Quote:I kid in 5 years, a typical Firefly lie
I'm not lying, but you sure are.
20 children were killed
inside their school in the Newtown Connecticut shooting alone, and many others have been killed in school shootings
inside their schools in the past five years.
I was clearly responding to school safety as a general issue, not just in NYC, because you made a general comment about school satety being "not a prudent investment of time or money".
Quote:5 rapes in one year, 1800 schools and 1.1 million kids. OH baby, things are BAD.BAD.BAD! *sarcasm*
And 5 rapes inside NYC schools is 5 rapes too many. That you consider this a statistic to mock with sarcasm suggests, once again, that you prefer to play numbers games, without any regard for those 5 children who were raped
while in school.
Quote:This story tracks like two girls are sexual, but the parental units dont approve, so when they are caught they claim rape.
Regarding the rape allegations in that Bronx school--if you think the Bronx D.A. lightly charges a 13 year old with first degree rape--the most serious rape charge--without having evidence to support the charge, you are out of your mind.
You don't care about children being raped, even while in their schools, or exploited in child pornography either. Most normal people do care about such things and do not share your warped values about such things.
I really consider you a pathetic mess, along with your buddy, BillRM, when it comes to your ability to hold your own in any sort of a balanced mature discussion on any serious crimes relating to any aspect of sex. You both do nothing but deny, or trivialize, or minimize, such crimes, or victim blame, or see most females as liars, all the while being bleeding hearts for the perpetrators of such crimes, who you try to promote as the poor "victims" of some sort of paranoid government/feminist conspiracy that's out to get men.
You two deserve each other--you can share your tin foil.
The Dynamic Duo...

