entertain (albeit with locker room humor).

No way can you compare the two men.

I actually wasn't comparing them. I was just commenting on Stern's recent turn towards getting more politicized in the wake of the new FCC witch hunt that has been going on. He has, of late, been vehemently asking his listeners to vote Bush out, and go with Kerry, before the right to freedom of speech is obliterated entirely. It seems to have caught the attention of both the media and the FCC, who have now put their claim on hold until after the election.
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:23 am
Pro-lifers believe choice should be made before somebody risks pregnancy.

And for the record, George Bush is on record as not being in the favor of overturning Roe v Wade or making abortion illegal. He does oppose partial birth abortion, but I would like for anybody to try to justify that.
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:24 am
I thought Stern had been fired. He still has listeners?
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:25 am
doglover wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
Naw MM, most won't even admit it or will find some way to show that he is just being clever or amusing while Limbaugh 'really means it' when he says something off the wall. Hate speech from the left doesn't sound like hate speech to most leftwingers while the slightest nuance or exaggeration from the right is a major deal.

Anybody remember when Rush used to do the bit on his radio show about abortion when he would flush the toilet and there would be this giant sucking sound that was supposed to represent abortions being performed? God, that was so disgusting. Is that the kind of stuff you approve of Foxfyre? You consider that a slight nuance or exaggeration?

Did anybody used to watch Rush's TV show? That must have been before the Oxy addiction because he was obese then. Almost every show included a photo/footage of a political figure from the left/democrat in which Rush would make fun of their physical appearance.

Why was it disgusting?
Does the sound of a vacuum bother you? Or,was it the idea he was representing? If abortions are perfectly ok,then its ok to parody them.
His TV show also showed Bill Clinton coming out of a funeral,laughing and joking,then the second he saw the camera,he went into his "mourning"act,complete with the sad face and teary eyes.

Again,if what he says bothers you,dont listen.Nobody is holding a gun to your head,forcing you to.
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:26 am
Foxfyre wrote:
I find more offensive the way may on the left criticize pro-lifers and--saying this gently here--being called a 'Nazi' or like "Hitler" because views/opinions differ from those on the left.

In a perfect world, there would be no need for abortion. But the world and the people in it aren't perfect. I just don't understand how when two people have sex on a Friday night and the womans egg is fertalized, she misses her period two weeks later and shortly after that undergoes a medical procedure to remove the fertilized egg. What business is that of yours? How is that different from a man wearing a condom and preventing the fertilization of that same egg? There is NO difference Foxfyre.

Besides, what business is it of yours anyway? If you don't believe in abortion, then don't have one. It's not like they are being forced on anyone. Jeesh. Rolling Eyes
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:26 am
And for the record, George Bush is on record as not being in the favor of overturning Roe v Wade or making abortion illegal. He does oppose partial birth abortion, but I would like for anybody to try to justify that.

Yeah, and he was for the "Clean Air Act" and "Healthy Forests" - if GWB says it, look for the lies........ I wouldn't trust Bill Clinton with my daughter, I wouldn't trust Bush with my dog (daughter or anything else for that matter)

Bush and Rush are sick, sick people......
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:28 am
Get the lates: http://www.howardstern.com/
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:31 am
cavfancier wrote:
doglover wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
So Rush is Hitler?

If the shoe fits, wear it.

cav...IMO, Rush is a commentator/entertainer (albeit a very bad one) and Howard Stern is a morning radio DJ whose soul purpose is to entertain (albeit with locker room humor).

No way can you compare the two men.

I actually wasn't comparing them. I was just commenting on Stern's recent turn towards getting more politicized in the wake of the new FCC witch hunt that has been going on. He has, of late, been vehemently asking his listeners to vote Bush out, and go with Kerry, before the right to freedom of speech is obliterated entirely. It seems to have caught the attention of both the media and the FCC, who have now put their claim on hold until after the election.

Sorry cav. I haven't heard Stern in a while. I didn't know his show has become politicized. Thanks for the update. Cool

As for the FCC I wonder why Michael Powell never had anything to say about an admitted drug abuser broadcasting on the radio.
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:34 am
doglover wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
I find more offensive the way may on the left criticize pro-lifers and--saying this gently here--being called a 'Nazi' or like "Hitler" because views/opinions differ from those on the left.

In a perfect world, there would be no need for abortion. But the world and the people in it aren't perfect. I just don't understand how when two people have sex on a Friday night and the womans egg is fertalized, she misses her period two weeks later and shortly after that undergoes a medical procedure to remove the fertilized egg. What business is that of yours? How is that different from a man wearing a condom and preventing the fertilization of that same egg? There is NO difference Foxfyre.

Besides, what business is it of yours anyway? If you don't believe in abortion, then don't have one. It's not like they are being forced on anyone. Jeesh. Rolling Eyes

"There is NO diference" Shocked Shocked

You really need to educate yourself on this one. Abortion as a birth control device is not only horrible, but anyone who does it more than 3 times should have their uterus removed.
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:35 am
doglover wrote:
Foxfyre wrote:
I find more offensive the way may on the left criticize pro-lifers and--saying this gently here--being called a 'Nazi' or like "Hitler" because views/opinions differ from those on the left.

In a perfect world, there would be no need for abortion. But the world and the people in it aren't perfect. I just don't understand how when two people have sex on a Friday night and the womans egg is fertalized, she misses her period two weeks later and shortly after that undergoes a medical procedure to remove the fertilized egg. What business is that of yours? How is that different from a man wearing a condom and preventing the fertilization of that same egg? There is NO difference Foxfyre.

Besides, what business is it of yours anyway? If you don't believe in abortion, then don't have one. It's not like they are being forced on anyone. Jeesh. Rolling Eyes

I am opposed to abortion,but I dont care if you have one.BUT,dont ask for my tax money to pay for it.You get pregnant,you pay the cost.
But,that is a digression from what we were talking about.
I find it interesting that Doglover says that there is no comparison between Rush and Howard Stern.
Many people fing Stern offensive,just like so many on the left Find Rush offensive.
And,Stern has gotten himself involved in politics lately.
And,they both have millions of listeners during their respective time slots.So,to quote Doglover,that means that Stern is hitler like also,because "Millions of people listened to Hitler. I guess he was doing something right too."
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:37 am
To those who say that Rush can say what he wants, that liberals are afraid of him, that we should just change the channel -

I wouldn't support a liberal who uses the same tactics as Rush, either. As a member of society who believes in logical political debate, I hate all these demagogues who use emotion to sway people on issues instead of logic. Rush is the king of that.

I truly believe that most people either do not have the time/inclination/intelligence to properly research and form opinions about today's news and political events. So pardon me if I have a problem with a guy who sways millions of people's opinions on issues through emotional appeals. Is he wrong for doing it? I guess not, it isn't illegal or anything. But does that make him right?

No. And after his third divorce, and recent drug addiction scandal, you would think he would have alienated at least PART of his audience, but it won't. The same people who have been swayed by his emotional appeals for years will continue to be swayed, sadly enough.... Sad

Regardless of his political orientation I think it's a sad thing for America.

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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:45 am
You guys really think the FCC was incorrect to shut this down
from the nation's airways?:

March 12, 1998 [from the Howard Stern radio show]

Stern: Take off your dress so I can see your panties ... Do you want to take off your bra for the spanking? Take it off, you whore. Take it off, you filthy slut. Look at those - very perky. Come over here .. I'm gonna give you a name. Your name is Rover because you are a bad dog. Let me hear you bark. (He asks her questions, then spanks her when she gives the wrong answer.)

April 26, 1999
Stern: What are we going to do with this girl tomorrow? Have her drink from a dog bowl? Put mayonnaise on her EXPLETIVE and throw baloney peels at it. We'll definitely do that.
Robin: No fish this time? Ha. Ha.
Stern: Beat her with a fish
Robin: You might as well bring back the fish
Stern: I'd like to do everything to her. Just beat her with fish. Throw baloney on her.
Robin: Poke her with sticks.
Stern: Let's poke her with sticks...

Howard Stern Radio Show, April 21, 1999
(In the Columbine aftermath)

Stern: Did those kids try to have sex with any of the good looking girls? They didn't even do that.
At least if you're going go kill yourself and go kill all the kids, why wouldn't you have some sex?
John: Yeah, I would think I would want some sex if I was going to kill somebody.
Stern: Yeah, If I was going to kill some people I'd take them out with some sex.
Robin: I guess they were getting a rush from what they were doing.
Stern: They said, like, these guys were really against the good looking girls, 'cause the good looking girls wouldn't pay attention to them. And like the good looking girls would be begging them to live, and they go 'you don't have to beg 'cause you're going to be dead in a minute'.
Robin: Yeah, don't cry because you're going to be dead.
Stern: Don't cry, yeah. ...

And it has gotten worse in the last several years.
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:49 am
I'm a "Stern listener", and while the last few years have shown he's losing his edge, he's still way better than all the other crap on the air in the morning.

Now Stern rails against Bush at every opportunity, and he's transformed his website completely. The thing that makes Stern so good is that he DOESN'T just follow a party line on everything. The "All conservative" or "All liberal" people are asses, generally. Stern is conservative, liberal, or moderal depending on the topic.

People respect that. Considering many of Sterns supporters are undecided (and a good chunk are repubs), he's going to have a pretty big impact on the election. I'm sure.

Hearing Stern rag on the Bush admin for trying to downplay Kerry's military service was hilarious. "Kerry was killing VC while Bush was goofing off in Texas, and Bush is trying to make KERRY look bad? Are you kidding me?" Laughing

I just read Fox's post with the Stern quotes. People hype the sex stuff, and it does get a little racy sometimes, but thats only a fraction of the show. Most of it is not that. I'd suggest you listen for a bit, you'll get a kick out of it.
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:52 am
I could care less about what he says on the radio.

The younger generation (by which I would mean pretty much everyone I know who is my age, even some of my more conservative religious friends) does not find the same things offensive as some of the older ones do.

I guess you can call it the moral deciline of society or whatever, but none of what you wrote up there is particularly shocking to me. I don't listen to stern; but that's because I don't listen to the radio.

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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 09:53 am
I listen to stern every morning, He is entertaining. Even when he is ragging on Bush he is entertaining.
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 10:09 am
So you guys appreciate Stern and find Limbaugh offensive. I just don't understand it.
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 10:12 am
Foxfyre wrote:
So you guys appreciate Stern and find Limbaugh offensive. I just don't understand it.

Because Stern talks about sex and degrades women on his show,and because he slams Bush,that makes him ok.
Rush talks about liberals and their failed policies,and yes he sometimes goes over the top,that makes him evil and a danger to humanity.
Its all a matter of perspective,thats all.
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Reply Wed 16 Jun, 2004 10:16 am
How is it you can spend so much time defending a man who is willing to dig through the muck, and dedicate his life to slinging it at those he disagrees with, along with a healthy dose of vitriol and sound effects?

I just don't understand it.

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