Rush Limbaugh divorces his third wife

Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 11:29 am
Doglover I HAVE listened to Rush--I used to be a regular listener too; now only very occasionally. But my comments are based on what I have heard.

Re him mostly joking about (more than criticizing) drug users when he was in effect using, this is easily explained by the phenomenon called denial. He probably didn't believe he was addicted until he was confronted with it. Since his admission of addiction, he has not had anything to say about others using drugs. It isn't his style to indulge in self pity.

I suppose everybody is going to hear what fits their personal biases and prejudices. I could tell you to open YOUR mind, but no doubt you believe your mind is open as I believe my mind is open.
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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 11:30 am
I'm not just talking about Rush, though here's a gem for ya:

'Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream.'

You stated that 'Those on the right often think it is the left who are most guilty of intolerance, bigotry, hate speech, and double standards.' To me, this statement represents the height of hypocracy on the part of the right; that is why I responded the way I did.

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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 11:35 am
Okay Cyclop. Rush did say that. And I challenge you to find and post the complete discussion that the quote is from. And then if you disagree with it, I'll give your take on it some credibility. I don't think any thinking person can disagree with it though.
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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 11:49 am
If you don't like it, do what I do and turn channels.
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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 11:50 am
Foxfyre wrote:
Doglover I HAVE listened to Rush--I used to be a regular listener too; now only very occasionally. But my comments are based on what I have heard.

LOL...I just turned Rush on and he's talking about love and why women love criminals/murderers in jail.

Re him mostly joking about (more than criticizing) drug users when he was in effect using, this is easily explained by the phenomenon called denial. He probably didn't believe he was addicted until he was confronted with it. Since his admission of addiction, he has not had anything to say about others using drugs. It isn't his style to indulge in self pity.

It isn't his style to indulge in self pity? ROFLMAO

Rush hasn't had anything to say about others using drugs cause his attorney, (former Kennedy kid defender) Roy Black ordered him to keep his mouth shut.

I suppose everybody is going to hear what fits their personal biases and prejudices. I could tell you to open YOUR mind, but no doubt you believe your mind is open as I believe my mind is open.

It's in our human nature to align ourselves with those who are like minded. The challange, and the growth comes when we go beyond that and accept the uncomfortable feeling we get when others tell us what we have done wrong/the mistakes we have made...are making. September 11, 2001 was a big time wake up call for me.
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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 12:02 pm
Those on the right often think it is the left who are most guilty of intolerance, bigotry, hate speech, and double standards.

I saw this in another thread, posted by pdiddie-

This is the actual Texas Republican Party platform. I wish it were a joke:


--Support for "the traditional definition of marriage as a God-ordained, legal and moral commitment only between a natural man and a natural woman."

--Support for state legislation that would make it a felony to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple and for any civil official to perform a marriage ceremony for a same-sex couple.

--Support for protection of all "innocent human life" from fertilization until natural death; urging the reversal of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion.

--Opposition to government action to restrict, prohibit or remove from public display the Ten Commandments or other religious symbols.

--Denouncement of "any unconstitutional act of judicial tyranny that would demand removal of the words 'One Nation Under God' from the Pledge of Allegiance."

--Support for adoption of "American English" as the official language of Texas and the United States.

--Restoration of plaques honoring the Confederate Widow's Pension Fund contribution that were removed from the Texas Supreme Court and other state buildings.

--Support for legislation to allow forcible rape to be punished by the death penalty.

--Opposition to the legalization of sodomy. The platform states that sodomy "tears at the fabric of society, contributes to the breakdown of the family unit, and leads to the spread of dangerous, communicable diseases."

--Support for a state school choice policy that allows "maximum freedom of choice in public, private or parochial education for all children."

These are the people who are NOT guilty of 'intolerance, bigotry, hate speech, and double standards?' What the hell do you think the left stands for, eating babies?

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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 12:23 pm
--Support for "the traditional definition of marriage as a God-ordained, legal and moral commitment only between a natural man and a natural woman."

What the hell is a 'natural' man and a 'natural' woman?

--Support for state legislation that would make it a felony to issue a marriage license to a same-sex couple and for any civil official to perform a marriage ceremony for a same-sex couple.

Those same sex couples must be the 'unnatural' men and women the Republicans are speaking of. Rolling Eyes

--Support for protection of all "innocent human life" from fertilization until natural death; urging the reversal of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion.

More old Texas guys forcing women to bare children. Something they themselves can never do. Be nice if they would make legislation protecting women from jerky men who do not support their children and their mother both emotionally and financially.
--Opposition to government action to restrict, prohibit or remove from public display the Ten Commandments or other religious symbols.

The founding fathers did not want religion and politics (government) combined. Again, the reps are ignoring the constitution to suit their own wants and desires.

--Denouncement of "any unconstitutional act of judicial tyranny that would demand removal of the words 'One Nation Under God' from the Pledge of Allegiance."

What no consideration for those who are athiest/agnostic...those of other faiths? These are the same people who believe the USA is a 'Christian nation'. Rolling Eyes

--Support for adoption of "American English" as the official language of Texas and the United States.

With so many Mexican's in Texas, isn't that being unreasonable and insulting?

--Restoration of plaques honoring the Confederate Widow's Pension Fund contribution that were removed from the Texas Supreme Court and other state buildings.

Who gives a rats azz about the Confederate Widows Pension Fund.

--Support for legislation to allow forcible rape to be punished by the death penalty.

That is just obscene and absurd. Do you know how often a man is falsely accused of rape? Or falsely convicted of the crime? Putting a man to death for raping a woman is beyond the pale.

--Opposition to the legalization of sodomy. The platform states that sodomy "tears at the fabric of society, contributes to the breakdown of the family unit, and leads to the spread of dangerous, communicable diseases."

What anyone does in the privacy of their bedroom isn't anyone's business, especially the governments. Half these guys who write this stupid stuff go home and hit their old lady or girlfriend up the wazoo on a regular basis. Make me laugh. Of course, this law could be a 'back door' attempt at making gay sex illegal.

Who in the hell do these people think they are with their small minded, bigoted rules? Mad
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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 12:25 pm
Well, when the name for your idelogical stance is 'the right,' what do you expect out of them?

Makes me ashamed to be a Texan Sad

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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 12:31 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Makes me ashamed to be a Texan Sad


Oh Cyclo...don't be ashamed to be a Texan. Texas needs more people like you.
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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 01:19 pm
As far as him speaking to issues of addiction or family values, nobody knows better who to counsel those who want to quit smoking than prior smokers. Nobody can counsel an alcoholic or other addict like a recovering alcoholic or addict can. And nobody knows better the value of family than s/he who has lost one.

Foxfyre, I am a recovering republican and I am offering my counseling assistance. However, the first step is recognizing your problem, and reaching out for help. I am certain that there are also many others here ready and willing to help. Laughing
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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 01:22 pm
doglover wrote:
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Makes me ashamed to be a Texan Sad


Oh Cyclo...don't be ashamed to be a Texan. Texas needs more people like you.

Let's see with Clyco and Edgar, that makes two....
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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 02:11 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
As far as him speaking to issues of addiction or family values, nobody knows better who to counsel those who want to quit smoking than prior smokers. Nobody can counsel an alcoholic or other addict like a recovering alcoholic or addict can. And nobody knows better the value of family than s/he who has lost one.

See, this is just the type of "double speak" that drives me absolutely bonkers. I mean, to the point where I just want to throw my hands up, walk away and never deal with people again.

When Rush was "sober", he insulted drug addicts / marriage lifestyles (of people he didn't like) and that was fine. His "ditto-dickheads" just swallowed the bile, agreed with him and asked for more.

Now, it turns out he was a drug addict. All of a sudden, "nobody knows better who to counsel" other people?!?! Are you shitting me? Do you hear yourself when you say things like that? Are you on oxycotin yourself? [/pulling my hair out of my head]

Anyway, here are a few more examples of " Double speak" that drive me insane:

1- Bush and terrorist attacks:
A) If we are attacked again, it just goes to show that we can't "change leaders" during a time of crisis. So we should vote Bush.
B) If we are not attacked, it just goes to show that Bush's actions are on point and he's a reason why there hasn't been another attack. So we should vote Bush.

2- Bush and Osama:
A) If we find him: Bush made a promise and he kept it. He swore to catch the mastermind of 9-11 and did it. Osama is no more. So we should vote Bush.
B) If we don't find him: It doesn't matter. We've attacked the Taliban and Osama isn't in a position to lead them anylonger. So we should vote Bush.

Am I the only one that is slowly being driven to the nuthouse by people who do this?
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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 02:37 pm
So there ya go. You guys can form your own movement.

Reading through the 'platform', assuming that it is as worded here--it isn't posted on the Texas GOP website yet--it doesn't seem to be much different from what it was in 2002 and 2000--a little fine tuning here and there. The Dallas Morning News made the point that platforms are usually drawn up by the most passionately partisan members, the Texas GOP platoform frustrates the more moderate Republicans, it comforts those who believe the liberal left are proposing destruction of the country, and it is absolutely non-binding on any elected official including the legislators and governor.

Sometimes I think extremism begets extremism however.

I was very liberal as a young adult and a dedicated Democrat. I went through my own recovery and am fine now Smile
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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 03:04 pm
Justan--you have hit the nail on the head re the nonsense this Admin (and its admirers) have been promoting for the past 2+ years. "We're fighting terrorism in Iraq so that we don't have to fight it in the US." Only our actions in Iraq has inspired more terrorism around the world.

Will the US electorate see through this nonsense? Only time will tell...
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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 03:47 pm
The point I was trying to make Justan, and no doubt failed miserably to do, was who is anybody to judge anybody? Rush is a talk show host. Commenting, advocating, insulting is what talk show hosts do or perhaps you can point me to one who doesn't? I think Rush's opinion of drug addicts has probably not changed one bit. Now that he has had to acknowledge his own problem, he may show more compassion. That remains to be seen since it hasn't come up since he went to rehab so far as I know.

And how are his comments, made as a talk show host, somehow more vile or loathsome that the remarks directed toward him by people who don't like him for whatever reason? They usually misquote him and misrepresent him, and they all judge him.

The point I was trying to make, however badly, is he not to talk about it anymore? Do you really think people will get off his case if he spends the rest of his time recounting his sins? Or will they just say then, "See? He admits it. We told you so.

There is plenty of finger pointing to go around I think.
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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 04:23 pm
I dont like him because he tries to use infotainment to make us beleive things that he calls facts . His command of history and more quantitative subjects is horrible. I still listen. He is like a car wreck.
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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 04:30 pm
Yes I catch him in factual errors too. But again, when you're mostly ad libbing for three hours a day, five days a week, I think few of us wouldn't make at least some. I screw up on facts just typing a few dozen posts on A2K every week. Smile
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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 04:34 pm
McGentrix wrote:
If you don't like it, do what I do and turn channels.

Rush Limbaugh... yada yada yada.... click
Dr. Laura..........yada one yada two.... click
Michael Medved.... and the liberal media....click
Michael Savage.... kill kill kill....click
Laura Ingrahm... I love George Bush because...click
Hugh Hewitt.... and the atheists want to .... click
Mike Gallagher... Sadam and Osama conspir....click
Dennis Prager.... This country was founded on Chr...click
Dave Ramsey ...Gold , buy gold....click
Sean Hannity... evil, those liberals are evil....click
George Hoory...the war on terror in Iraq .... click
Glenn Beck...the pledge is still safe.... click
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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 04:47 pm
Mesquite, all those people you list--or at least the ones I recognized--have substantial audiences, and that make them profitable to their sponsoring networks, stations, and/or sponsors. Some leftwing groups such as NOW have actually conducted letter writing campaigns and organized boycotts trying to get Rush Limbaugh tossed off the air in big markets. I don't doubt there have been similar efforts in some of the smaller markets too.

The bottom line is always profits and that comes from listeners, ie ratings. So far the liberals haven't been able to duplicate that feat, not from lack of talent but because 'liberal values' are so much harder to articulate and, in my opinion, defend.

If you listen objectively to a conservative talk show, you will hear a lot of liberal bashing, yes, but you will mostly hear conservative viewpoints expressed along with reasoned discourse as to why they are 'superior' to any other. Liberal talk show hosts don't seem to be able to do that as well so a liberal talk show is mostly conservative bashing and that gets old to everybody really quick.

But there is still NPR, the BBC, and other places to go for a 'liberal' fix. Usually you can get one with any of the alphabet networks.
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Reply Tue 15 Jun, 2004 04:54 pm
What you're saying seems reasonable enough, Foxfyre, apart from the idea that conservative values are more easily defended.

Having said that, can we finally get away from the absurd notion that the left controls the media? Mesquite's list certainly suggests a substantial conservative presence, and that's just on the radio!
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