What in the hell are the odds that Swimpy and I would be wearing the same outfit?
Right down to the silver hoop earrings!
I'm sure you look lovely, too.
Let's take that vanity down a notch, shall we?
Nice to see this thread again.
Which reminds me, do any of you follow the Sartorialist? Or any of the other recommended street photo/style websites? (look at Slate.com, and then click on to style, and check out a good article about pedestrian style -
lotsa links).
I remain casual, at rest in my non-superthin jeans, they're too short but I don't care, and my thrift shop eddie bauer blue sweatshirt, ring from some art gallery here in south and west. Some Clarks floppy shoes, obtained from a non-shoe store.
I'm organizing my closet and trying things on. At the moment I'm wearing a sleeveless black sweater dress with a blue and pink polka dot bra underneath, and it shows through. Maybe not the best combination.
I, on the other hand, am wearing a black sweaty sleeveless dress, but with a plain white sports bra.
This ensemble is finished off with crotchless grandad underpants (from "man at al fresco"), and turquoise spangly hose.
I could help you with your selection for the evening, but I would have to see photographs (detailed, full-length views) of you in each of the possible combinations.
I am willing to offer my assistance for all pieces of clothing, so you can include photos of you in just the underwear.
Just let me know when you are ready with the pictures, and I will give you the e-mail addy for forwarding...
Don't bother thanking me - I am just bighearted that way.
Lord E, a spangly hose? Did those piercings hurt?
Snood, I am organizing my closet, not trying to decide what to wear. BUT, maybe you could come here and we could play dress up sometime.
OK, but I ain't wearin' no dang pantyhose....
snood, they've got extra-tall now.
you might like it better this time round.
This time around?!? What's that mean?! Who you been talkin' to?!?!
a viking hat, an old prom dress and biker boots.
Hi Amigo!
To mess with everyone's heads, that's why.
Did rosie the riviter get a job at a cheese plant?

I crack myself up.
Black crochet sweater dress, black ankle length tights, silver square hoop earrings, lime/fuchsia Athens (they're flip flops made by Crocs).

Just to resurrect this topic.