oristarA wrote:Making clear Setanta's thinking pattern is important.
Let me help u to understand what transpired.
Your information has been incomplete. I 'll explain.
Some knowledge of background is necessary.
I 've never met Setanta, except in this forum.
Here, I 've known him for years n years n years.
I have found him to be a
bully, guilty of
many years of chronic verbal abuse, tormenting almost everyone,
including myself and including people who are new to A2K.
I 'm comfortable with being confrontational.
I 'm also comfortable with being vindictive.
It can be fun to be a
(That means punitively and vengefully to
DOMINATE the bully.)
On approaching a friend, u might give him a friendly
pat on the shoulder; not so Setanta.
In recognition of his ultra-chronic insolence, on socially
approaching Setanta, (
figuratively speaking) I knock him off his chair,
throw him on the floor and kick him in the head, just to say "hello".
Then the conversation begins from there.
If Setanta is a cobra, then I am a mongoose. I
toy with the serpent.
To be more specific, on encountering him, I expose him to ridicule
in front of his friends. Setanta
knew that in my opening remarks
(which u have quoted), I was scorning him. That's Y he accused me
of picking a fight with him.
[As per your expressed desire, I will add corrections in
red font.]
oristarA wrote:
a reason-based thinking pattern is vital for sustainable
development of knowledge and intelligence
, there is hardly
an alternative.
Modern science booms because its method is reason-based.
A force-based pattern would simply repeat itself.
It is not sustainable in expanding its wisdom and is short-lived.
For example:
Quote: Setanta wrote:
. . . you may explain just how it was that Jefferson, largely a political non-entity at the time of the revolution, . . .
OmSigDAVID wrote @Setanta:
Did the Declaration of Independence have anything to do with the Revolution?? Thay didn't invite ME to write it.
Setanta wrote @OmSigDAVID :
The Declaration of Independence was written by a committee, and it was not original work on Jefferson's part. If you had not simply jumped into the thread looking for an opportunity to pick a quarrel, you'd know that, because Walter has already posted about it.
OmSigDAVID wrote @Setanta:
Yea, I 'm SURE that the Founders went looking for political non-entities at the time of the revolution to write the Declaration of Independence; a condition precedent to eligibility! Right!
Setanta wrote @OmSigDAVID :
Read the thread, pea-brain, rather than just jumping in to try to pick a fight.
oristarA wrote:It initially seemed to be a decent intellectual conversation between two gentlemen. Naturally, one would hope to learn something from the dialogue. David was in favor of Setanta's political non-entities theory.
My agreement was uttered in
sarcasm. I was
scorning Setanta; provoking him.
He knew that.
oristarA wrote:
We expected a reciprocal situation to appear, because the atmosphere was gentle and warm, like a balmy breeze wafted through the words. Yet abruptly, Setanta burst out a harsh tone from nowhere, as if a jarring noise suddenly arose to tear apart a pleasant music - he threw out the nasty word: pea-brain!
I was shocked when I saw him doing this. Was he insulting David?
Yes; defensively.
I started it,
challenging his assertions of history with
sarcastic skepticism.
oristarA wrote:But David agreed with him.
Only ostensibly, superficially.
oristarA wrote:Was he insulting himself? For what reason then?
I suspect that he knew that I was ready for a
examination of his allegations, with less adulation for him than he likes.
That did not come to pass.
oristarA wrote:The latter seems more likely to me. How about you?
So the mild dialogue came to a halt and frozen since.
It may induce one to think that Setanta was perhaps mentally ill. He's not.
Some of us have speculated that he suffers from Tourette's Syndrome,
but we r not diagnosticians. To his credit, he is not as bad as he was years ago.
Maybe he found a better psychiatrist.
Some have speculated that he is just a
nasty drunk that relieves
his tensions in castigation of the members of this forum.
He who approaches Setanta must expect him to
BE Setanta.
Be ready for a fight. If u expect that, u can have fun with it.
I am
skeptical that he is
ABLE to restrain his churlish acrimony.
Everything considered, I 'm glad that he is here
and I 'd be disappointed if he left this forum.
He adds
color to it and he is knowledgeable.
A2K woud be less without him.
oristarA wrote:Just because force is at the core of his thinking pattern. [That's not a complete sentence.]
Regardless of whether David agreed him or not, he would always want to mount a high horse to show his non-existent superiority in an intellectual discussion. Why non-existent or short-lived? It all boils down to the unsustainability of a force-based thinking pattern.