I lived in Chicago for 5 years. I KNOW what you're talking about... :wink:
It's starting to get cold up here too, so I'm wearing my sheepskin coat. Actually, it's a live sheep, noisy but warm. Hi Tyrius!
What will PETA say?
Tyrius, no garlic for me. It would attract too many Italians.
PETA won't say anything Cinn, it's still alive, and being kept well. You just won't wear garlic because you like vampires, fess up.
I've been known to submit to the occasional bite.
Ankle length burgundy velour skirt.
3/4 sleeve garnet t.
sparkly silver and garnet skinny scarf
black tights and shoes
took off the cream/pink/burgundy tweed jacket
they finally turned the heat on in this joint
Purty, ehBeth!
I'm wearing a long black skirt, my NEW tall black leather boots (of which hubby wholeheartedly approves

), and a deep red turtleneck.
New boots.
Always a nice thing.
A tee shirt with a picture of the Supreme Bean on it and shorts. It is 78f in San Diego today.
a black silk houserobe.
It is 78 here in austin.
Hey Cav!
Today i wore a light brown collared **** w/ some dark blue jeans w/ my boots. It was really nippy so tomorrow ill probably go swater w/ white collred shirt under it.
Hi, Tyrius, good to see you again.
(shirt, that's a shirt....)
black jersey slacks, cantalope colored sweater, fish earrings that are sort of peach colored, really pendants that are segmented so the fish can flip back and forth (bought them at a chinese store and put them on earring clips). Same old black danskos.
I thought if we typed "****" it would turn to asterisks.
Can I say ****?
I know. It's a stupid ******* rule.
I have a date tonite, so I dressed to the hilt..
Gotta keep the hilt warm. But what are you wearing?
and what's above the hilt, Sparky?
I'm in mistletoe patterned sleep pants, red suede clogs and a white t-shirt. looking for a sweater cuz it's a bit nipply round here.
Need to get dressed for work soon. Meeting lawyers. Gotta wear a suit. Pfffffffft.