OmSigDAVID wrote:oristarA wrote:So we could imagine that the Great Britain would have to suffer such period
after its failure of the American Revolutionary War.
The people there would search the reason behind the failure.
Really???? Did thay
What do u think, Izzy??
It's bloody nonsense, that's what I think, schoolboy theorising based on a limited understanding of human nature coupled with total ignorance of historical events. No facts, nothing whatsoever to support such idiosyncratic theorising.
It's all assumptions, it assumes that the people of Britain believed that the king ran the country under "Divine Guidance From God." That's nonsense, we'd already cut one king's head off, and kicked another one off the throne for getting too big for his boots.
It also assumes some sort of religious fervour in troops; people join the army for all sorts of reasons, not least money. They might even have been pressganged. What about the Scottish troops who fought at Quebec, whose fathers fought at Culloden? What's their take on God's plan?
All Oristar has is a theory, which he keeps banging on ad nauseam. He has nothing whatsoever to back this theory up, no facts, no evidence, nothing. Just appeals to common sense, which is ironic, because common sense dictates that if something occurred, there should be some bloody evidence of it.