Different people have told me different things -- I think guh-naysh, but I'm not sure.
Dark purple velveteen western shirt with pearlized snaps, gray jeans cuffed up over lighter gray boots (a trend somewhere, but whatever), silver square hoop earrings.
Pink wool turtleneck sweater, jeans and tennis shoes.
A nonfluorescent light chartreuse cotton zipup sweater over black jersey pants, with black danskos. Low jewelry quotient today, just my mother's engagement ring (platinum with wee diamonds, main biggish stone now a blue topaz, or some such thing; when she wore it, it was an aqua-colored zircon.)
In a really weird twist, a sweater my son doesn't want anymore.
Hand-me-downs from my kid, sheesh.
loden green velour pants
green socks with some kind of christmas tree pattern
chartreuse dressy t
giant deep red sick kids sweatshirt
the red suede clogs
getting ready to put on many layers of clothes to walk the dogs
fleece lined boots will be a requirement tonight
You get the idea w/ some khaki shorts =D
Hi Tyrius! :-D
Long time no see.
Hey! Whats going on? I just got done moving and had my internet reconnected so im up and running.
Sorry for off-topic =P
Off-topic is good.
I'm working on becoming a Seasoned Member. But I'll have to decide which seasoning is most flattering. No garlic, no onion. Maybe cloves...
Today I have decided to wear a comfortable pair of blue jean coveralls.
I feel so alive.
my p.j's, they're just so comfortable
wow !
great to see Tyrius again
First real cold will hit the city 18-24 degrees F today. Had to sort through the closet last night to find which of last Spring's coats contained the good winter gloves. Found the invitation to Anna Sui's Valentine's Party in the pocket, hope I'm not too late..
Today will wear heavy down coat, knit hat, big gloves and the Christmassy sweater. Oh, and red face.
Joe (what are you going to wear when winter's actually arrives?) Nation
18-24 F? Quite shivering, huh?
I'm sitting on a 76-87 ºF here so...
Short blue cotton skirt with yellow cotton tank top. Black bra and <checking> cute pink panties.
You should check the Boston forecast for today. Next month those panties will be knit wool.