Quote:you use the word "crime" exactly like the priests used to use the word "sin"...it is all decided, we just need to follow along and do as we are told.
Unfortunately for you, crime, unlike a hypothetical notion of sin, is codified in our laws by our legislators, though a democratic process, and people who violate the laws are subject to punishment right here on earth.
You can't reject the notion that rape is a crime, you idiot, because it's not an argument, it's reality. What are you engaging in now--magical thinking? And that's the basis on which the government is currently addressing it--as a crime and a safety issue.
You don't want to abide by the sexual assault/rape laws? Fine, then violate them. But then don't bitch and moan because you were arrested, and possibly imprisoned, for doing so. You're free to violate laws.
Your he-man posturing became stale and tiresome a long time ago. Whether it's your desire to start calling blacks "niggers" again, or your desire to violate sexual assault/rape laws, you simply come across as someone who wants to be offensive, and who doesn't give a damn about anything other than what he wants to do, and the personal perverse--"twisted"-- needs he wants to satisfy in the area of sexuality. Letting you chime in on sexual assault/rape policies, is like listening to the fox describe how the hen house should be guarded.
Sorry, buddy, you can't summarily reject the notion that rape is a crime, and consequently must be addressed on that level, despite the deluded grandiosity that makes you believe you can. All 50 states have codified it as a crime, and that's not going to change, no matter how much you childishly whimper and whine about it interfering with your personal sexual preferences.
You're just plain boring, and bloated with a false sense of self-importance. I don't care what you think, or what you do. You're of no significance.