1 in 5 women get raped?

Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 03:56 pm
A ratio of 1:161 is less than half a percent. So it would seem the state, (ours at least,) is doing a bang up job of discouraging false accusations.
Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 05:00 pm
BTW: me calling Firefly a liar is not a personal attack, it is the truth.

Pinocchio, your nose has grown so long it must be pressing against your computer screen.

The truth is, not only am I not a liar, you have never once given an example, from any post, in any thread, where I've lied about anything. That's because you can't find any instances of that.

Unfortunately, for you, I clearly see the distortions and inaccuracies and errors in your thinking, which occur with alarming frequency, and the flawed conclusions you reach based on your distorted perceptions and interpretations, and I point those out and document them. Because you can never admit you are wrong, or have impaired reasoning abilities, you gratuitously, and childishly, resort to calling me a liar, hoping that will work to discredit me and preserve your fiction that you are winning some sort of debate. All that does is make you look like a rather desperate self-deluded fool--which is exactly what you are.

You're never a contender in any serious debate, you most often wind up being the recipient of ridicule, contempt, insult, or disregard--and that's not because your opinions are radical, or simply unpopular, or unpleasant truths, it's because they are so intellectually insubstantial and shallow, and so clouded by paranoia, and you are so personally devoid of the normal human capacity for empathy, most people, long ago, gave up on any willingness to pay attention to you, let alone engage with you. I'm one of the few that has hung in there, not because I find what you say of any particular interest, but because I am continually astounded by how off the mark and deficient your reasoning skills are, and how pompously you promote your self-serving distorted views, which, of course, you believe are superior to anything else someone else might say, since you feel you are somehow privy to truths that elude the rest of us.

You're a shallow pathetic narcissist, whose ego, and need for attention, far exceeds his intellectual ability to engage in meaningful debate or discussion.

And you have no real interest in the topic of rape, other than your fears that the "feminist/government conspiracy" will move to curb your BDSM lifestyle, a lifestyle, that for you, is dependent on a female's totally submissive acceptance of sexually sadomasochistic actions on your part. You need to feel "conquests"--the whole idea of requiring "consent"--of putting real power, legal power, sexual power, in women's hands, for their own protection, is repugnant to you. And that biased view, one you have even correctly called "twisted", colors everything you have ever said on the topic of rape. That's why we don't have people with equally "twisted" perspectives writing and passing our laws regarding sexual assaults, or determining policy for dealing with offenders or victims, or setting the standards for what is regarded as criminal. On top of everything else, you have no capacity to view the topic of rape with any objectivity at all--the laws governing sexual behaviors all threaten or interfere with your personal sexual appetites. And the bottom line is that you don't want those interfered with and everyone else can be damned.

Fortunately, you'll never be in a position to influence anything in the real world, no matter how many pompous, self-serving, paranoid monologues you deliver here about some vast "feminist/government conspiracy" you insist is out to get men--the laws are never going to bend to accommodate your various perverse sexual preferences, nor should they. You really are at your most ludicrous when you expect normal people, people who think with their brain, and not their crotch, to take you at all seriously.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 05:05 pm
I am not saying the figure is wrong. I am saying it is meaningless. The figure means nothing (other than the fact that people who win criminal lawsuits based on evidence don't generally file counter-suits).

It is a statistic that pretends to have some meaning, combined with an impressive graphic that is nothing but propaganda.

It is especially ridiculous in context. You claim (correctly) that the number of rape charges brought does not indicate the actual number of rapes that happen... but then you go and contradict yourself in this latest twisted argument.
Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 05:12 pm
RS needed to change their first correction to the phony rape story due to complains that they were blaming the VICTIM!!!!!!

She lied and the likelihood that she was a gang rape victim at anytime and anywhere is near zero so how in the hell is she a victim??????

The victims are the people who was harm by her fantasy such as the members of the fraternity she charged had gang rape her in some form of pledge hazing.

Sometime calling this woman as still a victim almost make you wonder about the alternate reality that feminists live in.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 06:03 pm
It's not at all meaningless, they're real figures. For all the files submitted to the CPS, for every 161 prosecutions there is one case of false allegation. It's got absolutely nothing to do with winning or counter suing, but how many are prosecuted. That's what the CPS does, prosecute people.
Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 06:24 pm
Let me explain this to you in terms that you can understand.

The number of rapes that are prosecuted does not indicate the number of rapes that actually occur.

I assume that you understand the principle when I put it in those terms.

You seem to have an ideological blind spot. You make the correct logic argument when it supports your bias, but you can't make the exact same logical steps when it doesn't support your bias.
Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 06:40 pm
Let me explain this to you in terms that you can understand.

The only terms he can understand is if you speak assholery or douchbaggery.

It's a translation thing.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 06:59 pm
The RS excuse for not talking to any of the accused or people who knew them is " we were afraid that they would harm the alleged victim".

Wow. In that case, since you are not willing to do min due diligence, dont run the piece.

It looks like a lie though, because they did not bother to even talk to one of the friends of the alleged victim who found her outside upset on the night in question.

Basically RS got someone to tell the story that they wanted to hear, and then they did no journalism work at all.

This was not journalism, it was propaganda. The university rolled over because of a piece of propaganda.

Equally alarming University administrators say that they need to " keep the momentum rolling" on bashing men in spite of this hoax. What we should be hearing is an apology to all men for their making an assumption that men suck.
Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 07:08 pm
It's not a false report it's from the CPS. Why in your twisted imagination do you think the CPS would release a false report?

Because he's delusional and believes "feminists" control the government, and all research done at universities--but he can't name any of these allegedly omnipotent "feminists" or specify exactly how they manage to exert this enormous influence, or how this is kept secret--he just knows they're out there doing all of this. He can't accept a perfectly respectable, methodologically sound, government or university study as valid, but he's able to accept his own paranoid delusional thinking as the absolute truth.

And BillRM, whom I'm thoroughly convinced can't walk upright without scraping his knuckles on the ground, sucks up to him by chiming in with his own nonsense about the mythical all powerful "feminists"--which he also can't name. It's like watching a folie à deux in action.

These two fear women, and the power and influence of women. "Feminism" has simply become their code word, and scapegoat, for that female power, and the greater assertiveness women in general have expressed regarding issues they consider important to them. "Feminism" is the favored scapegoat of the so-called internet men's rights groups that try to promote men as society's newest victimized group--victimized, of course, by alleged "feminists" who are supposedly hell bent on destroying men.

These two just don't really like, or trust, women.
Dumb and dumber--Hawkeye and BillRM.

When female empowerment threatens inadequate men, they have to find some way of putting them down. If women begin making noise about being sexually assaulted and raped, as well they should, men like that try to brand them as false accusers, and find fault with studies that show the percentage of false accusations are actually quite low, and in line with false reports for other crimes. Or they dismiss rape complaints as "morning-after regrets", or "miscommunications" or "misunderstandings" or as anything else under the sun beside a true sexual assault. And, when that doesn't gain traction, they victim blame, and engage in tactics all designed to make women fearful or ashamed to come forward to report their assaults--just look at how Hawkeye mocks rape victims and what he calls the "victim culture". That's his way of beating on his chest t0 show what a real he-man is. Rape is, apparently, something Hawkeye believes women should just take in stride, and men should be able to do without risking serious consequences.

Hawkeye is like a young child who resents the fact his mother has told him not to play with his penis in public, or in front of other people. And he resents her authority to such an extent, he rebelliously does it even more, simply to upset her. Trouble is, he's no longer a child, but he's still battling his internalized momma, who he now identifies as the "feminists" and he's still complaining they won't let him play with his penis, as he waves it around here, in a juvenile attempt to prove what a real he-man he is.

Neither Hawkeye nor BillRM want to discuss actual rapes--the kind that appear in the news, that I've often posted, that make it clear it's a crime that affects women of all ages, even 100 year olds. That's too real, and too concrete, for them to have to deal with, it doesn't fit into the vague BS they're trying to peddle about rape. But those women in the news are only some of the very real names and faces that make up those statistics that 1 in 5 women will be sexually assaulted during her lifetime. They should remind us we are not discussing an abstract concept, we are discussing a crime that is affecting actual people--whether it's the 16 year old who alleges she was raped by 2 men in a frat house bathroom at Johns Hopkins University this past week, or the woman in her 90's who was raped in her adult home bed by the owner of the home a few weeks ago.

And it's also a crime that has affected at least 5 female members of A2K, and the mother and sister of at least 2 male members of A2K. Some basic decency, which seems to be beyond both Hawkeye and BillRM, should curb the mocking of what those people have experienced.

Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 07:14 pm
Neither Hawkeye nor BillRM want to discuss actual rapes

why would we want to do that, is there some great mystery to rape that we dont understand? The alleged victims can hold a pity party if they want, but it neither does anything for me nor will it prevent a single new victim from being made.

Time and energy are limited, I like to try to use it productively.

Some basic decency, which seems to be beyond both Hawkeye and BillRM, should curb the mocking of what those people have experienced.
So what is your theory here...that if victims are present the rest of us cant talk about sexual abuse policy and the reality of sexual abuse on the national scale if it offends them? Why? They can leave if they dont want to partake. We have a duty to work on the problem while maintaining the rights of every individual as best we can, the first step is to have a conversation.

Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 07:53 pm
Equally alarming University administrators say that they need to " keep the momentum rolling" on bashing men in spite of this hoax. What we should be hearing is an apology to all men for their making an assumption that men suck.

Men would for real suck if a major college fraternity would come up with the idea that a membership hazing would consist of a gang rape and then could find seven candidates that would go along with this idea.

What a low low view of men that the feminists have sold that such a story would be given any credit at least before being check out in fine detail.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 07:54 pm
In important ways, this is wrong. We should believe, as a matter of default, what an accuser says. Ultimately, the costs of wrongly disbelieving a survivor far outweigh the costs of calling someone a rapist. Even if Jackie fabricated her account, U-Va. should have taken her word for it during the period while they endeavored to prove or disprove the accusation. This is not a legal argument about what standards we should use in the courts; it’s a moral one, about what happens outside the legal system.

The accused would have a rough period. He might be suspended from his job; friends might defriend him on Facebook. In the case of Bill Cosby, we might have to stop watching his shows, consuming his books or buying tickets to his traveling stand-up routine. But false accusations are exceedingly rare, and errors can be undone by an investigation that clears the accused, especially if it is done quickly


The claim that false accusations are rare is not proven, and the claim that the system will clear and make whole men who have been falsely accused of rape is a blatant lie. The position of this author in reality is thus "If men get wrongly hurt by our blindly believing those who take the victim label then so be it".

The cost of disbelieving women, on the other hand, is far steeper. It signals that that women don’t matter and that they are disposable — not only to frat boys and Bill Cosby, but to us. And they face a special set of problems in having their say.

First off there is no need to assume that anyone is telling the truth, taking a wait and see till the investigation is done is not "disbelieving " the woman it is making no decision on who to believe. And "sending a signal" is a high cost? how? Next, if I tell you a story at the bar and you dont believe me that is going to make me feel like I dont matter and that I am disposable?? this is nonsense, I never had the right to demand that you take my story as truth , and the evaluation of my story does not impact my self worth. If it did I should be seeing a shrink, not demanding special privileges from those around me. This yet more of treating women like basket cases under the theory that they cant do any better so we need to wrap them in baby blankets and keep them warm and snug . This is what feminism has come to.
Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 08:03 pm
An do not forget Hawkeye that when we do find without question that a woman had indeed level completely false charges against a man or men we can not punish her for doing so.

Of course, as in the case of the Duke player gang rape "victim", after being allow to walk free by the state she went on to murder one of her boyfriends, that approach seems to have some problems and short comings.
Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 08:26 pm
These two fear women, and the power and influence of women. "Feminism" has simply become their code word, and scapegoat, for that female power, and the greater assertiveness women in general have expressed regarding issues they consider important to them. "Feminism" is the favored scapegoat of the so-called internet men's rights groups that try to promote men as society's newest victimized group--victimized, of course, by alleged "feminists" who are supposedly hell bent on destroying men.


Are you just purposely trying to bait me now?

When female empowerment threatens inadequate men, they have to find some way of putting them down.

Is this like a joke or something? So basically if a man disagrees with a woman, that equals him putting her down? Do you ever get tired of listening to yourself speak? Do you ever have a moment of clarity where you laugh at your ideological bullshit?
Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 08:28 pm
An do not forget Hawkeye that when we do find without question that a woman had indeed level completely false charges against a man or men we can not punish her for doing so.

If you punish a false accuser that's victim blaming Bill. Don't you understand???

It's men, I'm sorry MISOGYNISTS exerting power over women. Innocent, victim women.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 08:28 pm
Do you ever have a moment of clarity where you laugh at your ideological bullshit?

I think she knows exactly what she is doing, which is why I call her constant gibberish and untrue statements lies.
Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 08:31 pm
I think she knows exactly what she is doing, which is why I call her constant gibberish and untrue statements lies.

I don't know hawkeye. I kinda think she really believes this stuff. I just hope she can sleep at night; I know it's hard with all these misogynists harassing her. I bet she has PTSD symptoms.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 08:36 pm
In 1985, as crack cocaine use was surging in American cities, the New England Journal of Medicine published a provocative study. Based on preliminary data from 23 women who’d used cocaine while pregnant, the study yielded a rash of news stories suggesting that cocaine use during pregnancy could lead to birth defects and developmental disorders. In time, more studies, many of them failing to account for the effects of poverty and poor prenatal care, led to op-eds and outrage over a generation of so-called crack babies. They would have lowered IQs and be unable to feel love, potty-train, or dress themselves—a “bio-underclass” of black children facing lives of “certain suffering, of probable deviance, of permanent inferiority.” Starting in the mid ’80s, hundreds of women were arrested for using cocaine and other drugs while pregnant, even though the majority gave birth to healthy babies. Thirty women at a hospital in South Carolina, almost all of them black, were surreptitiously tested for cocaine use (some still pregnant, others having just delivered) and arrested, several still dressed in their hospital gowns and bleeding from labor.

As we now know, the mass hysteria over “crack babies” and their deviant mothers was unfounded. Crack cocaine doesn’t do the kind of damage we thought it did to developing babies. It can lead to “small but measurable differences on certain neuropsychological tests,” Boston University professor of pediatrics Deborah Frank says, but nothing like the devastating effects that researchers and the press predicted. Cocaine use during pregnancy is about equivalent to tobacco in terms of its effect on the fetus, and a lot less harmful than heavy alcohol use, says Frank. Unfortunately, instead of learning from this heady mix of bad science, a sensationalist press, over-reaching prosecutors, and the narrative of the selfish mother content to damage her baby, we’re repeating it.

Repeating it and worse. Ten years ago, “meth babies” were supposed to “make the crack baby look like a walk in the nursery,” and when that scourge failed to materialize, we got “oxytots,” as Fox News charmingly dubbed the children born dependent to prescription opioids like Oxycontin.


We keep on seeing these waves of hysteria spread by the media and often politicians, assertions that are not checked against reality and that are used to hurt the kind of people that we want to hurt. It is time to put a stop to it. When we get told of some great evil in this land the first thing we should do, before writing new laws or op-ed pieces and marching in the streets and flooding social media is to ask for proof. A lot of times we will get nothing because there is nothing, sometimes we will get nonproof advertised as proof, and sometimes we will get the proof.

This hysteria about campus rapes looks like typical hysterical fantasy, and while there is a slim chance that it is not we should not be increasing the young male bashing on campus until and unless the government/feminist cooperative supplies the proof.
Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 09:00 pm
We have a national sexual abuse policy--in all 50 states rape is a crime--and what constitutes rape, under various conditions, is clearly defined in the criminal statutes of all 50 states. Crimes of rape are adjudicated in the courts.

Has that basic fact eluded you? Rolling Eyes

There is also a bill pending in the Senate regarding improving the handling of sexual assaults/rapes in the military, which has amongst its primary supporters such diverse bedfellows as Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and Sen. Rand Paul.

Colleges and universities are being pressured to improve the way they handle sexual assaults and to provide educational programs designed to decrease attitudes and behaviors that contribute to sexual assault. Some states have initiated "Yes means yes" consent standards designed to make it clearer whether consent is present or not. Campus sexual climate surveys are being done to independently assess the extent of the problem, and the attitudes that contribute to it. Binge drinking is being addressed. Some consideration of whether fraternities should remain on campuses is going on. Whether serious felony crimes, like rape, should be handled by the criminal justice system, rather than by campus tribunals, is an ongoing discussion. But, certainly in the case of private institutions, final decisions on these matters will be made internally and won't involve the general public, let alone you.

I have news for you, Hawkeye, no one is seeking, or asking for, your help in working on the national problem of sexual assault or the policies to deal with it. Those with real power, in the real world, with quite different views of reality than you hold, are already addressing the issues. Just because you have a keyboard doesn't mean you have a real say in any of it, so you might as well quit being grandiose about the importance of your opinions. 99.9% of the people at A2K stopped paying attention to your views on these issues some time ago--you just don't matter.

And since, over the past 4 years I've been listening to your views on the topic, you've mainly been denying the extent or validity of such crimes of rape, or their impact on victims, and devoted your energy mainly to defending, rationalizing, and minimizing, the behavior of sexual predators, you'd be the last one a rational person would turn to for a meaningful statement on the issue. You're a sexual predator's best ally and supporter.

I must say, though, that, over the past 4 years, your views about a vast feminist/government conspiracy that's out to get men have grown increasingly paranoid and delusional. You're now in full whacko mode, another reason people have grown tired of hearing you express your paranoid fantasies over and over again.....zzzzzzz.

You really don't understand rape at all--for you it seems something natural for men to do, which maybe it is for you. The overwhelming majority of men at A2K have always disagreed with your views on the topic, making your opinions rather idiosyncratic than representative of presenting a male perspective. When asked to explain why women in their 90's are getting raped, since you claim to understand rape so well, I think you finally resorted to deeming those men "pervs"--talk about the pot calling the kettle black--and that was about the extent of your keen intellectual insight into the issue of why crimes of rape occur.

For you, continuing the "conversation" is just more regurgitating of the same BS garbage you've been spouting for the past 4 years. And it's always been a monologue, and never a conversation, because you've never been listening to what anyone else here, or on the rape thread, has been saying, and, consequently, you've never learned anything. You're as wrapped up in your warped, distorted, and narrow, self-serving views as you were 4 years ago, and still vainly trying to get someone other than BillRM, and now nononono, to consider them seriously. That's pathetic.

But at least you have your tin foil hat to protect you from the vast feminist/government conspiracy you just know is out there and out to get all men. I hope you remember to cover your penis and balls with the foil, to better protect them too. Laughing

0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Dec, 2014 09:36 pm
Hawkeye just shut the **** up! Can't you understand that when ideologues spout something, that you're supposed to just drone along in agreement??? If you disagree with people who push the rape hysteria instead of blindly agreeing all you're doing is reciting a "monologue, and never a conversation."

Just shut up hawkeye. Just blindly agree with the gynocentric narrative.

Men, bad. Bad men bad. baaaaaaaaaaaaad.

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