Great website.
I guess that even the "great" Al Franken has to make things up to prove his case.
mysteryman wrote:I do want to add this to the discussion.
Rush must be doing something right,because if he wasnt the left would not be as afraid of him as they are.
If the left was not afraid of him,they would not be talking about him,monitoring his every show for content,worrying about his personal life,or even care what he says.
My advice to the left is if you dont like him,dont listen to him.
How hard is that?
Hate to burst your bubble, but no one is "afraid" of Limbaugh. Its almost humerous to listen to the guy take himself so seriously and work so hard at inflating his ego.
The only thing "wrong" with Rush is that there are millions of people who hang on his every word and take it as the gospel truth. Its just sad.
My father used to love the guy until I went on a road trip with him. We listened to Rush together (which I highly encourage people to do with a "dittohead"). The whole "Rush" influence thing falls apart like a house of cards when there is an informed person pointing out Rush's bullsh*t.
Okay here you go Blatham. Direct quotes from Franken's radio show are in short supply and we don't get him at all out here in the Desert Southwest. But following are some opinions, a few quotes, etc. talking about gross exaggerations, a few 'innocent' pranks, a hypocrisy re drug use, etc. all of which should be reasonably constructive in comparing Franken's style with Limbaughs.,2933,95162,00.html
Limbaugh himself has yet to acknowledge Franken's book, but the comedian has won grudging laughs from other conservative quarters. The most memorable reaction from the Right sprang from Franken's own fevered brain.
In a preface his book, Franken imagines a stinging review from Jeane Kirkpatrick in the New York Times: "My goodness. If this is the kind of mindless tripe that passes for political satire these days, I fear for this nation!" Continuing the satire, in a "letter" to the Times Book Review editor, Franken questions the ethics of assigning a book review to a "former lover":
"As anyone who was familiar with the Manhattan '80s club scene knows, Ms. Kirkpatrick and I endured a somewhat stormy and all too public affair during her tenure as our country's U.N. Ambassador."
"I don't know what this horrible, horrible man is talking about," an outraged Kirkpatrick responds in the letters column. "During the time I served as ambassador to the United Nations, I was far too busy defending the people of America including (unfortunately) Mr. Franken, against the dark forces of Soviet Communism to cheat on my husband, let alone 'go clubbing' as Mr. Franken suggests."
Thats interesting fox,
The last link has Franken actually being forced to apologize to Ashcroft for lying to him.And he didnt have permission from Harvard to use the letterhead he used.
I thought Al Franken was the epitome of truth and honesty on the left.(add sarcasm here) Between what you posted and what McGentrix posted,it will be interesting to see how the left on here tries to defend that.
And Justan, if you think it's all bullshit, which is what most of the 'right' thinks of Franken, don't listen to him. I think if it was all 'bullshit' however, he would not have lasted 20 years with #1 ratings for most of that time. Nobody who is without any substance at all can keep a sufficient audience to hold on for long. To discount Rush as having any credibility whatsoever is just plain foolish. Even Howard Stern got it right some of the time or he wouldn't have lasted.
It will be interesting to see if Air America makes it.
Oh, and if nobody is 'afraid' of him, why do so many on the left worry about his time slot and audience?
And sheesh Doglover. Another comparison to Hitler. Some of you guys are really in a rut.
You need to be careful.
For the left to find out that their paragon of broadcast virtue,Al Franken,has lied,and even admits to lying,might be hard on their delicate psyche.
After all,we know that the only people that lie are conservative radio and tv commentators.
Anyway, so who thinks Stern will actually influence the swing voters towards Kerry?
Naw MM, most won't even admit it or will find some way to show that he is just being clever or amusing while Limbaugh 'really means it' when he says something off the wall. Hate speech from the left doesn't sound like hate speech to most leftwingers while the slightest nuance or exaggeration from the right is a major deal.
Maybe it has always been that way. I don't know. I don't remember it getting so ugly until the Reagan administration, but then I didn't start paying real close attention until the Carter administration.
LOL Cav. I'm not sure who all the Stern supporters are.
McGentrix wrote:So Rush is Hitler?
NO, Bush is Hitler, Rush is his information minister and neocons are Nazis with a Fascist ideology. Get the relationships right, please.....
Well let's compare:
Hitler ordered millions and millions of Jews and
undesirable to their deaths.
Rush gets invited to speak to Jewish groups.
Hitler ordered invasions of numerous European
countries with the intent of taking them over.
To the best of my knowledge, Rush has never
invaded a country.
Hitler promoted the purity and superiority of
the Arian race.
Rush is beloved by many conservative minorties,
has minorities on his staff, and has minorities
subbing for him on his radio show.
Hitler promoted a totalitarian principle of
government, state control of all industry,
predominance of groups assumed to be racially
superior, and supremacy of the führer
Rush promotes smaller government, limitation
of powers, lower taxes, and strict interpretation
of the U.S Constitution.
Yeah, I can see how some might think there are a lot of similarities.
doglover, if "they" get "their" way, then toliet flushing will be "the way" :sad: along with coat hangers and alleyways.....
It doesn't matter whether I approve of the way Rush illustrated his opposition to abortion Doglover. I oppose abortion as well in all but a few cases. And his illustration is not really incorrect on how it is done. (I don't much like it either, but it's his show.)
I find more offensive the way may on the left criticize pro-lifers and--saying this gently here--being called a 'Nazi' or like "Hitler" because views/opinions differ from those on the left.