Re: chloramine and water softner
arunmani wrote:I am planning on getting a water softener.
The city water is treated with chloramine and has about 3ppm of total chlorine in it.
One of the water softener person I talked to told that if I do not have a Centuar carbon filter before the water softener, it will harden the resin and will have to be replaced every year.
But the other person I talked to did not mention anything about pre-filteration.
Can you please throw some light on what I should go with. The city water is 15 gpg hard.
You say about 3 ppm, how much actually by doing a test?
Replaced every year... He is lying or simply doesn't know what he is talking about. Chlorine damage makes the resin mushy, not hard. And the resin will not fail in a year, it will take more like five to ten years. Centaur is overkill, coconut shell would be much leass expensive and a very good choice.
You can buy the softener with more chlorine tolerant resin but it costs more and hardly worth it IMO because resin is inexpensive and easily replaced. Although I don't like the idea, you could use a disposable cartridge GAC filter correctly sized for the peak demand flow rate of the house.
I suggest you search for "softener sizing" + SFR, and learn how to correctly size a softener. Then I suggest one using a Clack WS-1 control valve. A softener must be sized for the SFR (service flow rate in gpm that it will be expected to treat. If the peak demand exceeds the SFR of the volume of resin, the softener can not remove all the hardness in your water.