Cream-coloured flat front pants. Black T-shirt. Open buttondown potatoe sack lookin' shirt and black shoes and socks.
"Ants in your pants" boxers.
Quote:Me: Knee-length turquoise robe, black bra, gray tank top, blue boxers with moons and stars, a white sock on my right foot and on my left ankle alternately an ice pack and an Ace wrap.
Good grief! What are the odds, Cinnesthesia, that you and I would be wearing the
exact thing?
What a small friggin' world.
O, no! You're not in your post-modern Brontë sister mode tonight, are you Gus?
Fear not, young lady. I have changed into my orange coveralls.
I feel like dancing.
I might dance with you, seeing as you are at your peak of handsomeness tonight, the way that those orange coveralls reflect the swamp's lessening light; what kind of dance?
gustavratzenhofer wrote:Fear not, young lady. I have changed into my orange coveralls.
I feel like dancing.
Orange coveralls: HazMat gear? Are you dancing on a mercury-coated floor?

Life is so unfair. I have to sit here and watch Gus and Drom dance while I wait for my ankle to feel better. Maybe I'll make paper dolls of everyone in their sparkling attire.
I was just looking at Craven's "Location: :noitacoL" ----Isn't location an anagram of no coital?
When will your ankle be better, have they said?
We can delay it until then.-- This would be a prudent option.
Plaid flannels, white undershirt, no bra....ah me.
"What are you wearing" is back!! Yay!! Thanks, Cin!
Jeans, white ribbed tank top, variations of green and white cotton voile 3/4 sleeve shirt. Silver hoop earrings, silver necklace, wedding rings (on different hands though, engagement ring on right), watch.
Sozobe, narcissistic or not, I love this kind of thread. I always kept one on my own forum several years ago.
Drom, they haven't said's just a sprain and I'm taking care of it myself, with a little assistance from my loved know, they fetch me things so I can practice RICE.
Joeblow wrote:Plaid flannels, white undershirt, no bra....ah me.
Me too, no bra. It's liberating isn't it?
God I live living dangerously!
Um, so you two kids go ahead and dance. I'll admire from afar or something.
Cinnesthesia wrote:Um, so you two kids go ahead and dance. I'll admire from afar or something.
The proper term is "breastacles". "Two kids" is just a very disrespectful way of referring to bosomry. Tsk tsk.
ehBeth had one of long standing, I've missed it. Every once in a while I wish I had an excuse to say what I'm wearing. (Not today.)
Oh and bra. If I wore just this shirt without the tank top and bra I'd be one of those "nipples poking out" people's hero. Which is why I'm wearing the tank top and bra...
Liberating...exhilarating even...and all is right with the world.
Craven de Kere wrote:Cinnesthesia wrote:Um, so you two kids go ahead and dance. I'll admire from afar or something.
The proper term is "breastacles". "Two kids" is just a very disrespectful way of referring to bosomry. Tsk tsk.
God. Bad timing on my part.
Breastacles....hehehheh...I feel rediculous for laughing!
My husband thinks that word is soooooooooooo funny. I mean I do, too, but...
Seriously...I felt like an eight year old boy...I giggled and silly.
knee-high white boot socks under horsehide driving mocs, chino dockers, red and black buffalo plaid shirt under a calfskin vest and elbow length black rubber gloves, Stetson white straw hat, we may go out for dinner when the Nun gets home.