Quote:Firefly will no doubt be around soon to lie again by saying that I am out of touch with what is going on, that nobody agrees with me but some some throwback wanna be rapists, that the politicians are doing damn fine work, that we have proof that the feminists claims of rampant sexual violence on campus are true yadda yadda yadda......
Where in the article you posted does it confirm that there is a vast feminist/government conspiracy out to get men and prove, "MEN SUCK"? That's been your constant refrain, and it reflects your paranoid delusional thinking rather than any fact based connection with reality.
Reality check: Sexual assaults and rapes are committed most often, against both men and women, by men.
Laws and policies to deal with such crimes will, most often, affect
male perpetrators. That hardly means that they are in place to prove "ALL MEN SUCK" or to "pound on all men". That's a significantly distorted and paranoid interpretation on your part.
It's your paranoia that leads you to conclude that these crime control efforts are bloodthirsty efforts by some murky, secret, vast, "feminist/government conspiracy" to pound on men and prove "Men Suck'. You've made some pretty crazy statements in this thread, including your belief that "feminists" control all research done in universities, and that, even research done by the government, is rigged to get the results these alleged omnipotent "feminists" want. All said without a shred of evidence to back these delusions up. You can't even name these alleged all-powerful "feminists" or explain how they magically pull off this astounding feat of controlling the government and all research.
I'm definitely not lying when I say I think you're nuts--it's a very honest opinion.
You see the whole subject of rape as exclusively a gender issue, an example of a gender war you see men as losing, and, therefore, consequently losing the power to freely express their sexual preferences, whether it's for non-consensual sexual "conquests", underage females, child pornography, or your own BDSM lifestyle. And it's mainly your anxiety about threats to your BDSM lifestyle, and your other personal unsavory sexual preferences, that colors, and distorts, and fosters your paranoia about the topic.
You seem to ignore the fact that sexual assault/rape is first and foremost a
crime, and the current efforts to address and deal with it, whether in the military, on campuses, or in the general population, are attempts at crime control and crime deterrence, and are matters of better insuring safety from such assaults. You've often said you consider the entire matter of safety irrelevant--you don't think safety is a legitimate concern. Well, most people do.
Personally, I've never said we have a "rape crisis" or a "rape epidemic" but I do think we have a significant problem with crimes of sexual assault/rape, and how it is handled, particularly in colleges and the military, and I'm glad these issues are finally being addressed by the government. And I fail to see any significant current influence by alleged "feminists" controlling these efforts, or controlling the government. We do have women in positions of power, like Sen. Gillibrand and Sen. McCaskill, who have focused attention on these issues, and introduced legislation to address them, which simply reflects the fact women in government have gained the clout to make issues of particular concern
to women a matter of attention. That's not "feminism"--it's the legacy of feminist activists who fought to get women the vote, which is what currently enables women to hold those government positions. And our male President and Vice President have put the executive branch of the government behind the effort to improve how these matters are handled on campuses as well, and I fail to see why either of those men would have a rational motive to engage in a crime control initiative that's really a disguised effort to "pound on men" or prove "MEN SUCK!" That's just more paranoia on your part.
We're never going to have exact numbers on the prevalence of crimes of sexual assault/rape, it's not possible to get them, nor do we need them to address the problem of deterring and dealing with such crimes--there should be no acceptable number for crimes of this type. There is near universal opinion that such crimes are significantly underreported, and rarely adequately dealt with when they are reported, and that alone justifies the effort to change that situation.
I think what we are seeing now is the greater willingness for sexual assault survivors to come forward and let their voices be heard, and that's going on on campuses throughout the country now, and it's going on with the Cosby accusers, where women who were reluctant to come forward publicly just 9 years ago, when a civil suit was filed against him, with 13 Jane Doe witnesses ready to testify, are now coming forward, showing their faces, revealing their names, and telling their stories. This is an important shift, and it is accompanied by a greater public and governmental willingness to listen to, and believe, these survivor accounts. That's what driving the impetus for change right now, not some phantom "feminist" conspiracy.
You want to quibble about exact numbers, go right ahead. You want to cling to your paranoid delusions of a vast feminist/government conspiracy that's out to destroy men and prove, "MEN SUCK", go right ahead. I really don't care what you believe. You're just another meaningless crackpot with a keyboard, who thinks he's important, or significant, because he's found a place where he can shoot his mouth off anonymously on the internet--even though the response you've overwhelmingly gotten, even here, mostly reflects contempt, insult, ridicule, or a desire to ignore you altogether.