That'll take some very radical surgery, Dys.
Don't go shattering Osso's illusions JLN, if she wants to see short dark and Italian, she should see short dark and Italian.
You're a male and breathing, right? Fine with me!
Who knows, now it might not be tomorrow. The surgeon is driving back from his high school reunion, and is in one of those spaces where cellphones don't work. It might end up being another day. Sheesh, I want to get it over with.
The opthamologist said it didn't need a whole pre-op work up. The surgeon's associate in practice says he may want it.
I say it's silly, you can tell by looking it's a cat-eye. Still, let me not be incautious.
The good news, I was supposed to go for jury duty tomorrow. I managed to cancel it at the courthouse with a mere six minutes to spare (the jury duty office closed at noon today.)
the surgeon called (nice of him, he and his wife were mid driving back from a short vacation), and the surg won't be til Thursday. He is much much more relaxed about it than the ophthalmologist, doesn't think the pupil will need to be made smaller afterwards, so I am more relaxed.
Will update later.
Osso, very clever, gal, using your eye problem to get out of jury duty.
I feel so guilty with my very successful eye surgeries while you continue to suffer from yours.
Taint fair!
Maddy Arf!
Stopping in to renew good fortune wishes.
Oh my, Osso, still ain't over?
A cat eye sounds rather fetching. Isn't there some woman who has undergone extensive plastic surgery to look more cat-like? She'd be way jealous, I'm sure. (Unless she's had surgery for THAT, too. Eek.) (I'm sure contacts would do...)
Good luck, dearie.
Thanks, Bumble, Edgar and Soz.
I sort of cringe at doing this thread, re attention seeking, but I kind of want to keep up documentation, and...
it does help to have a2k pals know and give support. I know y'all do already. It was a serious help to me back in January.
Ah, osso the cat woman. That sounds incredibly sexy, so stop trying to seduce Gus and get serious about finding a man who deserves you. Now all you need is a catsuit.
Good luck, sweetie. ([size=7]Actually, Paco is most likely the best man around[/size].)
Oh, document!
I thought of that after the "hmph" and wanted to clarify -- it wasn't "hmph not more of this" but "hmph why can't that eye shape up and leave our Osso alone already?!" (Ooh, "shape up" works well in that context, doesn't it?)
Oh, you've definitely got support, osso! Don't doubt it for a minute.
Catsuit. Not my exact style.
Soz, I knew what your hmmpf meant, my post was coincidental.
Sunny, beautiful here. My optimism's back in place.
OssoB in a cat suit.
I can see it. <nods>
Pacco may be a bit puzzled at first, but he'll adjust.
Corgi howls in the distance..
Of course, it will be a very smart catsuit. One that has it's own co-ordinating knee length coat/jac, to be tied up just about the waist.
And delectable paw coverings, leaving room for claws that might need to make a sudden appearance.
Just had the pre-op visit. We decided to go conservative.
The situation is that when the eye dilates to let in more light, it dilates a bit wider than the synthetic lens. When it closes back down, usually, many times a day, it closes fine. One time it caught the lens edge and part of the iris went underneath instead of on top - thus, cat eye.
The choice was whether to try to
1) reposition the synthetic lens arms' (arms is the best I can do, I forget the word - they are like little tabs) that keep it in its little cubby slot. They're in there but a bit awry. The risk is that the iris could be torn, causing more inflammation in an eye that has been hard to control inflammation in...
2) just nudge it back and wait and see if it happens again, which it might or might not.
So we'll do number 2.
No i.v. anesthesia but various numbing drops.
Hmmm, that sounds icky as I type it, but those drops work.
Over at Taunton, I actually saw an outfit that would work very nicely for OssoB. Black, with bands of wonderful gold and batik fabric. Sort of drooped sections at the back hem of the jacket. Worn over a very narrow black pant and t outfit - which could well be replaced by OssoB's catsuit