Quote:I did, and if Cosby did that stuff I am very pissed that these women did not do their duty and report his miss behavior when justice would have allowed us to nail his ass to the wall.
Seems that I need to constantly remind you that they were "not" women at that point in time of their lives, rather young ladies growing into women who typically trusted an older man as they would their Father, who claimed after speaking with each and every one of them that he would help further their career. He did "not" ask for sex in return, he merely took it.
And, let's not forget a young lady that trusted him and had turned down his friend that night, that found herself in bed with that friend the next morning once she had woken, after Cosby had given her a pill for a migraine.
You keep changing your stance on this, " I'm 50/50" no I'm "80/20" to now, well it's the women's fault all of 19 years of age, they should have come out and told the law 10 years ago or more, then we could have nailed his ass.
It's evident that some of those women who have come forward have something to loose by doing so, their Husband's fame and yet their Husband's are allowing them to speak. Their Husband's have sufficient money any tiny bit that any of these girls could if it occurred, get would be worthless to those particular women.
Again, naturally there has to be a "few" that are lying to try to gain fame, attention, more work, a boob job

As, in materialistic women who have no morals or shame, that are obvious liers.