Guess they need to put the training wheels back on.
Well I guess thats a bit of poetic justice after the conservative bloggers and posters had a field day with Kerry falling off of his (example
Especially one Eric's post back then is funny now:
Quote:Kerry: Bike Flip-Flopper
John Kerry says he can ride a bike ... but when he rides a bike, John Kerry falls.
Don't you want a leader who can ride a bike?
George W. Bush. Steady bike riding during times of change.
He also managed to fall off a Sedgeway - and you're NOT supposed to be able to do that. Let's not mention pretzels.....
whats a SEdgeway?
nudge nudge
Sorry, SEGWAY = one of those stand-on personal transporters. We were all going to have one by the end of the year....
Quote:In June 2003, Bush fell off a Segway human transporter while at the family estate in Kennebunkport, Maine. The two-wheel scooter was a present for George Bush senior on his 79th birthday.
no, I asked what's a sedgeway, and you were supposed to say about 3 pounds
If we are lucky he will fall off his high horse in November.
I think he fell off a grecian urn once too.
But,Bush didnt blame his accident on a secret service agent,nor did he call an agent a SOB.
farmerman wrote:no, I asked what's a sedgeway, and you were supposed to say about 3 pounds
Guess nobody picked up on the segueway you set up, farmerman.
theyll laugh later. Im hoping to see a few chuckles tomorrow. Mondays are a bitch
doglover wrote:mysteryman wrote:But,Bush didnt blame his accident on a secret service agent,nor did he call an agent a SOB.
You know, I have a hard time feeling sorry for GW falling off his wittle bike and hurting himself when I think of the over 700 American troops who have died in Iraq, ....
I dont think anyone asked you to feel sorry for Bush. Mysteryman just pointed out that at least he didn't feel sorry for himself, either (as opposed to ...). Fair enough.
Didnt that Humpty Dumpty guy have a great fall too?