I agree with Found Soul, with the acknowledgement that your love interest is young...meaning she is likely more prone to changing her mind about how she feels about any given thing.
It looks like you will have to wait till the camp, and see what happens.
Were anything to happen earlier, then 'What to say' is difficult to say, because:
- conversations are fluid; and
- it's usually much more about how you say something, than what you say (The same words, said different ways, can produce profoundly different reactions).
For example, if she said 'Why did you take so long to call me', and you said 'Because I was a douche'...you can say that in a way that:
- puts yourself down & sounds cynical, and you can say that in a way that
- says 'I don't know what I was thinking -I'm normally sane' (in a way that doesn't show you devaluing yourself)...or you can say that in a way that
- makes you sound depressed and doormatlike.
Each will likely produce a different response in her.
Advice in this area can be a minefield. We're all human, and we make mistakes - that we learn from. Mistakes don't make us less worthwhile. Acknowledge what you've done, acknowledge that she has the right feel the way she feels, and still go about your life with empathy & self assurance.
P.S. Empathy and self assurance aren't incompatible (even when you've made a mistake)