I getcha. I've still got deep seated tricycle issues.
Fall on a tricycle saet and have the seat deep in your fundament, didja?
I feel your pain, brother...
Talking about Gerry Ford - how many times did he fall over? Was he an habitual type or was it just occasional, perhaps the odd recreational fall but nothing to indicate a reliance or heavens above, an addiction.
Thanks, Ms. D. I still get anxiety attacks whenever I get near a preschool... or an old folks home.
President Ford was good for the errant ball on the golf course as well.
Old folks' home?????
Ford was reliably clumsy, poor fella. I don't think he was as spectacular as Bush Junior - but he did HIS pratfalls in the glare of the cameras. W. seems to fall down in relative privacy.
I think the crowning moment of body letting a leader down was the awful day when Bush Senior vomited on the Chinese Premier, then collapsed.
My whole body squirmed in embarrassment for him - not that I was a supporter of his - but this is just human misery writ large, no?
Yeah, the old folks home. I don't know about there but here we've got some of our oldies riding the great big three wheeled bikes.
Barf-gate did make one feel for him regardless of politics. Of course that was right on the tail of his having given the bird to a certain sun burnt country.
He gave us the bird?
I thought Johnson had the Bird?
Or did Bird have the johnson..........damned memory......
Bush Snr and the puking incident. I remember that. I felt for him too. Is it genetic?
This was just days prior to Bush giving the ol' heave ho in Japan.
After telling the press he was an expert in hand gestures, George Bush gave the "V-for-Victory" sign as he drove in his armored limousine past demonstrators in Canberra, Australia's capital in January 1992. In Australia, holding up two fingers to form a "V" has the same vulgar meaning as the middle-finger gesture in the United States. The Aussie demonstrators were very mad, and they signaled in the same manner back at the U.S. President. Bush later apologized.
It depends which way it is turned.
Palm towards observer is V for victory - the other is indeed a rude gesture.
Was he impressed with their accompanying politeness? Fancy demonstrators so kindly returning his good wishes!