Foxfyre wrote:As far as him speaking to issues of addiction or family values, nobody knows better who to counsel those who want to quit smoking than prior smokers. Nobody can counsel an alcoholic or other addict like a recovering alcoholic or addict can. And nobody knows better the value of family than s/he who has lost one.
See, this is
just the type of "double speak" that drives me absolutely bonkers. I mean, to the point where I just want to throw my hands up, walk away and never deal with people again.
When Rush was "sober", he insulted drug addicts / marriage lifestyles (of people he didn't like) and that was fine. His "ditto-dickheads" just swallowed the bile, agreed with him and asked for more.
Now, it turns out he was a drug addict. All of a sudden, "nobody knows better who to counsel" other people?!?! Are you shitting me? Do you hear yourself when you say things like that? Are you on oxycotin yourself? [/pulling my hair out of my head]
Anyway, here are a few more examples of " Double speak" that drive me
Bush and terrorist attacks:
If we are attacked again, it just goes to show that we can't "change leaders" during a time of crisis. So we should vote Bush.
If we are not attacked, it just goes to show that Bush's actions are on point and he's a reason why there hasn't been another attack. So we should vote Bush.
Bush and Osama:
If we find him: Bush made a promise and he kept it. He swore to catch the mastermind of 9-11 and did it. Osama is no more. So we should vote Bush.
If we don't find him: It doesn't matter. We've attacked the Taliban and Osama isn't in a position to lead them anylonger. So we should vote Bush.
Am I the only one that is slowly being driven to the nuthouse by people who do this?