Bill Cosby accused of Rape - say it ain't so

Thu 20 Nov, 2014 08:43 am
not to this level though. Were talking a bout a "Class" that is now speaking out in court.
He could face some serious jail time at this latest report.
Before, itwasnt the center of a days news like the lst 2 days
Thu 20 Nov, 2014 02:38 pm

Seems that Bill Cosby's mission in life was to increase the "blacks" class wherever practical towards middle class. That he was disgusted even, at his own race whereby they didn't "try"... That he hated school as he was put into a mixed race and envied his friends that attended an all black college and that he made his son or suggested to his (only) son to attend an all black college.

Even when it was established that his son had dyslexia and he realised this was the reason for him receiving "D's" on his report cards, he claimed acknowledgement for being the one to establish same as if he was a hero for establishing that. When his only son was killed he and his wife started Hello Friend/Ennis William Cosby Foundation to provide funds for education of disadvantaged youths. And is known for charities that involve parents to educate their children... His son, dyslexic, one of his daughters an Actress who dropped out of school... https://www.looktothestars.org/celebrity/bill-cosby

I'd say that he was a troubled youth who was probably bullied and felt he had to lead other black people into becoming middle class, almost like a mission.

And, he was a womaniser. Who ended up with 4 girls. Interestingly he chose after 40 to drop his mistress, in-front of her Mother.

But he also was coming to grips with the frustrations of being a middle-aged man and father. In a comic essay for Ebony, Cosby even talked about how aging had affected his roving eye for women. "One of the most important things when you turn 40 is that you weigh things thusly," he wrote. "You look at the enjoyment you may get from a given activity, and then you look at the amount of work that may have to go into it … for example, sex with a young beautiful woman who has plenty of energy." In a picture that accompanied the story, Cosby stood on a diving board, smoking a cigar, looking over his shoulder wistfully at a bikini-clad, mocha-skinned beauty. "One of those things you want but are glad you can't have," the caption read.

Cosby didn't tell Ebony readers about another step that he had taken to prove that he was serious about cutting back on his womanizing. He told one long time girlfriend that he wanted to put an end to their relationship, and then he invited the woman and her mother, who had always disapproved of her daughter being involved with a married man, out to dinner. "I'm very happy to be here," the mother told Cosby, "because I always thought you had more sense than that!"

Camille rarely got so adamant about casual things. It was as if she was saying that he hadn't come this far — fighting for the dignity of characters on his previous shows, creating the role model of Fat Albert for kids, earning a doctorate in education — to fall back on the stereotypes conjured by a black chauffeur and a Latina handywoman. At one point, she told him that the limo driver idea was so crazy that he should see a psychiatrist and bring back a note.

He confided his own mixed feelings about having been one of few blacks at Temple University and how much he envied the bonds forged by his friends who had gone to historically black colleges. Ennis took his father's advice, but in his freshman year he could manage no better than a 2.3 grade point average. In his sophomore year, one friend asked if he had been tested for dyslexia. When Ennis shared that possibility with his parents, they arranged for him to undergo a battery of tests. The diagnosis came back positive. That summer, he took classes designed to help dyslexics and his grades began to improve.

Cosby was so thrilled about Ennis' breakthrough that he decided to share it with his 30 million viewers. But Cosby also wanted to blow the whistle on himself for having suggested for so long that the problem was a character flaw in Ennis, rather than a mental "glitch," as the script called it.

Cosby chuckled. "All right, Ennis," he said, "just to celebrate, we're going to turn the lights on the pine tree off on your birthday!"

After lowering the casket into the ground, the mourners made their way back to the barn.

As they walked up the hill, Cosby turned to his brother, Russell.

"Yeah, we went down this hill feeling like slaves," Cosby said, "and we're coming back up feeling like free people."

This to me is a bizarre thing to say at your son's funeral... " and we're coming back up feeling like free people"...
0 Replies
Thu 20 Nov, 2014 03:59 pm
and the hits keep coming, TVLand has canned any further reruns of The Cosby Show
Thu 20 Nov, 2014 04:13 pm
This idea that if we dont like an artist we should not look at their art has gotten way out of hand. It goes right along with this nutty idea that if we dont like the speaker then everything that comes out of their mouth must not be worth paying attention to.
Thu 20 Nov, 2014 04:23 pm
Well, you get what you pay for. If you pay for unacceptable actions; you get more unacceptable actions.
Thu 20 Nov, 2014 04:28 pm
roger wrote:

Well, you get what you pay for. If you pay for unacceptable actions; you get more unacceptable actions.

What about the 100 other people who put that art together? What about the people who have not had the pleasure of viewing that art yet? Everybody else has to suffer because we dont like one guy right now? That is nuts.
0 Replies
Thu 20 Nov, 2014 04:30 pm

hawkeye10 wrote:

Attitudes change, back then it was considered pretty acceptable to secretly add something to a woman's drink]

This is a Putz move. I've never been to a gathering where jerks tried to drug the girls. Not only is it a cowardly and predatory practice, the idiots spiking the drinks don't have a clue if the woman could have an allergic reaction and possibly die. It's pathetic that there are men who can dehumanize women to the point they are merely a receptacle for their deposits.
Thu 20 Nov, 2014 04:32 pm
Paula Dean bought every single show she did for food network, presumably on the cheap since it was worthless to them when they decided to never air them or allow them on the net again. All artists should do that if they can, at least the public gets a chance to view the art. Paula Dean thinks she can make money on it too.
0 Replies
Thu 20 Nov, 2014 04:41 pm
glitterbag wrote:

hawkeye10 wrote:

Attitudes change, back then it was considered pretty acceptable to secretly add something to a woman's drink]

This is a Putz move. I've never been to a gathering where jerks tried to drug the girls. Not only is it a cowardly and predatory practice, the idiots spiking the drinks don't have a clue if the woman could have an allergic reaction and possibly die. It's pathetic that there are men who can dehumanize women to the point they are merely a receptacle for their deposits.

That does not even make sense for while I have heard people claim to be allergic to alcohol I dont know that it is a real thing, and the drinks were known by the girls to have alcohol, the only thing they did not know was how much.

This argument flunks logic 101.
Thu 20 Nov, 2014 04:56 pm
Another thing: allergies were much less a problem then they are now, no one knows why, so lets make sure that we are judging 1970's behavior based upon 1970's reality MKay?
0 Replies
Thu 20 Nov, 2014 04:57 pm
So, your "something" means alcohol?

Date drugs don't figure in your logic?

It seems to have figured in Bill's. Allegedly.
Thu 20 Nov, 2014 04:59 pm
Lordyaswas wrote:

So, your "something" means alcohol?

Date drugs don't figure in your logic?

It seems to have figured in Bill's. Allegedly.

Aa has been explained alcohol deception was the only thing I was personally involved with, but I know the adding other things to girls drinks was not exceptionally rare, at least based upon claims. I cant recall ever personally witnessing it.
Thu 20 Nov, 2014 05:05 pm
All well and good, but your "back then it was acceptable" blurb somehow implies that the act of tampering with someone's drink is not all that big a deal and it is only modern attitudes that make it a problem.

We are talking about a whole different ball game here. Women waking up in a strange bed, in pain, semen deposits, wearing someone else's T shirt.

It's all looking very seedy and nasty. If true, I hope they throw away the key.
0 Replies
Thu 20 Nov, 2014 05:28 pm
That does not even make sense for while I have heard people claim to be allergic to alcohol I dont know that it is a real thing, and the drinks were known by the girls to have alcohol, the only thing they did not know was how much.

Spiking punch with something like Everclear, and not letting the girls know the potency of the alcohol they were consuming, can result in alcohol poisoning and death. Girls generally have smaller body mass and body weight, so they metabolize alcohol at a different rate, and get drunk faster, and can OD on alcohol faster. And you were pulling this crap in high school, with inexperienced drinkers?

I agree with glitterbag, it was a putz move, and one that completely disregarded the welfare of the girls in favor of your predatory need to get into their pants. Even "back then" you would have been considered a creep.

0 Replies
Thu 20 Nov, 2014 05:28 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

Lordyaswas wrote:

So, your "something" means alcohol?

Date drugs don't figure in your logic?

It seems to have figured in Bill's. Allegedly.

Aa has been explained alcohol deception was the only thing I was personally involved with, but I know the adding other things to girls drinks was not exceptionally rare, at least based upon claims. I cant recall ever personally witnessing it.

You are truly a sleaze ball. There doesn't have to be an allergy to alcohol, people are occasionally on medication (epilepsy for instance) that is toxic when combined with alcohol. Did any of you morons ever think about that? No you didn't, because you only see a walking vagina. Reckless, thoughtless, idiots.
Thu 20 Nov, 2014 05:32 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:
Aa has been explained alcohol deception was the only thing I was personally involved with,

One hell of a euphemism there Hawkeye, "alcohol deception?" Why can't you just say you liked getting girls legless by spiking their drinks with cheap vodka? Are you actually ashamed of what you did so you have to wrap it up in doubletalk?
Thu 20 Nov, 2014 06:03 pm
One hell of a euphemism there Hawkeye, "alcohol deception?

Clearly you dont know the meaning of the word "euphemism". I have given you two words that starkly portray both the action and the intent of the action.
Thu 20 Nov, 2014 06:07 pm
people are occasionally on medication (epilepsy for instance) that is toxic when combined with alcohol.

the drinks were known by the girls to have alcohol,

I am sure that in that case somebody would have reminded these ladies that they should not be drinking, and no guy would have handed them a drink.

Again we see logic fail from you.
0 Replies
Thu 20 Nov, 2014 06:11 pm
I'm waiting for that other creep BillRM to show and insist all the women agreed to be drugged, so it was consensual. They were just unhappy that he put their shoes on the wrong feet.

Thu 20 Nov, 2014 06:23 pm
This idea that if we dont like an artist we should not look at their art has gotten way out of hand. It goes right along with this nutty idea that if we dont like the speaker then everything that comes out of their mouth must not be worth paying attention to.

The personal lives and opinions of entertainers have always influenced how people regard their work, and whether people want to put money in their pockets by supporting that work. Boycotts are a legitimate form of protesting conduct one finds offensive. Cosby's fans have been giving him a pass for nearly a decade concerning these accusations, now many may be unwilling to continue doing that.

Cosby has a particular problem because he constructed a carefully crafted image and persona of the good family man, the devoted husband and dad, the nice guy who promoted wholesome family values. Not only did he reflect these things in the character of Cliff Huxtable, even when out of character, he'd lecture the black community on these matters like a moral scold.

So, to find out that, in reality, he was a womanizer who was unfaithful to his wife, and whose extramarital sexual activities included deceptive druggings and rapes, jolts that image of his to its very foundations. Exposing his hypocrisy, is going to cause many people to find the real Cosby unacceptable, and the sham image no longer appealing or entertaining. They may now be unwilling to buy what's he's selling. They just may not feel like laughing when they see him or listen to him now, because they're thinking about the 16 women, so far, who have accused him of sexual assault and rape.

He can no longer be punished legally, but he can be punished in the court of public opinion in terms of whether people want to continue to support his work and provide him with an audience. Time will tell on that score.

On top of everything else, I think he's handled this whole situation very badly. And having to do a live performance tomorrow couldn't be worse timing. He's probably hoping the Ferguson Grand Jury verdict comes in tomorrow because that will finally knock him out of the news cycle.

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