Red short shorts and a white t-shirt.
speaking of which... I should be wearing pajamas.
Hmmm... a dark green cotton shirt with a light green silk tie. Tailored wool double breasted suit in black with very subtle red and green stripes. Black brouges with black socks !!
Now that I am back to wearing formal clothes, I can show off
It's my day off. It's going to rain all day. I wearing my black sweat pants, moccasins and a white tee with my robe draped over my chair for when I get cold.
Joe (pass the blackberry jam and the teapot) Nation
That sparky sure knows how to dress!
Heathery blue knit jumper (the dress kind for the Brits who read this), pink v-neck t, navy tights, navy polar fleece vest with pink flowers embroidered on it, tall black shearling-lined boots. I should take the boots off, and put shoes on, but it's just not that warm in here today.
Nice, gauta... prince... Sparky. Yeah, Sparky.
I said a long time ago I'd post the pic of sozlet's halloween costume, finally getting a bunch of stuff scanned, here 'tis. (Can't make my photo program work to make it less dark, but oh well.)
Ooooh, that's gorgeous, I am sure she and the dress will be soooo beautiful together.
I clicked on to the topic to post that I am wearing my dreaded violently pea green sweater again (it's been a while, due to various widened eyes and frowns, even on my day off, when I louche through the grocery store.) So today I wore it under my new-from-the-Discovery-Shop grey silk sweater that is so cool. So we have the cool grey silk sweater with the pea green one peeking up at the neck, down from the sleeves, and down from the bottom of the grey.
Still wrong. So I topped it with my tripartite sparkley necklace, the one with two fine gold chains and a third string of purple and blue irridescent cut glass (plastic?) beads interspersed with gold beads. A very filigreed looking necklace that I love and paid $2. for.
There. That worked.
Mismatched plaid flannels. Thick Kneesocks and...a lazy grin.
Old shirt with presstuds, which I keep ripping open at opportune moments and scaring Mr S (no bra). Pair of trakkies and a fag hanging out of my gob........pait a lovely picture of myself, don't I? :wink
Phoenix, meself and the lady Diane expect to be in Cocoa Beach in about 30 days, please get the temp up from 44 or we might as well just stay here in Albaturkey.
dys- Not to worry. I checked on "Accuweather". It only forecasts for 15 days ahead, but right after Christmas, it looks like the weather will be mid-50s to early 70s. I would expect that by the middle of January, it would be somewhat warmer than that.
Tell Diane that she can pack her bikini, if the pool that she is swimming in is heated!
Cream flannel sleep pants from Old Navy with a small green and red mistletoe pattern. A pink undershirt. Giant red sweatshirt from a 2003 Hospital for Sick Kids fundraiser. Very cool felt polar bear at the left front hem. A pair of my favourite red Tommy Hilfiger knock-off clogs (from the Meijer's in Hilliard - leather/suede $5)
it all looks stunning with my new blonde with hot pink tipped hair
I was pretty startled when Maddy was done
A friend was hanging out at the salon with me while the work was being done (and it was work !!! ) - and they made her promise not to tell me what the tips were going to be.
<soz, you've GOT to get sozlet some of the Klezmatics hanukkah music - written by Woody Guthrie - I'm going to find a link and put it in the What are you listening to right now>
I got some boots! Finally!
They're gorgeous, they feel great, I'm too too happy. :-) Got 'em at Eddie Bauer warehouse store, originally $166 (well, originally $166 at the warehouse, maybe more than that originally-originally) 70% off! They're very good leather, lined with leather, nice padded insole, medium-high heels (about 2.5 inches maybe), a squared-off toe, black, just below the knee.
I also got a cranberry cotton velvet jean jacket, also 70% off.
(And a dress for my mom, 90% off.)
I'm gonna go back there OFTEN...
Er ahem...
White striped shirt with a dark red silk tie (with white squares on it) with gold cufflinks, black silk and wool double breasted suit and brouges.
Can you imagine that all these clothes were lying in storage till I joined my new job ?
(Psst, how do you pronounce Ganesh?)
I've mostly heard it pronounced with the accent on the second syllable and a long A sound (as in ate). Sometimes the second syllable has a short E sound (as in bed), but I think the first version is preferred.