And for us to give Israel weapons, including mortar shells, when this is happening is pure cowardice.
I see your point, max, quite clearly. Obama did speak out recently, but tepidly, highlighting the reality that he along with the rest of the US congress are frightened to death of Israel. Despite the strides Obama made in his legacy achievement, ACA, his failure to speak out loudly and forcefully, refusing to use the cutting off of funds to Israel will leave a black mark on his administration.
Israel has no incentive to stop killing as many Palestinians as they want because there is are no restraints put on the Zionist nation by his major benefactor, the US. One member of congress, Senator Lindsey Graham, said on National TV "Israel should do whatever it needs to do to protect itself." This US coldblooded congress cannot see the inhumanity of overkill of so many Palestinian children. Israel has destroyed so much of Gaza, now it wants the world to pat it on the back and "say well done! You did what you had to do to protect your nation." This is where I find extreme fault with President Obama. Under President George Herbert Walker Bush (sr) he and the barely 5 feet PM Yitzhak Shamir, got into it.
The late Yitzhak Shamir, former Mossad Head, adamant Zionist, who was fighting for Israel before there was a state of Israel, requested a 10-Billion dollar loan guarantee from the then US. President George Herbert Walker Bush who refuse to do so unless Israel promised to stop building settlements in the West Bank. The barely 5 feet PM, Yitzhak Shamir, went on TV and started screeching "No power on earth will prevent Israel from building anywhere in Palestine it feels like building." There was a backlash after President Bush went on TV speaking to the American public: "Here I am, just one little guy, and the Israeli lobby and its supporters are applying all types of pressure to me." Needless to say, the PM did not get his 10-Billion dollar loan guarantee to bring in Russian Jews and Ethiopians Jews (Falashas)* Under the Clinton administration, Israel got its 10-Billion dollar loan guarantee.
Shakespeare's Brutus: "There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in shallows and in miseries."
*Israel has come out and admitted that it's been giving Ethiopian Jewish immigrants contraception injections.