Setanta wrote:I once dreamed of being an alleged retired lawyer . . . but it sounded like too much work.
I find some tepid humor
(not "hi-lar-i-ous", to be sure, but worth half a smile)
in the doubt exhibited toward one of my former careers; harmless.
What 's the big deal qua being a trial lawyer? It was fun; for me, it was natural.
Its not as if I had claimed to be an astronaut.
U know, Setanta, your brutal rudeness to the contrary notwithstanding,
u have a certain charm about u.
I'm glad that u r still in the forum. It wud be less, without u.
I take mild pleasure in my choice of reticence anent a job
that I was awarded after a successful NY political campaign
in which I worked. I can imagine both the scorn & skepticism
with which I 'd be assailed, if I 'd mentioned that.
It will remain nameless.
good for a chuckle, maybe 2
That 's Setanta's cue to impugn my I.Q. )