1 in 5 women get raped?

Lustig Andrei
Reply Sun 2 Nov, 2014 12:37 pm
Good work, sound. I don't know why so many are thumbing you down. I tried to reverse that but the best I could do was return some of those negative marks to zero.

Btw, I hope you realize that what you've accomplished here is just to point out how silly all extremists sound, regardless of which extreme.
Reply Sun 2 Nov, 2014 05:46 pm
@Lustig Andrei,
Good work, sound.

Thanks mate! Very Happy Sorry for the ribbing.

I don't know why so many are thumbing you down

Because people don't like not being privy to a joke when the joke's on them, if I had to guess.

Btw, I hope you realize that what you've accomplished here is just to point out how silly all extremists sound, regardless of which extreme.

Exactly. And that most certainly includes those who attack others simply for expressing a view they don't agree with (usually with straw man type reasoning) instead of really thinking about what they're saying.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Nov, 2014 11:32 pm
Children raping other children--while in school.
Boys charged with raping girls in Bronx school auditorium
Friday, October 31, 2014 11:19AM

Two boys have been charged with raping two girls in the auditorium of JHS 145 in the Bronx.

A 14-year-old boy is being charged as an adult, while a 13 year old will remain in family court.

The school, the Urban Science Academy, is located at 1000 Teller Ave. in the Claremont section of the Bronx.

Authorities said the boys attacked the girls, who are 12 and 13, while they were alone on Oct. 16.

The girls didn't immediately return to class from lunch, but no one was actively looking for them, as they had cut classes in the past.

One of the girls told the assistant principal, who called 911. The other girl told her parents. Both were taken to Lincoln Hospital.

The boys, who were arrested the next day, have been charged as juveniles. The 14-year-old was charged with third-degree rape and first-degree criminal sex act. The 13-year-old was charged with first-degree rape and first-degree criminal sex act.

The Education Department is investigating, and schools Chancellor Carmin Farina released the following statement:

"I am deeply disturbed and saddened by these alleged events. My thoughts are with the students and families affected by this horrible incident. As a mother and grandmother, I treat every student as my own and every school must be a safe haven. The NYPD is addressing this matter, and we have provided additional guidance counselors and support to the school to aid its students and families during this difficult time."

Parents were deeply disturbed by the allegations.

"Me as a parent, I'm concerned right now," parent Victor Fernandez said. "I'm going in there and find out why I wasn't informed about this...they are responsible, because they are supposed to have somebody in there, a teacher, whoever is supposed to be there. You don't leave kids by themselves."

While Farina said that additional guidance counselors and support were added to help students and families, a number of parents told Eyewitness News they had not even heard of the disturbing allegations.

"Nothing was sent home with my son," parent Liana Ramnaraine said. "We were just up talking to the teachers, and nothing was told to us."

The 14-year-old was arraigned in Bronx Criminal Court on Oct 19 and released on $1,000 cash/$10,000 bond. His return date is Jan 5, 2015.http://7online.com/education/boys-charged-with-raping-girls-in-bronx-school-auditorium/373043/
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 12:17 am
The boys, who were arrested the next day, have been charged as juveniles. The 14-year-old was charged with third-degree rape and first-degree criminal sex act. The 13-year-old was charged with first-degree rape and first-degree criminal sex act.

which gives us pretty much no idea what happened, on purpose.

Parents were deeply disturbed by the allegations.
Hopefully they know more than we do, but I doubt that they know much.
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 04:06 am
Odd that the crime was of such a nature that it justify a 14 years old being charge as an adult and at the same time he was released with a thousand dollars cash bond.

Some facts we do not know it would seems.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 04:41 am
Further research found that there is already a civil suit by the parents of the two girls against the school system nor does the following made sense to me

School officials had also wanted the girls to appear at a hearing to determine if the boys should be suspended. Their attorney felt that it was not in their best interest to testify.

A hearing needed to suspend after the two boys had been charge with rape on school property?

I set a google news alert for this event hoping that more info will come out in the future.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 05:23 am
Hawkeye I would think that there is a 50/50 chance that what had occur is four young teenagers skip classes to fool around and when the girls was in dangerous of being found out and punished for doing so they cried rape.

Parents of the girls then saw the chance of a civil suit where they will never need to work again in their lives and are cheerfully pumping up the harm their young women suffer.

Hopefully that is the case and two young girls did not indeed suffer rape but only time will tell one way or another.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Nov, 2014 08:51 am
which gives us pretty much no idea what happened, on purpose.

Allegedly, the boys raped and sodomized the girls for almost 2 hours.

Most people wouldn't want to hear the sickening specifics of the rape of children, but, of course, you would. You'd like to read about every lurid detail, just as you always want to see the revolting pictures when someone is arrested for child pornography.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2014 05:32 am
Another case of rough justice.

The case of an Indian man who tortured and killed his daughter's alleged rapist has shocked the country - but many are hailing him as a hero. The BBC's Geeta Pandey met the family.

When a 36-year-old Delhi father of six told his wife last Friday that he wanted to spend some time chatting with his tenant in their first-floor bedroom and asked her to sleep with the children on the ground floor, she didn't suspect anything unusual.

But what happened that night turned her world upside down.

In this tiny 6ft by 8ft room, the father - according to his own account given to the police - tied and gagged the tenant, heated a steel spatula on the stove and burned the man's genitals. The man did not leave the room alive.

The father - who cannot be named for legal reasons - voluntarily turned himself into the police saying he believed his victim deserved such torture. He believed the man had raped his 13-year-old daughter.

In spite of the new law, the reporting of rape cases in India has gone up hugely - from 24,923 rapes in 2012 to 33,707 last year. It means that every day, 93 rapes were reported.

Against this backdrop, the killing in Khajuri Khas has generated sympathy for the father, with many saying they would do the same.

After the story was first reported over the weekend, many described him as "a hero" who "did what he had to do". Others expressed the hope that he would escape harsh punishment.

It is a sentiment felt on the streets of Khajuri Khas too.

"Any father would do that," says Mohammad Ayub who fixes cycle rickshaws less than a kilometre from the scene of the crime.

"What's the point of going to the police and courts? They ask for all kinds of evidence. In our country, justice takes too long. Justice should be done in two months, but here cases go on for six-seven years."

His colleague Noor Mohammad says the father should not be punished at all. "What he did was right. He should be freed."

Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2014 12:39 pm
Justice should be done in two months, but here cases go on for six-seven years."

I love it no need for a trial or trials and twenty years of appeals just do it yourself and this from the same man who attacked me for thinking that 20 years plus of court reviews and not one but two jury trials is enough to carry out a sentence of death for murder not rape.

Oh and not even a clean death but a death by torture beside..........

No one can ever charge Izzy with being consistent that for damn sure.

Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2014 01:50 pm
Re the Bronx case

The parents and their attorney have now filed a notice of claim against the Department of Education and other departments and are speaking out with a purpose.

"I want justice," the second mother said. "I want the school to close."

School officials had also wanted the girls to appear at a hearing to determine if the boys should be suspended. Their attorney felt that it was not in their best interest to testify.


This looks like one of those cases where young girls defy their mothers and the mothers lash out at everyone besides their daughters. We shall see. I suspect that those two girls were exactly where they wanted to be and were doing exactly what they wanted to be doing.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2014 03:14 pm
Your stupidity really knows no bounds.

You responded to a statement from an article, which was made by someone in India, as though it was made by izzythepush, or a statement he even agreed with or supported.

The article simply reported what one man in India did, out of anger and outrage, to the person he believed had raped his daughter. It's probably the sort of thing most fathers would like to do to those they believe raped their child, but they control themselves, and allow the justice system to run its course, or they institute civil lawsuits, as the mothers of the 2 girls allegedly raped in their Bronx school have done.

Are you even fully familiar with the rape situation in India? You aren't even fully familiar with it in this country--you deny, distort, and demonstrate virtually no factual knowledge of actual state sexual assault laws or how they are implemented.

And your somewhat bizarre and inappropriate response to izzythepush, based on a quote he did neither made nor indicated he agreed with, shows just how clearly you engage in distortion--and false allegations.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2014 03:56 pm
This looks like one of those cases where young girls defy their mothers and the mothers lash out at everyone besides their daughters. We shall see.

I think the lawsuit seems justified, given the fact that no one looked for 2 girls who were missing from their classes for about 2 hours, even though one had left her backpack in her class. The explanation that they had cut classes before, to explain the lack of concern, doesn't fly, particularly since these children were still on school property, and the school was responsible for their safety, In addition, the 2 boys were presumably missing from their classes as well. So, 4 children disappear from class in the middle of the day, and no one shows any concern or interest?

I think the civil suit against the Education Department may well be justified, and definitely justified if the rape allegations can be supported.
I suspect that those two girls were exactly where they wanted to be and were doing exactly what they wanted to be doing.

What makes you suspect that, particularly since you said in your previous post you don't know what actually happened? This is your usual knee-jerk response that either, the females are lying about rape, or it's just a case of "kids fooling around".

What should make you question your own assumptions in this case is the fact you don't know what the 2 boys may have said went on with the girls, or what they may have admitted to doing. These girls were medically evaluated, and you have no idea about the types of injuries they might have displayed which would support the charges against the boys, one of whom, the 14 year old, is 6 feet two and 175 pounds. A charge of first degree rape is extremely serious, it's the most serious rape charge, and it has been leveled against the 13 year old boy, and they are seeking some way of trying him as an adult rather than in Family Court, because of that.

If I were you, I'd stick to your original statement that you don't know what happened, rather than trying to trivialize what might have happened. You have been wrong in the past when you've jumped to trivialize or deny criminal behaviors---most glaringly in the case of the college prof who was arrested for viewing child pornography on his laptop while on a plane. He was guilty of doing that, and he was convicted.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2014 04:05 pm
No one looked for the girls because they ditch classes on a regular basis, and constantly tracking them down sucks up time that is supposed to go to educating the kids who want to learn.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2014 04:15 pm
I guess you won't be visiting India, there's no telling what an angry mob would do to a creature like you.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2014 04:21 pm
No one looked for the girls because they ditch classes on a regular basis, and constantly tracking them down sucks up time that is supposed to go to educating the kids who want to learn.

At the very least, I think the school should be obligated to contact the parent each time a student is missing--for hours. And, in this case, 4 children were apparently missing.

No, this is a safety and security matter that takes no time from the job of educating students. It takes little time for someone, other than a teacher, to make a phone call. And security should be patrolling the building, all of it, all of the time, particularly when any children are missing from class. These children were all on school property.

Sorry, saying that the girls previously cut their classes is a half-assed excuse that no parent should buy. And the NYC School Chancellor is not offering, or supporting, it.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2014 04:32 pm
Reports are it was 90 minutes, not hours that they were not in class, and we dont know how much of that 90 minutes they spent *******.

Also, I found all of the robocalls about my kids ditching extremely annoying. And they did not happen in real time, they happened after 430.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2014 04:52 pm
Reports are it was 90 minutes, not hours that they were not in class, and we dont know how much of that 90 minutes they spent *******.

If they were missing for 90 minutes, it doesn't matter what they were doing--they were missing during a time the school was responsible for their welfare, and they were inside the school building.

And this is hardly the first instance where students have been raped, or reportedly raped, by fellow students while in school. It is very much a safety and security issue for schools. And lawsuits against them, when they fail in that regard, seem quite appropriate. It may be the best way to get the situation addressed or improved.

Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2014 04:58 pm
There are what, over 30 million kids in k-12? I have no doubt that rape of a kid in school has happened. I also dont doubt the stats the claim that yschools are almost the safest place to be in this country, and that this generation of kids is the best behaved of any in a very long time. School safety in not a prudent investment of time or money.
Reply Wed 5 Nov, 2014 05:11 pm
I guess you won't be visiting India, there's no telling what an angry mob would do to a creature like you.

Oh so India is going to allowed people to be torture to deaths for being charge by a private person with raped not for being found guilt after a trial even?

With how you love to try to tar anyone who dare to degree with you with being evil just as you had just done with me I would think that you would love such a nation not the nation you was born into where there is a rule of law.

Even so I find it very odds that you was so upset when I stated that after 20 plus years of legal reviews and not one but two jury trials it come a time to executed the men found guilt of murder.and are the other hand you are overjoy with the torture/murder of a man that had not found guilty of any crime. Hell the father could be the rapist of his own daughter and using the killing of this man to draw attention from himself for that matter.

Also you might run into a little problem by short circuiting the legal system as this father/murderer/torturer did as if he is not deal with by the India government legal system he is likely to be deal with by the family members of the man he took it in his own hand to be the judge and the jury and the torturer for that matter.

One of the major reason nations have legal systems in to keep private wars from breaking out.
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